Demonic Encounters


Mar 26, 2017
This is a very old post, but I will and should respond anyways.....for those that encounter this in the future.
I have seen an angel, he glowed indeed and pushed the left corner of a crazy drivers car away from my right front fender.....
On an icy day on 1-25 heading south from Denver.
This angels hair was a bit short and very curly, and glowing a golden light blinding blond.

This was when I was 28 years old. The Father sent the angel only to protect me for a second. The angel did not look at me, he was there for a moment only to serve The Father.
For some reason, The Father wanted me to see this angel.

Now, when I was 17 years old, I was a virgin and quite pure. I believed that Jesus was my Father, and He was raising me, as my birth father never wanted to know me.

My mom was a single mother of 3 kids. Zero child support, as back then it was different than it is today.
She tried so hard to get someone to listen to her in the court system, but it was just a long drawn out rig-a-ma-role.
My point is, my mom raised her 3 kids alone on a nurses assistant salary.
Thank goodness for HUD.

Anyways, it was about 11:30 pm at night when I was trying to sleep, and mom was working the night shift. A demon visited me in a black hooded cape, it’s eyes glowed red.
I’m not making this up people!
It’s energy was so strong, that it could paralyze me.

This hooded presence came to the end of my bed, next to my shut door. It tried to paralyze me, AND look into my soul/heart. It tried to lie to me and say it was ok.
Well B.S.
The Father has given me the gift of discernment. Praise Jehovah!
I have been highly empathetic since I was walking at 7 months old. I remember walking my favorite toys to everyone around to make them happy. Yes indeed I walked at 7 months old.
You don’t have to believe me, but it is a treasured family story.
I have a gift of empathy, and I challenge all of you to send me personal messages and I will show you that I can help you heal your problems.
Most people would charge you money, and I have even considered that, just as I have considered charging people for my other gifts of horse/animal training, and artwork.

This world is empty, I don’t care about fancy purses or clothing, or anything else “showy.”
My husband is a retired enlisted veteran and paying the bills is honestly all I care about as far as money is concerned.
The Father, and His children are the real spice of life.
Praise Our Father, Praise Jeshuah!

Back to the demon...... I called my mom immediately, but of course she said I was dreaming and go back to sleep. HAH are you kidding me! I was awake for days not being able to sleep. It took at least a week before I could go back into my room at night.

After my mom finally understood that something serious had happened to me, she was worried that I was inviting bad spirits, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

I showed her scriptures of when satan had come to inspect Jehovahs chosen, on its own will.
Do you all know these scriptures?
I’ll find them for you if you want me to.

At this time in my life, I thought His name was Jesus, and when I cried out for Jesus(in my head because my body was paralyzed,) He came running to me and sent that demon away.
Today, I feel much closer to Him, and I know that His name is not actually Jesus, but this information comes only with real effort and the searching for His Truth.

Now I’m at 40.
My latest big deal was when Jehovah brought me to the corner of His throne. I saw what would be His right front corner of it, and although it would seem that it was pitch black, Jeshuah was standing behind me, slightly to the left, and because of His light, I could see the indescribable strange purple color that surrounds The Father. The corner of His throne was designed with a kind of spiraling, that I can not express in words.

The Father showed me these strange symbols that were circling around me, and explained to me what they meant.
We all have these symbols circling around us, and it is up to you to get rid of them. They are like spells, like sins.
If you want to be near The Fathers throne, you have to be clean.

We all have much work to do.

May the Father bless you all and show you what is circling around you, so that you can cleanse yourselves. Please, just get on your hands and knees in a quiet place, and ask HIM!
Out of curiosity, What do you believe one has to do to obtain salvation? Thanks


Feb 2, 2019
Out of curiosity, What do you believe one has to do to obtain salvation? Thanks
One has to ask Jeshuah for forgiveness, stop committing sins against Him, and to follow the Ten Commandments, my hardest has been simply keeping the Sabbath Holy, (Saturday,) as the rest seem easy to me, already written in my heart. It would feel awful to my heart.... to commit adulterous behavior, or to care about what other people have, the sight of graven images disqust me, I can’t even kill a lady bug, much less a human being, etc.
Studying the Word and praying for the TRUTH to Jeshuah on a PERSONAL level is what will bring me salvation. The Lord is preparing me for my purpose, and I have got on my hands and knees and asked Him to use me as His servant.
Also, I feel the need to spread my knowledge, even if it only helps one person.


Feb 2, 2019
If you have gifts from God, They are not for sale. Freely given, freely give. I will tell you this for sure ,The Spirit of God and demons can not occupy the same space! Who do you say the Christ is? At what age were you when you realized you were a sinner in need of Christ?
You are right about one thing, my gifts are much more valuable to me shared than sold. But, you are wrong if you think that evil with a severe hatred for me cannot come to inspect me. My own mother did not understand that either.

Christ watched over me since the womb. I believe I was 11 or 12 when I would begin to cry out to Him, and ask Him to teach me the Truth. I remember a specific book about Notrodomus that I found in the school library. It worried my heart tremendously.
I was always interested in the things that school couldn’t or wouldn’t teach me.
My very first book report ever was in like 4th grade, I remember being astonished that there were no answers for the Bermuda Triangle! How could this world that teaches me everything I know, not have an answer for that?!?!?
I begged the Lord to teach me what was real, and what was lies.
One of my most profound personality traits is that no fiction interests me.

Ya, that bastard and it’s minions of nephalim are jealous of me, so what?
They are jealous of you too, as they can never have what is offered to you.
Their existence will only consist of a future of being chained in a sulphuric pit of fire forever and ever.
You have the opportunity to be The Father’s heir.

I cannot be tempted, by ANYTHING. This world is empty except for Christ, and knowing His truth answers ALL questions, and gives me freedom of all fear.
Jun 1, 2018
I cannot be tempted, by ANYTHING. This world is empty except for Christ, and knowing His truth answers ALL questions, and gives me freedom of all fear.
Christ is faithful. Satan is deceitful! Stand in the Strength and the careful about pride. Satan has already been defeated in those who are in Christ Jesus. How does God tell you to deal with those on here that deny God?


Feb 2, 2019
Christ is faithful. Satan is deceitful! Stand in the Strength and the careful about pride. Satan has already been defeated in those who are in Christ Jesus. How does God tell you to deal with those on here that deny God?
Satan is the father of lies, I can recognize it’s lies well. I love this VC website articles because it truly gives me edification, that is the feeling of fellowship with my forte.
I truly believe that for whatever reason, Jeshuah wants me to teach others to recognize how and why this is satans world.
I have a LOT of passion proving to anyone that will listen that they are bombarded and brainwashed by satanism constantly.

I’m never trying to brag or sound arrogant, that is what millionaire charming TV evangelicals do.
In my heart, I just want to help teach those lost sheep of the Bible is actually about THEM and written to THEM. They already have a seed growing, but often they don’t know what to do with it.

I truly don’t want to be “puffed up” and the Passover is a great reminder of that. I try to follow the Passover laws, but it has taken years of practice, and I still don’t fully understand how to properly do it the way The Father requires it being done.
This is part of my work, that isn’t simply written in my heart.
The Father does require work and passion for Him, even if His Laws are already written in your heart.

#1 lesson is to stop all that disgusting easter activity for sure.
The Jews have made up their own laws, so I can’t learn from them.
Do you know that many of them have the nerve to put their foods and objects in storage during Passover? Ridiculous.
Furthermore, Christmas ( I tried like 5 times to write that without a capital C, but my phone refused)
Christmas is so disqusting, it makes my stomach hurt. Just like easter, it is pagan crap that involved human sacrifice. Sickening, and look at how we all just follow along LaDeeDa!
This is great! Christmas spirit!
Knowledge IS freedom.

As for your question about how to deal with those here that deny God, I honestly feel that I belong to a different part of the Body of Christ.
I’m not really an elementary school bible teacher, if you get what I mean. The Lord has plenty of wonderful people that are much more suited in serving Him in that very important way.
Thank you for your time, Douglas, I enjoy talking with you.
Jun 1, 2018
I truly believe that for whatever reason, Jeshuah wants me to teach others to recognize how and why this is satans world
If people would just read their Bible in the Spirit of Christ, He tells us that Satan is the Prince of this world. In the beginning, Adam and Eve were co equal over God's creation, but when Eve was beguiled by Satan, and Adam listened to his wife over The LORD, He lost that dominion of the earth, and the earth was cursed under the principles of Satan to show man the results of disobedience. But Christ has defeated Satan, and all in Christ have that victory until The lord puts the last enemy under His feet.....and that is death. Then will the son's of God shine like the Son in the new heaven and earth......This is all in Scriptures.
In His blessed name,
Douglas Summers
Last edited:
Jun 1, 2018


Jan 11, 2020
I think a demon or something evil tried to communicate with me last night. Before going to bed last night I felt a presence that didn't feel right but because I didn't know what it was I just ignored it and tried to sleep. As soon as I fell asleep this voice started screaming at me "Follow me!" Over and over. I couldn't move my body at all, it felt like I was paralyzed and my body was being constricted very tightly. I screamed and jerked myself awake because I thought it was going to drag my soul away somewhere. The wind was blowing outside my window making this horrible howling sound. I layed there terrified but tried to sleep again because I was exhausted and needed to wake up for work soon. This time when I closed my eyes there was a maniacal laugh circling around me as well as my body becoming paralyzed again. I kept calling Jesus' name trying to claw my way out of the darkness. I woke up again but this time I caught a quick glimpse of something dark rise away from me into the darkness of the room. I turned on one of my favorite worship songs and just kept calling out for Jesus and praying until I was eventually able to sleep. I have experienced sleep paralysis before but nothing like this. This felt much more terrifying. I can remember it all so clearly but it's usually hard for me to remember my dreams. Has anyone else experienced something creepy like this?
I have had stuff like this.


Jan 11, 2020
I had it nightly for about a year and a half.

Sleep paralysis, I suppose.
But it is very hard to suffer this and then the believe it's just a dream or a trick of the mind.

One of the strangest and most mysterious things I have ever experienced.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I had it nightly for about a year and a half.

Sleep paralysis, I suppose.
But it is very hard to suffer this and then the believe it's just a dream or a trick of the mind.

One of the strangest and most mysterious things I have ever experienced.
I had it once after being asked to visit a suicidal occultist at university (who later came out of it - another story). I felt a spiritual presence that came back with me, but had to leave me the next day in the name of Jesus.

I simply said that I was paid for and covered by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, who beat his master on the cross and triumphed over him. Then it went, never to come back!


Jan 11, 2020
I went a longer, more complex route. But it worked.

I can't actually remember if I called on Jesus or god, or anything like that.
If I did, it didn't work.

Serious occultists are very strange people.


Mar 13, 2017
I was at work one evening and I felt a presence but it didn’t seem to be evil though it did freak me out. I don’t know what it was or what to do so I decided to ignore it see if it would go away, maybe I was imagining it...anything other than this really freaks me out. However, I don’t remember how it went away it was a couple of years ago and I didn’t want to think about it..maybe I’ll pray about it...


Mar 4, 2020
..the Ten Commandments, my hardest has been simply keeping the Sabbath Holy..
It's easy, just relax and chill at home and let your spiritual batteries automatically recharge, because a tired mind is easy prey for satan.
Remember, it's one of the 10 C's which shows how important God wants it to be.. :)

PS- my late dad was a workaholic, he once said to my mother "That factory's my life", and he worked every hour he could, including the sabbath because he couldn't relax, and he ended up dying in his early 60's half-nutty and riddled with demons.

Mrs Dimble

Mar 4, 2020
That's what a lot of people say to me. But I think it's better to know who your enemy is, as long as we remain close to God, and invoke the protective power of the blood of our saviour, Jesus.