Entertainment x BTS x Politics x EXPOSED

first member to leave BTS (not military or health related)

  • Taehyung

  • Yoongi

  • Jin

  • Hoseok

  • Jimin

  • Namjoon

  • Jungkook

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Sep 18, 2020
@OwlMoon @ayo05

I am Romanian, Christian, live in Germany. Me and my parents are migrants.
Christianity is the largest religion in Germany, but not like Greek-orthodoxes.

Since the migrant crisis, Erdogan has enforced for religious courses in some German schools to be removed for Islamic propaganda where people are being told that Christians and people of any other religion are sinners, Islam is the only real religion and all sinners must be killed.

By law that’s terror propaganda but Merkel allows it which is why we have so many attacks and killings in Europe by radical islamists.

Especially the Synagoge and Jewish people. Whenever they see a Jew on the street, they attack.
I no longer wear my cross because I’ve been attacked twice and I’d rather deal with being attacked because I walk alone or without coverage - which they do. They attack women for those reasons.

I was supposed to move out of the city, like the majority did because apparently Christians and other religions can live with muslims, but not all Muslims with us. The hate is in their eyes, even when they don’t attack.
They attack Muslims who dare to talk with others equally.

The internet is full of Islamic radicals spreading hate-videos against everyone at least in germany, warning those who don’t convert to Islam with death penalty. In some cities people were so scared that they moved away.

In a country with 88 million people because of the laws that are made against our freedom and equality, as a woman, for ex in some known cities you cannot walk alone anymore, you are not allowed to wear string-bikinis in swimming-pools and if you want to be safe just cover your head because of the newly imported Islamic radicals.
They come and take over women rights and freedom of religion.

Despite all the claims that is “religious”, it’s a sign of inferiority. Women are fighting with their life in muslim countries to get rid of the head coverage. To have their freedom and equality.

Things weren’t that bad before the migrant crisis and Erdogan. Not even in Turkey. Turkish girls living here don’t want to visit their grandparents in Turkey because of how extreme it became.

The Islam propaganda in Germany is filled with hate and directly telling children and listeners that the rest doesn’t deserve to live. Their plan is literally , on the paper printed, to take over Europe and kill Christians and Jews as for the rest to be given chances to convert to Islam.

In the midst of the beheading of the French teacher (which due to their propaganda doesn’t surprise me), teachers in Germany and France have come upfront talking about the intimidation and abuser they suffer from Muslim children and their parents, including death threats.
You see the reaction from Muslims burning Macron’s pictures, sending threats, saying how the teacher deserved to die.

Germany’s advantage on covering it up lies on fact that we are a communistic country with a lot of propaganda like the words of the other member from yesterday who wrote “right people are bad” , that’s the propaganda led by Muslims and leftists also here, who ever dares to say something is “right-wing” - which in Germany is punishable.

We don’t have freedom of speech, so the leftist agenda and propaganda is labeling Corona-protestors “right-wing”. Which is a wrong approach historically. Nazis have been leftists communists. Left side nowadays has become incredible radicalized, everything is a hate propaganda.

If it wouldn’t have been for conservatives, there would be no freedom of speech (which is why we don’t have it in Germany, because we have no right-party in the parliament. It’s like china, it’s forbidden), no minority or legal migration, equal wages, etc would have been possible. No black equality, minorities equality, exchange students, etc.

All foreigners are being told (including me, I was brainwashed this way), that everything that’s conservative/right-wing is bad.
The insanity and stupidity behind it, the lack of knowledge, history or politics to go around saying those things, like Antifa does, is damaging to everyone.

Left side pushes for less and less freedom of speech - we see it with Facebook, twitter, and instagram. We see it with gays and criminals, religious fanatics, Muslims or radical Muslims. It’s all what the left side of wants - no rights, no freedom of speech, no boarders, intimidation through radical Islam, globalization in order to control the people much easier, erasing of Christianity (there aren’t many left), through radical Islam, NWO, vaccines, lockdowns, police defunding so that criminals and drug lords can take over, p***philia, abuse, abortion, depopulation, chips inserted in your body, victimization to facilitate all sort of made-up mental illnesses and pill addiction , no more family-structure, man is woman, woman is men, etc.

Conservatives/right-wing is fighting against all of that.

Yet the propaganda to be perpetuated is like the post from yesterday : “right people are bad”.


Well. I see radical Islam taking over Germany and terror attacks on daily basis covered up by our Nazi - parliament. Hitler also dealt very closely with Islamic radicals.

But hey, the propaganda says “right people are bad”.

Unfortunately the propaganda starts at school and through media, which is why many young people have already been indoctrinated with hate towards conservatives.
Climate-change, veganism (ironically paired with their cannibalism), masks, victimhood (BTS quotes: hardship, hard day, feel so sad, down..), hate against those who want to wake you up from the brainwashing - this all starts in schools, then newspapers and media which is taken overnight by the left side.

Maybe I’ll live the day where leftists hate-propaganda is actually justified through evidence.
That was a lot to process, I had no idea how bad your country is in. Why did Merkel let this happen? Why strike a deal with Erdogan? Are radical Islamist part of the elite propaganda?


Sep 18, 2020
Taehyung gained so much weight!!! Oh my God.
All the doing nothing the entire day...meanwhile everyone else in the band worked out and they all look better.

Meanwhile little Britney Spears here

Hahahahaha Britney Spears? You’re so funny! TH can gain all the weight he wants and ARMYs will still call him “baby” and “cutie” No wonder he keeps touching JK’s muscles, he wish he had ‘em. He can get muscles but playing games and drinking is much more important!

Random thought: If JK ever did become fat, he’d look like Bang Pedo lol :)


Sep 18, 2020
Amerie was THE shit, she was the one who came up with the sound beyonce and amerie’s former producer stole.

Beyoncé simply hooked up with jay since the days of destinty’s child and secured herself her career as the only black women in the “biz”.
Jay z has connections all over the place which is why for ex no newspaper touches her, no article exposing her, nothing about every time she steels from others. I mean not the main media.

Ashanti and mya were also sacked.

But no one like Amerie. She had it all.
What happened to her now?

I mentioned in the past that almost everyone is doing playback.
The difference is - everyone claims Beyonce would never do it. She is obviously coached. There are various techniques to hide it from lay people, but any musician knows when someone’s doing playback.
While we’re on the subject, I’d like your opinion on the vocal lines singing. From 1-10, how bad are they? :)


Sep 18, 2020
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah this is so funny !!! Yeeees! So true..!

I am sorry, but Taehyung looks a bit overweight or next to overweight. His stomach is now bigger than his body.

View attachment 44698

I am going to answer to you later in relation to Merkel and Erdogan, but short answer yes. One of the reasons why you barely hear something about it it’s because Germany controls Europe. Europe is as big as America almost. Imagine USA little by little taken over by antifa/BLM with all of them being radical Muslims. I mean antifa already attacks Jewish people constantly.

More to that later.

Pardon me, but what do you mean by “they”, in order to answer your 1-10 question.

Amerie and the rest ...gone. Jay z and Beyonce keeping them silent. They still live, but...gone.
I mean the bts vocal line, on a scale of 1-10 how bad there are in singing. 1 being worst 10 being best. Idk but I don’t think Jimin can sing anymore so he’s at least 2 lol, but why does he sound good on recording?


Sep 8, 2020
The girl is funny! Haha btw have you watched this guy? There are about three videos of him trying to change his mind about the “there are two genders” subject, the gays are very hostile and have very confusing explanation lol

Also ever since I watched that daddy video, this movie trailer keeps popping up. I regret watching it, so disgusting :eek:


Sep 8, 2020
Thank you. You are a kind person.
The only thing that keeps me going is God. We have already known this would happen, so there is no surprise. The world hates my religion right now. They curse our religious figures because they are ignorant. They believe the lies of the media, which wants to create a divide and it makes me so angry that they get away with this. I want Jesus (as) to come down soon to call justice and peace.

You are right, but being a long time member of this forum I understand why so many people have left, and I also take long breaks. It is very unhealthy to hate someone so much also. I know you don’t but I am saying in general. When you research with a bias, with a prejudice against someone you seek confirmation bias. This means you only collect the data that supports your theory and you disregard everything else which not only makes your analysis unreliable but also false. Honestly I was so addicted to this thread that I could feel myself disliking BTS a lot without no evidence. Now my opinion is neutral. I think there is no need to comment on certain things about them, because we don’t know their hearts. What if they earn heaven and we don’t?
I definitely agree with you, sometimes I take a break too, but I really love this thread it taught me so much and gave me a lot of insight on things, that I never viewed as important.i still pray for them and kpop their fans, that God may save them. They definitely can't attain heaven if they continue with their satanic worship, homosexual lifestyle ( if they have). Leading people astray, hexing fans and casting spells and doing God knows what else.. God saves to the uttermost and I've seen testimonies of people that shoked me. God will draw them but it's only if their hearts are willing. God reveals himself to those who seek him. I pray for people on this thread too. God has changed me so much and I have become almost a different person . God keeps me going all the time this world is passing away . sometimes I just want God to take me, but that is not my place,to live is christ and to die is gain. God is so good.


Sep 8, 2020
You mean the beheading of the french teacher?

I don't know how much politic or history you know, but Obama funded terrorism in Syria, then orchestrated with Merkel the "great migrant crisis" to have radical islamists coming to europe.
Germany had next to ZERO terrorist attacks, rapes, murders until 2013 when it was slowly introduced. Now we have THOUSANDS of rapes, beheading and murders all done by radical islamists.
so from zero to thousands.

I don't think it helps anybody to defend the behavior of terrorists. no matter the religion, ethnicity, country.
An innocent teacher was beheaded and it's not the first time.
I have muslim friends who speak against it, there are lots of muslims who don't associate with this behavior and no one is treating every single muslim like a terrorist, in fact the most outspoken people in Germany against it are muslims.

To say that everybody hates your religion...we don't. I am a christian and I don't like when in Germany, or Europe, we have to live in terror because of radical islamists who have taken over Germany , UK, Italy , Sweden and France shouting how islam is the only real religion and we all deserve to go to hell.
Were you expecting, after more than 5 years of terror and mishandling by the EU, for people to pretend those crimes don't exist? because they affect also those muslims who don't want to be associated with terrorists.

In the same last week, 4 more murders have been committed by radical islamists in Germany alone, 5 rapes, 27 attacks resulting in severe trauma and damages.

on one hand we are restricted by the government who has issued lockdowns on more than half of germany, on the other hand we live in fear because of radical islamists .

That's the other side of the story. That noone speaks about.

I live in a city with lots of islamists and they even attack muslims who dare to speak with us "sinners". I can't even walk alone to a God damn store.

Those are the circumstances of my life.

we, those who aren't muslims, we are all trying to see the good in your religion despite of our life being heavily affected by Obama and Merkel's little once in a lifetime Billboard hit.

no religion is above others, Freemasons and BTS are mocking christians and Jesus, in islamic countries christians are being tortured (haven't see any muslims tortured in europe by christians), yet we don't go out acting like terrorists. My religion is irrelevant to general public, Jesus and God are also mocked, we don't behead people and if a christian would behead anyone for mocking Jesus, I surely wouldn't keep my mouth shot and defend a terrorist behavior. If we want to talk about ignorance, let's start with the most deprived, hated, terrorized, attacked, and most mocked religion of all - christianity. Because your quote was: "They curse our religious figures because they are ignorant. "

If I had a penny for everytime BTS alone has mocked Jesus and christianity only in the past year// everyone is mocking christians, jesus and OUR god. It has been going on for so long that not even my parents were born at that time.

oh , and Yes. BTS are associated with those people and don't care about the message they are sending, or the evil they are promoting, because they get nice clothes and screaming fans in return.

Some of the good people speaking against terrorists :


Europe didn’t opened the doors for Muslims in need. Women and children.

Most of them are terrorists.

How about the muslims in Syria who are still waiting to be rescued from the exact people Europe is importing?

That’s NWO. That’s politics done with the life of those who are innocent.
WOW I didn't know you are christian, I can't stop myself from saying that I am glad! Christianity is the most mocked,made fun of, disrespected, disregarded religion. People blaspheme God's name it has become a norm, it's just the mercies of God that they still draw breath, the cross ofJesus Christ is an accessory today , I Mean WHAT!! And some christians condone that,I am not the type. Some christians wash down the gospel for the sake of their friends and I completely abhor that!! Don't confuse me,I am not those self religious,or extremely religious people, when you tell people that you are christian and that person happens to be a homosexual you are his/her direct enemy! They ask you what you think about them and I will tell them directly that homosexuality is an abomination to God. It's wrong,I hate when they seek validation of some sort from christians, and some christians say "oh you are a child God,God loves you" No!!


Sep 8, 2020
This is also a thread about politics and religion is politics. It should be possible to criticize islam without being beheaded or attacked in a leftist matter - your quote: I have never met anyone even though a lot of my family are immigrants you so deeply hate

This kind of ideas is what's harmful. why don't you also say I hate every religion and every ethnicity other than mine, cause that's a leftist victimizing agenda.
I so deeply hate?? I?

Same as i HATE BTS? the same me?

1. I am migrant myself, so are my parents. When they moved here they weren't allowed to do cheap work like your great-grand-parents. They had to work almost for free and be happy for a meal.
2. i am an artist so I know every single shit BTS is doing professionally and know how the agenda works.
3. I present facts.When I don't present facts, I talk from my experience.

Islam must have been a peaceful religion but the killings committed by islamists are pure hate. Nothing justifies the 911 attack. Nothing justifies the killings now.
You started your post by victimizing your religion and saying how the entire world hates your religion right now, even though I presented FACTS and even mentioned muslims fighting against radicals. But all you see is someone "hating" migrants and your religion.


- 85% of the crimes committed in Europe are done so by migrants, or people with migrant background. 80% of those criminals are muslims committing hate-crimes against christians
- as we speak christians in places around the wold are being held captive, tortured and abused by muslims/radical islamists - there are no muslims abused by christians or being held captive
- white people have been long used as slaves by black people, even after slavery was abolished. white farmers are being killed at a higher rate in south africa
- the Qur'an has never seen christians or jews as another religion, the hostility and killings have been present since the existing of documentation on this subject

You started to victimize and to say how the entire world hates your religion, I hate migrants, ignore all the crimes committed by saying islamists are not muslims but YET , YET "" NO WORD of remorse for the beheading of a innocent teacher who showed a picture of Muhammad.
You went to say how people are ignorant and are mocking your Gods - again NO word about all the beheading, rapes and killings going around by muslims.

I am a christian. I would personally raise my voice if any christian would kill a muslim just because he mocked Jesus or God.
Here muslims are constantly hating everyone for not being muslims, it's a islamic terror in Germany, if you have doubts about the statistics, I can go into my library and make a list of all crimes committed in the past 5 years by muslims vs the rest of migrants vs the rest.

You started by saying how everyone hates your religion. How about speaking how a muslim killed a innocent teacher.
Not only were you not talking about this, but you said people curse and are ignorant for mocking your God. So...you side with that terrorist because the teacher was evil and ignorant for showing a picture of Muhammad ?? You are really going to defend the daily killing of innocent people by muslims ?

You also said "they believe the lies of the media" . What lies ? Are those islamists killing because someone said something about Muhammad ? Yes or now ? The answer is yes. You are defending a terrorist attack by claiming it's a lie.
Do you know what the media here in Germany says ? NOTHING. because they cover up those crimes with migrant background. Why? for once because of their plan failing and there is no day where I don't wake up without reading the news and finding secretly, or because I call my connections, about another crime committed by muslims or migrants ( such as this morning TWO killings and stabbings in Leipzig) I have to pay 40% taxes which are then being used to bring radical islamists into hotels, because we cannot live in peace anymore. So the press hides all the crimes committed by muslims. Not only in Germany but in europe all over. So far everyone has expressed condolences to France except Germany and Angela Merkel. In politic terms, that's unacceptable. in human terms - she's as much as a criminal as the one who killed the teacher.

How about those crimes who were tolerated to hide the ethnicity ? children and girls raped for years by pakistanis who have not been arrested or investigated because of their ethnicity and to cover for them.

You cannot possible come and say everyone else is bad, then up the game by saying I HATE SO DEEPLY MIGRANTS referring to me.

Who is trying to divide ? I made my due diligence, I emphasized on good muslims, I wrote about muslims speaking against radicals, that's what reporting means. I talked about the fact that instead of saving those muslims in danger, Europe is importing terrorists. maybe 1% from the people they bring in are really in danger, and those muslims are the ones who are being used for cheap work. the rest of 99% is receiving about 2000 EUR, that's about 2400 USD monthly, while they r*pe, join drugs and gun dealings.

Germany is the second largest guns exporter and has been funding now more than USA (since Hillary wasn't elected to continue Obama;s agenda ) the war in Syria and helping Erdogan to commit genocide against armenians, greek people - he now wants to start a war on greece.

I know what's going on.
you on the other hand..

I haven't seen one word of regret coming from you about the beheading of that innocent teacher. not one. Instead you think of yourself as a victim and call him and people like him ignorant. I guess you're saying he deserved to be beheaded ? You say muslims are peaceful, but you show no remorse over the events that have occurred,. no remorse over the gang rapings and crimes. You still pretend people and ME, I HATE SO DEEPLY MIGRANTS AND MUSLIMS. That's what you are saying.

you seem to have a huge lack of information and I see that you've fallen victim of the leftist ideologies.

Conveniently for the second time it was ignored that Jesus and Christianity is the most abused and mocked religion. I guess it's ok because you find BTS innocent and cute, that they mock Jesus. Who the fuck cares about jesus and christians. When it comes to that , as per your own saying, BTS are innocent.

Jeeezz.. I wonder ....WHAT would happen if BTS and the Freemasons would start mocking Islam and Muhammed ?

Congratulation. You great-grandparents got to do cheap work as migrants. My parents as migrants didn't got to earn that much and I was mocked in the school for 8 years, thrown out of the store, policed called on me when paying with visa as if I have stollen the wallet, all of that because I am a minority.

I don't think it was a smart move to say I hate so deep migrants or to say the entire world hates your religion, while you make no reference whatsoever to the killings committed in the past month alone. It looks as if you are ok with the crimes, while attacking those who have been killed for cursing Muhammed.

By the way - everyone is allowed to mock or curse anyone. if you have a problem with that, start with BTS, or with your own statements towards me, and your ignorance towards the crimes committed.
you ignored that, but I made a point by emphasizing on those muslims raising their voices, I inserted a video. I talked about the polarized issue. Despite all the crimes and terror, I am still looking out for the other side and those muslims affected by those terror attacks. As oppose to you, they don't defend the killings, nor do they go around thinking everyone who criticizes islam hates muslims and deserve to be beheaded.

I am shocked by the fact that at no point have you shown any remorse over the killings and terrorist attacks. You don't have to care about a teacher, but to come and say how people are mocking Muhammed because they are ignorant and curse him...but BTS mocking Jesus it's ok, and you siding with a terrorist it's also ok, otherwise if I don't side with a terrorist you call me someone who HATES migrants SO DEEP.

I am a migrant. I have nothing against people working honestly. I do have something against terrorists, criminals, rapist, child abusers, gay child abusers, illegal migrants coming to steal and living off MY work and earnings that I am forced to give to them, while they spit me in the face, terrorize people, shout at me because I am not covering my head and face, and hypocrisy.
I'm sorry for all that you have gone through. Boti you say the truth, jesus is mocked everywhere and we are supposed to tolerate it.if it was their religion I would be killed! Somehow hypocrisy.
Mar 24, 2018
I definitely agree with you, sometimes I take a break too, but I really love this thread it taught me so much and gave me a lot of insight on things, that I never viewed as important.i still pray for them and kpop their fans, that God may save them. They definitely can't attain heaven if they continue with their satanic worship, homosexual lifestyle ( if they have). Leading people astray, hexing fans and casting spells and doing God knows what else.. God saves to the uttermost and I've seen testimonies of people that shoked me. God will draw them but it's only if their hearts are willing. God reveals himself to those who seek him. I pray for people on this thread too. God has changed me so much and I have become almost a different person . God keeps me going all the time this world is passing away . sometimes I just want God to take me, but that is not my place,to live is christ and to die is gain. God is so good.
This world is horrible. I think everyone can agree on that. I am glad you feel better and I am praying for peace in your life. Whatever religion, race, colour, gender we are. We are humans, we bleed the same and hurt the same. I pray for a kinder world where we can get along. But I feel the coming of the dajaal/“antichrist” is soon. May God make it easy for us.

Sending lots of love to you <3 you are kind!!
Last edited:


Sep 25, 2020
Think about Britney Spears and that was how long ago? 20 years? Back then they had by far much less possibilities than today.
Jimin is 0. He can’t sing. Singing is not difficult. Everyone can do it, not without practice. Singing works with the memory of your vocal chords. You practice the exact place your muscles react.

How he manages to sound “that good”..? All producer’s work.
Take a look at this program:

The bar represents each sound and adds it already approx to the note it should belong to. Then you start moving the bar up and down to adjust the proper intonation. The worse the singer, the more you have to move it around, the more it sounds computerized or “auto-tuned”.

Every recording of BTS sounds very auto-tuned not just because of this process, but all the effects around. This is due to the fact that the more “cleaning” it’s required, the more “glitches” you will have. If you take the voice out of a auto-tuned song, it’s unbearable. Which is why there are a lot of other presets to cover the alien-like sounds. Presets for female, man, speech/speaking voice.

Jungkook has the better voice but not a “singing” voice. Like for ex Justin Bieber HAD. He sounds castrated, lacks volume and his technique, even though much better than the rest, is still not stable, he often doesn’t hit the right pitch (the note).
I would give him a 5.

Taehyung same as Jimin. Taehyung is actually worse than Jimmy, because he was born with a powerful voice and perfect intonation (pitch), he ruined everything by not practicing and same as Jimin can’t hit any note properly, and, his entire timbre has changed into something much higher, including his speaking voice.
It looks like Bang has guilted him into thinking his beautiful natural low voice is bad, so he started competing with JK and JM trying to speak and sing higher as them.

Compare Taehyung age 16 voice with now and think about the fact that especially guys lower and deepen their voices during puberty and up until their 20s.
Even Jimin’s speaking voice is much lower than Taehyung’s.

I’d give him a 1.

I find Hoseok‘ s and Namjoon’s singing voice good and somehow special, but they don’t sing.

Forget about Jin and Yoongi.
I'll have to disagree with V and Jin one.. ESPECIALLY Jin... He has a unique voice to me and the fact that he doesn't get that much lines is just a waste of his voice I think Jin's voice is better than Jm (just a lil bit) even though he can't sing has high as Jimin can, his voice is still soulful. But I feel like he could sing higher than Jimin if he practiced..
Jimin's voice gets shaky or cracks often but I feel like it is because he overworks himself too hard on stage. If he took it a little easy on the dancing he wouldn't crack his voice as often.. That's his biggest insecurity..

But all of them overall are good singers to me.. Kpop groups (boys) are known for the falsetto artists..
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Jun 5, 2020
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah this is so funny !!! Yeeees! So true..!

I am sorry, but Taehyung looks a bit overweight or next to overweight. His stomach is now bigger than his body.

View attachment 44698

I am going to answer to you later in relation to Merkel and Erdogan, but short answer yes. One of the reasons why you barely hear something about it it’s because Germany controls Europe. Europe is as big as America almost. Imagine USA little by little taken over by antifa/BLM with all of them being radical Muslims. I mean antifa already attacks Jewish people constantly.

More to that later.

Pardon me, but what do you mean by “they”, in order to answer your 1-10 question.

Amerie and the rest ...gone. Jay z and Beyonce keeping them silent. They still live, but...gone.
It's better to be overweight and have a healthy appearance than being a tiny slim bone structure without any signs of life. Hope, he won't lose the weight.


Jun 5, 2020
Overweight and underweight are equally bad.

His body structure was always one of being slim. It doesn’t mean that he was unhealthy.
I myself am skinny because of my structure. I am healthy. My sister’s structure on the other hand is more bulky.

Whenever someone loses or gains that much weight , is not a sign of good lifestyle.
He looks as if he gained about 20 pounds at least in 4 months. Not from workout like Namjoon who clearly gained at least 10 pounds but it’s healthy weightgain. Muscles.

In the soop was filmed around May/June.

Already on his interview where he zipped up his pants on live tv there were signs of medication and strange behavior.

Yoongi also gained at some point unexpectedly a lot of weight. At that time he had an alcohol addiction which he stated that he still has in the way that he drinks too much and was simultaneously on anxiety meds.

Something is going on with what they’re privately doing.
He is not 18-20 years old anymore. There is an age when you body changes it's shapes and you can't control it. But maybe it's the result of medication and alcohol.


Sep 18, 2020
He is not 18-20 years old anymore. There is an age when you body changes it's shapes and you can't control it. But maybe it's the result of medication and alcohol.
Agreed, but as a performer he should at least maintain a figure for better performance. He’s always said that he hates working out, I understand because so do I. If anything his body should be lean and toned (it’s okay if he’s a little chubby on the belly, he’s always been that way) but they have a new album coming so they must’ve worked hard for dance practices. When I watched in the soop I noticed how skinny he was, there was barely any fat or muscle on him so it was kind of a shock to see him like that


Sep 9, 2020
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah this is so funny !!! Yeeees! So true..!

I am sorry, but Taehyung looks a bit overweight or next to overweight. His stomach is now bigger than his body.

View attachment 44698

I am going to answer to you later in relation to Merkel and Erdogan, but short answer yes. One of the reasons why you barely hear something about it it’s because Germany controls Europe. Europe is as big as America almost. Imagine USA little by little taken over by antifa/BLM with all of them being radical Muslims. I mean antifa already attacks Jewish people constantly.

More to that later.

Pardon me, but what do you mean by “they”, in order to answer your 1-10 question.

Amerie and the rest ...gone. Jay z and Beyonce keeping them silent. They still live, but...gone.
Beyoncè ruined many careers, it makes me think of Keri Hilson too, she spoke badly or something like that about Beyoncè and then her career is ended
Mar 24, 2018
Agreed, but as a performer he should at least maintain a figure for better performance. He’s always said that he hates working out, I understand because so do I. If anything his body should be lean and toned (it’s okay if he’s a little chubby on the belly, he’s always been that way) but they have a new album coming so they must’ve worked hard for dance practices. When I watched in the soop I noticed how skinny he was, there was barely any fat or muscle on him so it was kind of a shock to see him like that
I partially agree with you but body shaming is so irrelevant to what he’s promoting. What has his body got to do with the agenda he is promoting. And like you did so respectfully, if we are talking about their weight it should be in a way that discusses psychological connotations too. He is producing belly fat probably because his metabolism is different to others. This is because he may be eating too much, may he constipated etc. These could be a result of stress, mental distortion, depression etc. Body shaming him is not the answer here. I know you aren’t. I was speaking generally. He isn’t unhealthy in any way and a bit of belly fat does no harm to anyone. Everyone isn’t perfectly toned, with perfect abs, perfect skin etc. I am sure he suffers from a disease also Which maybe unrelated but something to consider.
I bet they’ll manipulate ARMYs into taking the vaccines just so they can enjoy the screaming fans, fame and fortune
I am so scared of what this vaccine will contain :(


Sep 18, 2020
I partially agree with you but body shaming is so irrelevant to what he’s promoting. What has his body got to do with the agenda he is promoting. And like you did so respectfully, if we are talking about their weight it should be in a way that discusses psychological connotations too. He is producing belly fat probably because his metabolism is different to others. This is because he may be eating too much, may he constipated etc. These could be a result of stress, mental distortion, depression etc. Body shaming him is not the answer here. I know you aren’t. I was speaking generally. He isn’t unhealthy in any way and a bit of belly fat does no harm to anyone. Everyone isn’t perfectly toned, with perfect abs, perfect skin etc. I am sure he suffers from a disease also Which maybe unrelated but something to consider.

I am so scared of what this vaccine will contain :(
I think it’s to for massive surveillance, I mean they’re already collecting data with the fake tests idk what’s gonna come next, I’m scared too