EDM (Electronic Dance Music) Symbolism discussion thread


Mar 23, 2021
Hey yall, I'm new to the forums, but this is something I haven't found. Does anybody have examples of occult symbolism in EDM (brostep,dubstep,house,deathstep, etc)? It doesn't have to be recent, either. I have some examples:

I remember listening to Martin Garrix and his song which made him famous “Animals”. All it says is literally “we’re the f***ing animals.” Literally. That’s it. Like he’s “””prophesying” over the listeners that we will be like beasts, untameable, with no purpose or direction and doing whatever we want because sinful instinct. I am not an animal and we should not want to be like animals. Just like animals cannot be like us humans.

I used to listen to Skrillex a lot from 2013 - 2015, and this was way before I came to Christ. The Recess album literally has a stylized alien (aka a demon) with a mark in its forehead (similar to a third eye)... made of 3 lines (they sure do love their 3's).

First of the Year/Equinox's music video features a little girl with clearly demonic powers punishing a man following her (prob a p***phile, but... when you think about it, making the child a demonic killer does not make any cop-out 'anti-p***phile' message any better. If anybody knows if he ever explained why he made the music video that way please put it in the comments.)

Kill Everybody was another popular song from Skrillex that I would listen to that is really just... why? Lyrics:

I want to kill everybody in the world
I want to eat your heart
I want to kill everybody in the world
I want to eat your heart

I want to kill everybody in the world

I want to kill

I want to kill everybody in the world
I want to eat, want to eat your
I want to kill everybody in the world

I want to kill
I want to kill
I want to kill

I want to kill
I want to kill
I want to kill

I want to kill
I want to kill
I want to kill

There’s a lot more I’d like to discuss, both old and recent, and a lot of artists that I’d like to add. I’d love it if someone could also add some stuff about symbolism and demonic/satanic influences on music festivals and rave culture which I am not familiar with at all, considering I was literally a child, 9 - 14 years old (between 2013 - 2018… i’m pretty young), when I listened to all of these people and songs so… I was never a raver but I did want to be one.


Mar 23, 2021
Some more:

I have a sneaking suspicion that Skrillex kept his appearance (long hair and earrings) to further the emasculation agenda to an extent... and also maybe even to get the emo community interested in his music (he looks pretty emo to me) Also I remember in the Rock n Roll (Will Take You to the Mountain) video he hugged an older-looking blonde guy in a way that I would personally see as 'more than friends,' and then that same guy kissed his cheek with him smiling. The hug is at about 0:09 and the kiss about 0:17.

Also this picture of him and Diplo is prettyyyy weird

Marshmello: The black and white color scheme is pretty obvious.

BUT much worse... he pranked the Internet by having WILL FERREL pretend to be him. Of all the white males in the entertainment industry. That creep who made jokes about child molestation???? And was in a 'comedy' skit about Satanic rituals??

Porter Robinson: His album Worlds has a purple hand with a rock or crystal in the middle.. I actually thought it was an eye when I saw it... most likely slick one-eye symbolism.

Also Porter dyed his hair blond in 2019 even though it's naturally black. Sadly probably was not his own decision but is much more connected to how mind controlled celebrities often get their hair dyed blonde.

OWSLA is a record label founded by Skrillex (+ some other background people). The logo looks pretty occultic to me. Anybody know where it comes from?
