Deus Ex

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

I think a lot of these games are a rehashing of the Apotheosis theme...


Apotheosis is the expansion of consciousness that the hero experiences after defeating a foe.The Hero has the ability to do something which ordinary people can not. They are capable of doing things which their old self could not.

He has discovered his life’s purpose and come to a realization about the world and his position of greatness in it. Now, with his consciousness expanded, he is vastly different from the man he was at the beginning of the journey. He can see things others can’t see and do things others can’t do.

Often this means his focus has shifted from himself and puts the welfare of others above his own. It can happen at the end of the second Act and give him the ability to face the rigours of Act III or it can happen at the end of Act III as part of the climax.

In The Matrix when Neo experiences his Apotheosis, he acknowledges he is The One. Suddenly he is able to see the code and is able to unleash the almighty power he had within him all the time.

In the Matrix, Neo becomes "The One" via Apotheosis.

Apotheosis – Elevation to divine rank or stature

"Role model, saint, ideal, paragon, deification"

It is no coincidence that this theme has echoed through the concept of the "monomyth" of James Joyce, "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" identified by Joseph Campbell and Jung's "Thought Forms" etc etc.


It is either "The Great Truth" or an example of the kind of deception describes so aptly by Hitler...


As in: The Great Lie told by the serpent in the garden to Eve, "ye shall be as gods".
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