First Sex Doll Brothel in North America to Open in Toronto


Mar 14, 2017
When driverless cars and GPS all perfectly sync up with traffic lights wrecks will be super rare.
While I would love to avoid a DUI by saying- Car, take me for beer, I'm pretty sure I don't want some AI deciding who goes off a cliff.
Medical malpractice is a serious problem. And teachers don't have the time or capacity to do what we need them to do
Dr. and teacher robots would likely be programmed poorly (intentionally).
Sexual education in America is like a cross between what people discover on Google search and a Catholic priest preaching about demons
Don't forget Urban Dictionary.


Jul 27, 2017
I still don't understand the sex doll thing at all. Mainly, how do people get past the point of laughing at the ridiculousness of it to actually go through with it? I really don't get it. Maybe people are wanting a prostitute but trying to avoid getting STIs? I don't even judge people who pay prostitutes for sex, it's not something I would ever be comfortable with, but at least I can understand it somewhat. Sex bots though... I would be too busy trying not to laugh at myself.
There's a lot that goes on in minds we are yet to understand. People who do things that we see as absurd. I mean, it's their thing. But I put this in the same category as those who choose to stay in abusive relationships. In other words. What's the point if there's no love in return?


Mar 13, 2017
While I would love to avoid a DUI by saying- Car, take me for beer, I'm pretty sure I don't want some AI deciding who goes off a cliff.

Dr. and teacher robots would likely be programmed poorly (intentionally).

Don't forget Urban Dictionary.
Trade-offs man. These senseless traffic fatalities need a real solution. Automakers break their own necks trying to make their vehicles safe. And people just have a license to be dumb.

I think that free market competition would eliminate the poor programming. Unless one corporate monopoly takes over the whole thing. Bias, on the other hand, will always be a real problem.


Apr 12, 2017
There's a lot that goes on in minds we are yet to understand. People who do things that we see as absurd. I mean, it's their thing. But I put this in the same category as those who choose to stay in abusive relationships. In other words. What's the point if there's no love in return?
Yeah nah! Staying in an abusive relationship is totally different. You can't compare that at all! The sex bot is not the parent of your children, or you are not financially dependent on it, and it doesn't have any family with expectations you feel guilty about.....etc.


Jul 27, 2017
Yeah nah! Staying in an abusive relationship is totally different. You can't compare that at all! The sex bot is not the parent of your children, or you are not financially dependent on it, and it doesn't have any family with expectations you feel guilty about.....etc.
It's still a mind loop imo.
Perhaps I worded it wrong. But I'm just saying some people have a lot of mental problems.
Enviromental, toxin exposure etc. We're all struggling through life. Just depends how you see it