DISTURBING Shia Documentary


Mar 26, 2017
Shia Hate Speech UK: Documentary

I am shocked and disturbed at this. The video title did not prepare me for this. Wow this is extremely hateful..... and I didn't know it was this bad. The Sunni Defense League has really uncovered some stuff and this is extremely shocking stuff. I do not hate anyone personally for their being Shia and I am not intending to encourage that. However.... what is in the video is serious and I want people to be able to see how serious it is. I believe in peacefully co-existing with Shia and I am saddened by the fighting between Sunni and Shia in certain places. I do hope that Sunni and Shia in places like Yemen can peacefully co-exist and live in peaceful co-existence as I believe they did in previous times. However, though I am not trying to promote any personal hatred against people who happen to be Shia- it is not wrong to give people the facts, even as shocking as the facts may be. I think the answer to the very serious things being shown in the documentary- I believe the answer insha'Allah is educating people and insha'Allah people being guided by Allah. I have made my disclaimer and I am not wrong because I wish for people to be armed with the truth. I want for people to have the access to the facts.



Mar 26, 2017
the further I watch, the worse it seems to get..........

I hope the Houthi supporters watch this...

on an intellectual sort of abstract level I understand this..... but on another level, I find it hard to grasp how people can be so brainwashed


Mar 26, 2017
and another thing I want to say is... I think Google is promoting this stuff.... I'll try to look stuff up and Google tries to push Shia sources including some which don't identify as Shia... of course this is not the only direction in which I think Google has an agenda.... Google is doing a lot of manipulation to try to influence people who use its search engine.... might sound crazy but- you're on a conspiracy site so you should be able to handle it

z gharib

Sep 26, 2017
The Sunni Defense League
is it an Israeli organisation? defence from whom? -........defence league,...or another name for Isis ? .......
there is something fishy here .the enemy is brewing something for us -and this your Sunni defence league -what is it doing for Palestinians under occupation suffering under Israeli govt ?, what about Afghanistan the wests aggression the daily killings by drone? what about Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar? didi forget Somalis? oh, i forget Kashmir, and east Turkmenistan(Chinese Muslims) -i think all are Sunnis -ok what is it doing this league of ours? finally Yemen oh Yemeni hutis are not Sunnis are they -they follow jaafari mazhab almost Sunni than shia -is it a shia sunni game ? may be the Yemenis don't deserve this leagues help--but what is it really doing this league to defend the Sunnis suffering in the above-mentioned places?-or as i thought a propaganda for the unholy alliance of.........? the war makers are brewing something for us
-is it a propaganda against Iran?. ---------------