Do you support Trump despite working in harmony with the scamdemic? (Poll)

Do you support Trump despite working in harmony with the scamdemic?

  • Yes

  • I no longer support him

  • I never supported him

Results are only viewable after voting.


Jan 8, 2019
"People all over the world have to wash their hands several times a day. Do these hands have somebody's blood on them?! "

The truth behind of CoronaVirus, Trump, Great Awakening... is much deeper...


Mar 20, 2017
I dont really pay attention to things going on in the country anymore as I used, but Im not really sure what he is expected to do. He left it up to the governors whether or not to open the states as far as I heard which seems like a wise move to me, lest more ammunition be used against him. Its basically come to a point where damned if you do open up the states damned if you dont. I don't trust the media numbers of actual covid 19 numbers or related deaths and its these numbers that apply pressure on both sides. There is hardly any truth in the mainstream media and now its already all over the news that supposedly the covid numbers are skyrocketing again after reopening which tells me the nation will soon go back into lockdown again, thus further uprooting any and all hope at any true financial stability for anyone.
yes this country is founded on STATES RIGHTS!


Mar 20, 2017
He plays a double game.

Alternative news sources also get their data from official statements. The fact that most of the deaths are in nursing homes should mean something. There are people who have been given a covid-19 death certificate without being tested. Etc. These are not conspiracy theory.

At least, doesn't his support for mask madness make you angry? Masks don't work!
This is ridiculous. He plays a double game? nice point you make there well thought out and concise...
The media has been having a fit that he WONT WEAR A MASK what planet are you on?


Mar 20, 2017
If I vote then half the country blames me and accuses me of taking us all down the wrong direction. If I dont vote I am to blame for the problem by not participating. Either way blame gets directed at me. The same people who tell me I should participate and vote would probably backtrack if they came to learn I was voting for their opposition and helped someone they believed to be bad for the country get into office.

The system basically dictates that if it came down to it and the polling was close that just barely above half the nation can enforce policies through their candidate that the other half strongly opposes.
don't be afraid of being blamed. do your research. or follow your heart.
i would encourage all to vote no matter the party


Mar 20, 2017
social distance rules undermine many businesses. the states with the largest economy were not opened.
per their governors choice. you need to understand the US constitution everything is based on State's Rights the fed is to have VERY little power


Mar 20, 2017
and thanks to this, Bill Gates (as the biggest funder) took control of the organization. maybe that was the point.

and he is now mobilizing the military.

he has nothing to do for democrat governors.

usa presidents are allowed to use the internet, isn't it?

If he can't change anything, what's the point of being elected? What would be worse if it was Joe Biden now?
well let bill and the WHO have each other as long as the US is out of it!


Mar 20, 2017
I'm surprised people still believe in this system of voting or choosing your president , the sad reality is that all presidents are the same, no different, they're all just puppets for the same government, and TPTB, the only thing that changes is simply the puppet used to put on the cover. Presidents don't actually do the work, they are merely puppets for show.
unless one comes along who has zero political background...


Mar 20, 2017
I personally believe that this country is past the point of no return. The values that each party holds to are too polarizing for people to come together to take back their nation in the way that needs to happen. The two parties proselytize to two very different walks of life and as long as this is so things will not change, because there will always be division. As long as the issues of debate are focused on social issues and things people feel very strongly about, it will remain the same. Its meant to be that way too. I feel very strongly about allot of things, but Im not going to consent to the system so that it feeds off of that and have it be used for more evil, their evil. If you watch FOX news your meant to oppose democrats. If you watch CNN or MSNBC you are meant to disdain republicans. They take those social issues that people feel strongly about by design and use it against us. They win we lose.
well that's incredibly depressing past the point of no return well lets just all kill ourselves shall we.


Mar 20, 2017
TPTB are elite bloodlines that go back centuries.

It was always divine rule with them, and thus kings and queens, dynastic rule over the people.

They then came with the idea of democracy, where power was to be shared with the plebs.

After early experiments in ancient Greece and Rome , europe then went back to monarchies.

They really do despise giving up even a little bit of their power.

After revolutions europe then shifted back to "democracy"

People mistake democracy for simply casting a vote. It's much more than that, its mass mobilization, mass organizing, mass strikes and protests, and not only voting for government, but forcing them to act in your interests. Every set of rights and freedoms have been earned by the people who understood what it took for democracy to work, nothing has been given. When the public engages in lazy democracy (simply voting) then things will never change.

There's a reason why in the US they wanted to originally establish a monarchy, there's a reason why once they settled for "democracy", only free land owning white men could vote. There's a reason why to this day there is still targeted voter suppression, there is a reason why they still use undemocratic systems like the electoral college.

They dont want people to vote, or exert their full democratic power, which again is much more than simply voting. They suppress, they cheat, they manipulate, they rig the game, but we are compliant in their conspiracy. We take it, because we are trained to take it.

What if everyone was outraged by the choices they give us ? What if the entire population said in unity "we won't take Trump or Biden" If the masses showed up to Washington screaming this, they would have to listen. Instead they have the population divided by "culture wars" and thus we rush to support one or the other.

WE are what is wrong with Democracy, not them.
Learn more about the history of the USA and the constitution perhaps. The USA is not a democracy, it is a Republic.


Mar 20, 2017
I’ve never supported him. I don’t support liars, scam artists, con artists, rapists, pedophiles, racists, Nazis, etc. He ticks all those boxes and much more.
wow for real you know he is rapist pedo nazi? unless you'd like to provide any real proof of those things then I chalk you up to another emotional basket case repeating what facebook told you to say. don't worry though you're certainly not the only one.


Mar 20, 2017
ust in that single three minutes he managed to convey, in his own inimitable way, that Covid 19 was a wonderful gift unleashed from China 2 months ago that is an artificial event that should have been stopped at source.
are those two things mutually exclusive?


Mar 20, 2017
Scamdemic? Are you leftist?
that's so cute. you're new so just like EVERYONE who joins these forums, you are expecting to encounter free thinkers. Hate to break it to you but this site is completely dominated by MSM thoughts. And feelings, a lot of feelings!