Equality Will Never Exist In This World


Mar 13, 2017
Mecca, if I'm physically and mentally stronger than you how would that make us equal?

Also, this is a hypothetical question and in no way am I saying I'm actually stronger or mentally tougher than you.
I'm not talking about physical equality, I'm saying we are all humans on the same planet, we all live and die and God made all of us. Our spirits are separate from our physical bodies. I think everyone's spirit is of equal importance.

When I think of equality I'm more so talking about equal opportunity and people's rights to be respected and to not be treated as lesser than others. Obviously everyone is different from each other and some individuals are born in a better situation or are more skilled at different things compared to others, but that really has nothing to do with equality in my opinion.


Mar 16, 2017
Equality doesn't mean being identical. The word equality itself denotes a value judgement.

I think most rational people will say men and women are different and that there are differences clearly among individuals however you get push back when you say they aren't equal because then you are saying someone has MORE VALUE.

There's no reason why your physical strength superiority should be worth more then my nurturing superiority. If that makes sense..
Mar 22, 2017
There's no reason why your physical strength superiority should be worth more then my nurturing superiority. If that makes sense..
It does. Alot of sense.

And since I'm me - I'll just drop this little reminder here:

(Verily, the Muslim men and women, the believing men and women, the men and the women who are obedient (to Allah), the men and women who are truthful, the men and the women who are patient, the men and the women who are humble (before their Lord Allah), the men and the women who give Sadaqat (i.e. Zakat, and alms, etc.), the men and the women who observe Saum (fast), the men and the women who guard their chastity and the men and the women who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise).)

(Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer verily, to him We will give a good life, and We shall pay them certainly a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do (i.e. Paradise in the Hereafter).)​


Mar 26, 2017
I see what you mean by equality now. Let me know if I have it right. You believe that all humans have the right to equal life as in no matter our differences our lives should be weighed as equal and if this equality is disturbed such as with violence we should be able to defend our life, right?

Malcolm X was a great man. Very intelligent, brave, and God fearing. He was a good Muslim and may the Most High be pleased with him.
I think you've got my thinking pretty much right as far as what is equality. I find it strange to think solely in terms of equality, though. I don't really think in those terms. Really, I think in terms of libertad which means freedom. When I think about what it is that I want, I hear the word libertad over and over in my mind. That's the word I focus on. Equality sounds confusing because it can be interpreted a million different ways and this creates disputes which are purely linguistic. But also I don't think equality is really a standalone term. Its like trying to talk about the Beatles in terms of just Ringo. Equality involves equal rights- but equal rights to what? Equal rights to life and freedom. And so equality, life and freedom can't really be conceived separately. It might be theoretically interesting to try to analyze the Beatles purely in terms of George or Ringo but I would stay focused on the Beatles as an organic whole and any analysis of the Beatles from a Ringocentric perspective would need to return from an atomized, Ringo-centered analysis, back to a wholistic analysis of the Beatles as a whole. Things like equality are like interconnected parts which don't make sense without their connection to other parts. To be sort of blunt, I think this is why singleness might be harder on women than men. It is easier for the male organ to be seen as a standalone "part" than for the woman's organ to be seen as a standalone part. If I'm walking outside, I might see a stick on the ground and there's nothing particularly strange about a stick laying on the ground. But if I see a hole laying the ground, I might call the local news. I don't mind a hole in the ground. I mean an emptiness, a hole just laying on the ground like "hi, I'm a visible emptiness without boundaries. Just a mere emptiness, a mere hole. And I'm laying on the ground. And doing so at an angle. I am not a part of the ground. I am simply an autonomous hole. Not a hole within something but just an autonomous hole. Just chillin'." I mean I would be sort of disturbed. I might call the police. Now if it was a hole in the ground- okay, cool. But just an autonomous hole that's not a hole in something...... what on earth. What if the hole gets up and starts walking? I might call on Jesus. Of course, if it's a stick laying on the ground, that's perfectly normal.

Equality involves equal rights. And equal rights to what? So you see, without reference to larger web of concepts, equality is like train tracks without a train. Or an x in algebra. It cannot be defined in the absence of some factor. X has to equal something. So it is not a standalone concept.

Anyways, that is the strange and perilous forest we end up in if we focus on equality and are generous and don't take up the SJW interpretation of it. But there's not really an accurate way of describing how I think of equality because I don't really think in terms of equality. That in itself is strange to me. And depending on its interpretation, it might be good or evil. Equalitycentrism is Marxist, SJW nonsense and they use a term that may or not be evil- because they actually are evil and the vagueness of "equality" helps to conceal this. The scoundrels! A doctor should not be paid the same as a cashier. Revolution is great. I'm for the revolution but what revolution?

I'll quote from Insurgent Mexico, a book about the Mexican Revolution:

"We are fighting," said Isidro Amayo, "for Libertad."
"What do you mean by Libertad?"
"Libertad is when I can do what I want!"
"But suppose it hurts somebody else?"
He shot back at me Benito Juarez' great sentence:
"Peace is the respect for the rights of others!"
I wasn't prepared for that. It startled me, this barefooted meztizo's conception of Liberty. I submit that it is the only correct definition of Liberty- to do what I want to! Americans quote it to me triumphantly as an instance of Mexican irresponsibility. But I think it is a better definition than ours- Liberty is the right to do what the Courts want.

Where I live and especially with young people, everyone was for Bernie Sanders and it's hip to be for "the revolution". But me and my friend were talking and we talking about social justice warriors and how their revolution is against freedom and against free speech. We were talking about the repression represented by "safe spaces" and how we hate "safe spaces". We can't be ourselves in these "safe spaces". I showed my friend the passage I just cited and I said that's the revolution I'm for and if your revolution is against that, then "f*** your revolution". That's just how I feel.

If some elite group of white liberals gets to decide what's PC and what's not- and then to impose that on everyone else, then this represents the centralization of power. I am for the decentralization of power. The status quo is the centralization of power and any SJW who is for the centralization of power, I think, is a hypocrite because they stand for the status quo yet they pretend to be radicals. I'm sorry but if I'm going to school and you declare school a safe space and I'm not allowed to say or think anything that clashes with your ideology, then you're a Nazi as far as I'm concerned.


Mar 13, 2017
You mean in another thread, right?

Jesus went to church?
Sorry, I guess you didn't bring it up.

Jesus is the head of the church...He died for the people in His church which is what I meant.


Mar 13, 2017
if I'm going to school and you declare school a safe space and I'm not allowed to say or think anything that clashes with your ideology
I think a safe space is supposed to be a place where people feel free to respectfully debate anything and are freely able to express their opinion respectfully and peacefully.

That's what it's described as at my school.


Mar 26, 2017
I think a safe space is supposed to be a place where people feel free to respectfully debate anything and are freely able to express their opinion respectfully and peacefully.
According to Google,

safe space
  1. a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm.
My friend was in a safe space and he showed a rap video by Kodak Black where a white guy and a black guy were fighting then they became the beeeeeeest of friends and it was supposed to be a message of interracial unity but the sjw-in-chief made him not show the video because it showed people fighting...... the sjw people are nazis. they want to impose their weird ideologies on society and they rule from the above.

I am all for radicalism and all that. But it has to be rule from below. If it's people from the top imposing their ideologies on the people below then I am against it and that's exactly what the safe space culture is. Even you yourself use the term "supposed to be" suggesting that you yourself might think that the safe spaces are not in practice what they're supposed to be in theory. But the google definition shows that theory behind it is not what you said. Even the theory in itself is wrong. I live in a Mecca (no pun intended) of safe space culture. And people have no right to impose it that garbage on me. I was invited to a safe space where we were supposed to discuss relationships. I refused to attend and the person who organized was offended. I later found out that attendees were "educated" about that same gender theory crap that was in that Bill Nye propaganda video. So what would have happened if I said that God made man and woman and there are two genders?

These safe spaces are safe spaces for- who???? Younger people who are into these new theories about 152 genders and all that. But someone like me who believes there are two genders is not welcome to speak their mind in a space like that. Facts might hurt someone's feelings.

And that's totally unequal. If such-and-such wants to say there's 152 genders, fine, let them say that. But I should have a right to speak my own mind. In practice, the safe spaces are a place where I'm not welcome because I'm not into these new gender ideologies that have been introduced to make sterile the population.

And the truth is, there are REAL problems. Poverty, abuse of children, violence. For example, I've hung out in the projects in Oakland and I've seen the poverty in Mexico. I don't really care about saving middle-class white liberals. I'm sure they have problems too but I'm more focused on the most marginalized. If you go to the most marginalized people, if you go to Syria, for example, I think they have way bigger problems than someone not conforming to their demands as far as gender pronouns. Liberals stay fighting the safe fights. Someone isn't Malcolm X because they're fighting the officially-sponsored fight for compliance in gender pronoun demands to promote sterility and unisexualization. That's what's being pushed by the elites and I'm not taking anyone seriously as some type of radical because they're parroting the elites' agenda. That's exactly what I mean by revolution from above. The SJWs fight safe, comfortable fights over nonissues because there are REAL issues they do nothing about and they feel guilt so they fight elite-sponsored fights over nonissues so they can feel better. We're not gonna fix what goes on in the projects and amongst the most marginalized people by imposing this white people stuff on them. If we want to help Africa, we're not going to do anything by going over there and teaching them some white peoples' ideologies about gender so Africans can become as sterile as Europeans.

And I understand this is a harsh thing to say but it's true. Europeans in general are not vikings these days. They feel terrified of brown people because these brown people come from countries where the people are more virile and fertile and that's why they're afraid of brown people taking over. If the white man wants to jump off a cliff, he is free to do so but he has no business expecting me to follow him. He can jump off that cliff by himself and even the smart white people don't want to jump off that cliff. Why do you think white people want to grow dreadlocks and want so badly to escape their whiteness? Their culture has lost its virility and if the rest of us follow their example we will lose our virility as well.

I don't mean anything against white people but even these white people themselves are talking about this. Watch this video before you think or say that I'm crazy:

there's a method to the madness we are seeing in Western culture. I sound crazy because I'm aware of the method and I understand it's about depopulation and eugenics and this video explains the method I'm talking about.


Mar 26, 2017
What's wrong with white people growing dreadlocks?
I don't really care if white people grow dreadlocks or engage in other forms of Rachel Dolezalism. If white people want to grow dreadlocks or black people want to get blonde weaves like that's perfectly natural.... I mean people can do that stuff if they want to. That's their business. They can do that all they want. And I'll mock them all I want. If you saw a bird that started meowing and tried to pretend it was a cat- wouldn't you laugh? I would.

But mocking birds who think they're cats is not the point. I understand why some black people might try to be white. It makes sense when you have a group that's been on the receiving end of colonization and enslavement. But what about white people who want to be black? Are they traumatized from the brutality of brutal black slavemasters that kidnapped them and brought them to a land colonized by Africans? No. So why do the Rachel Dolezals of the world want to be black? And I'm not really not trying to mock entire races of people. Rachel Dolezals and "uncle toms" are ripe to be mocked but not because they're members of this race or that race but because they are uncomfortable in their own skin and are laughable. I know Rachel Dolezal is not the only one who is like that. I was at work when I was a teenager and my white coworker was rapping in the kitchen. He kept saying the n word and I tried to get him to stop doing using it in his raps. But he helpfully explained to me that he is super black. Like, he's really really black. He listened to some Tupac and now he's a black person and he tried to explain to me his transracial blackness and how he's actually black even though he's white. I mean, of course it was absurd that he thought he could change his race by listening to rap music but there is the more fundamental question- why does he want to change his race in the first place? With a black "uncle tom" it would make sense given the context of a white supremacist power structure- but why does this guy want to change his race? This was way before Rachel Dolezal so I understand Rachel Dolezal and Post Malone are not isolated examples but are representative of a certain segment of the white population.

Since black people did not colonize whites and enslave them, what is at the root of Rachel Dolezalism? And it's a very old phenomena by the way. Norman Mailer published "The White Negro" in 1957 and Rachel Dolezal, my coworker, and Post Malone are just modern-day examples of what he was talking about.

Certain white people want to become other races to escape the sterility of their own culture. Look at how white people look at other cultures:

I found this fascinating quote in a book I'm thinking of reading...
"I subscribe to Arab TV and hear many Muslim religious leaders tell the world “we will conquer Rome, Britain, and America,” and frankly even without “conquering,” they can do a lot of long-term harm and create civil unrest through immigration, high birth rates, and proselytizing among vulnerable Western citizens."
Guess I'm not the only one who thinks these things...
If white people perceive other races as these super fertile, hyperpotent beings, then it makes sense that some would try to imitate those other races in order to somehow gain their fertility and virility. However, the actual reason that white people have low birth rates is not due to their whiteness. There's nothing inherently wrong with white people.

But you see, the entire human race has been colonized by a giant, evil, many-tentacled system. And that system is headquartered in Europe. So I don't hate white people. I actually feel bad for white people. I wish them nothing but good fortune in their struggle to break free of the evil system that has imposed itself on them. And finally giving that system the death it deserves will necessitate cooperation between people of all races.

But the thing about a person whose mind has been raped and colonized by an evil system...... deep down they know there's something wrong even though they can't quite put a finger on it. And so they are fighting against cognitive dissonance. They want to convince themselves there is nothing wrong and that they aren't brainwashed. So then they want to push their mental disease on others. I don't hate the person who has a mental disease but I love myself, recognize my equality as a human being and recognize my right to survival and independence. So when a person- regardless of their skin color- approaches me, has a mental disease and wants to force their mental disease on me- then I have to force that person to back up off me and stay out of my affairs. It's nothing personal.


Mar 26, 2017
I might have somewhat of an understanding of the reasons behind this but this still uggggggghhhh. major UGH. I understand UGH is more of a grunt than a word but this makes me say UGH.



May 8, 2017
My view on equality is that in the truest sense of the word it simply does not exist. We are all born with different talents, parents, and have different work ethics and therefore in the truest sense of the word, none of us are equal. There is so much variance from one individual to another that them being equal is impossible. If equality truly existed we could all be doctors, or we could all become presidents, or we could all squat 600 lbs, and etc.
Inequality is reflected in all forms of life but we are all equal in the sense that we get to 'live' and experience. How we live or how we experience the world may differ and some of us, who are cut short, may not get an equal chance but we all get that chance and thats what I feel makes us equal. The problem is that you cannot truly be free in this world and without freedom there is no equality. Our world does not provide a fertile environment for equality to prosper since true freedom is difficult to provide. I feel only a few people in this world experience true freedom, one devoid of attachments. The world itself is a prison for the mind from the minute consciousness enters the vehicle (the body) the sense of self tricks us into seeing difference. Then we are programmed to learn and accept that we are all different.

I recall this one lecture by Bill Cooper for his Hour of the Time radio show where he discusses the concept of diversity. Often enough people may point to a Nations diversity as a means to justifying the level of equality provided by that nation. But what is diversity without true freedom. How can equality be actualized if we are all not free?
May 14, 2017
No. There will never be true equality but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't strive towards it. We can't change the world but we can try to make it better day by day.

And yes, not everyone will have the same talents. Some people will be stronger, smarter, or have any of a million other talents above others... But that doesn't make them inherently better. Different, perhaps, but it doesn't get you any moral superiority over other people.


Mar 26, 2017
I sometimes wonder if more people than I think actually do take this notion seriously... But maybe deep down they want to be treated badly.
I want to be Unquestioned Supreme Benevolent Dictator of the Iron Fist. My teacher said I can be anything I want to be. And I've slowly made progress on my journey of acceptance that I'll never be a T-Rex :(

Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
I think most rational people will say men and women are different and that there are differences clearly among individuals however you get push back when you say they aren't equal because then you are saying someone has MORE VALUE.
I'm not only referring between that of males and females but between all humans. Two males apply for a job interview where the requirement is to be able to lift at least 40 lbs. Both can lift 40 lbs but the one male who applied looked like a bodybuilder was hired. Now in the eyes of this said company one was clearly not equal to the other due to different strength reasons.

There's no reason why your physical strength superiority should be worth more then my nurturing superiority. If that makes sense..
It does make sense and I agree but this world doesn't operate the way we want it too. As long as we look at equality through the definition that society and humans give us none of us will be really equal.