Die Antwoord's 'Ninja' accused of satanic ritual abuse among other things


Dec 21, 2018
Can't see the video rn. One of their album covers was yolandi nude and covered in sigils. As you can see, one of the ways of charge a sigil is to masturbate to it... Alan Moore once made a "jerkaton" to this purpose and sadly I'm not making this up


May 21, 2017
These guys again..

Ninja and Yo-Landi of Die Antwoord have been accusing of abusing and exploiting their adopted child Tokkie and his younger sister.
Blood rituals, porn & violence: Die Antwoord’s ‘child slave’ tells all [watch]
‘I’ve been groomed’: Tokkie du Preez, who was adopted by Die Antwoord as a young boy, has spoken about his childhood.



May 15, 2017
I used to like them along time ago
then I saw a interview with Zheani that was enough
that I stopped watching/listening to them and then I
watched a video(I'm looking for it)where DA were suppose
to play an event there was a guy there that they attacked
and then Yolanda made up r*pe allegations against him
and it all seemed to be because he was gay
It was all sickening and just made me not like them that much more

I never liked the way they treated their what they called
adopted Children as it always seemed exploitive to me
like the Children were just props for them to use

I was able to find a article on the event I'm
looking for

I was able to find a place that still had
the video available this was so disgusting
to me as I watched them straight out lie about
this person they had just assaulted and said horrible
things to

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May 15, 2017
didn't See it here and thought Y'all might
wanna See the conversation between ninja and
Zheani it's disgusting and anybody a parent
specially can See the grooming he is doing with

that call me daddy part Ya can See she was
a little shocked maybe even weirded/disgusted
by that
that he kept pushing the topic by saying thats
the reason why they sought her out
has always sat strange with me from the very first time I
read it I thought ,if that's the way he fantasizes then the
Children around would be endangered
yl is not better she may even be worse as she is the one
that gets him the Children to feed on

I've always Known they were into the occult
as Ya cannot watch their videos and miss it
the only reason they got me watching/listening
was that one video where they are mocking gagas
meat dress it was funny so I strayed checking out
their music

Then I saw Zheani and I feel that she is being
Truthful,there maybe some things she cannot account
for or some maybe memorex as they made sure to give
her something that will keep her in a susceptible state
to do w/e they have done her I think it's more than she
remembers at this time

then I saw the guy they attacked,the way they lied
with ease and no consideration at all
about him groping yl that really pissed me of
Ya can See it was all faked and when I saw how they
went about doing that to him made me wonder if that's what
they are doing with the camera rolling with someone they Trust
and that will do covers up for them,behind the camera
what else has he covered up for them that he isn't releasing
or telling anyone about

The video I watched was the rolling with the devil
which had images/video and testimony from Zheani
of what happened while in Africa which is just awful
Ya have to wonder how many other fans have they done
this same exploitative things too

kissing or touching in public
yeah cause he Knows it's wrong,the keep it a secret crap
wonder if with some of their victims they had them sign
a nda that shows again they Know it's wrong/unacceptable

how many other young impressionable Children
that they had sell their Souls trying to impress their
idols,thinking it's all fun and games maybe even
thinking it's cool not that they actually own them
how many did this ritual branding that are too
afraid/ashamed/angry to come forward with their testimonies

It was Zheani and the movie the exstaff put out rwtd
that made me look into this two more
the things they have done on camera with no shame in
doing so was awful but to hear things that they have done
to others off camera to others(guess better say accused of)
is sickening

if Ya look at a lot of videos/posts etc even the
ones they have shared online have them exploiting
all the Children around them,some I believe are adopted
they get the Children doing and saying things
that Ya can See outright it's wrong

Tokkie saying that they took him and his sister
to the hospital type place were they drew blood from
them and that da used that blood in rituals
that correlates with stories from survivors about
being taken to a hospital type place and had blood removed

this is ninjas reply
which I will have to reread in order to
post on it I am looking for other interviews
videos/images on this story as I Know I watched/read
a ton,at one point it was all being done online so Peoples
could See what was happening between them



Mar 16, 2017
Ahlright, guys, check this out:

We were right about them, they ARE satanic.