
Jan 22, 2018
I was just thinking to myself, I wonder if everybody who dies as a result of their vaccine will have wilful ignorance as the cause of death on their death certificates?

.....let's be fair, if the vaccine kills you that's exactly what you died of.

Lil axe

May 11, 2020
You bring up a lot of excellent points A2. I wish I had the answers because I ask myself those same questions.

The whole point of this thread from the start was to prove that this so called pandemic was a psy-op, as well as, provide a place for people who still have critical thinking skills to access information without all the spin and propaganda. The goal is to share this information with enough people on a grass roots level as to create some kind of critical mass. I believe this may be the only way to win the information/propaganda war. It's fighting fire with fire. But like Dr. David Martin said when asked how does he convince people to believe what he is saying is true...Dr.Martins said he doesn't because belief is stronger than facts...and there lies the problem. For whatever reason people will believe what they want to believe. I believe this is because of fear. The fear that what we are saying is much worse than the so called pandemic. People want reassurance. They want to to be told that everything will be alright, it's under control and they are willing to do as they are told in exchange for their safety and freedom. Basically mindless sheep.

But the more the cabal tighten their grip and expose their true authoritarian nature, the more people will wake up - and they are. It's happening right now. I'm hearing from friends and family who are finally realizing for the first time that something is not right and they are willing to listen. The talk of mandatory jabs and freedom passports are opening many eyes.

To All - This is the time to be to friends, family, co-workers and people of influence who aren't high ranking freemasons - doctors, lawyers, police officers, religious leaders, teachers, business leaders and even possibly politicians, write an article, write a book, post a comment, hand out a flyer, make a video, make a t-shirt, make a sign, put on a play, sing a song, gather in a group and invite those who want to know creative. Can't help but think of the ending of the movie They Live.

View attachment 54047

The want us isolated, afraid and helpless. F*ck that.

To anyone new here. This thread is huge and overwhelming. That's the reason I post very key articles and information on the first post.
thanks frank
i've been using this as a source of information, knowledge is power, we have 488 pages of ammunition, i also feel we can create a collective conscious energy, (why not they believe in energy), i also use this thread to see a real time glimpse of what is truly happening, as it unfolds, alot of lows, but alot of positive highs, i also try to mention to people about what is going on, usually subtle hints or words, see if they want to discuss further, i've shown a couple people this thread, it helped them to look at the situation differently,
thanks again everyone, we are many , they are few

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
i also feel we can create a collective conscious energy, (why not they believe in energy)
People might say that's all new age but even a group of people praying together in a church creates CCE. Is it any wonder why the church is enemy #1. The cabal have been directing our thoughts, beliefs and emotions for too long. Fear, division and isolation is their weapon. I'm all for the individual but like minded people consciously in tandem is a force to be reckoned with.

i also use this thread to see a real time glimpse of what is truly happening, as it unfolds.
Good point!
i also try to mention to people about what is going on, usually subtle hints or words, see if they want to discuss further, i've shown a couple people this thread, it helped them to look at the situation differently,
I agree. Sometimes dropping seeds is better than using a sledge hammer when you want people to take note of what you are saying.
we are many , they are few
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Mar 30, 2017
Really? Now, who would trust this guy considering what is known about him:

Morgan Freeman Latest Actor of Sexual Assault Accusation

After Sexual Abuse Claims Surface, Morgan Freeman ‘Blamed For Granddaughter’s Death’

I'd rather BBQ with Dellen Mllard. :rolleyes:

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
I have been taking a long vacation from the news no matter the view for there is no sane, grounded outlet that is not in on the constant, tiresome divide tactics. It's so clear for some, yet others are like gullible fish nibbling every distortion as truth. That school of dumb fish gains momentum and the mass forces resisters to get caught up in the flow and taken down paths against our will.

It would be nice if the collective woke up to the obvious divide tactics designed to keep us blind to the worldly wiles of elitist pricks. That said, I am pretty sure something has already been in the water to make so many compliant without objective thought. For some, it is like watching everybody around you go mad to the point you wonder if we are in some altered timeline for current reality is so bizarre. I don't know about some of you, but life has a lot of fog these days as if you want to try to poke a hole in what no longer seems logical or in the reality you once knew. And even that reality was swayed just not to the point of the current madness in the world.

Oh, wait, I was going to comment on Morgan Freeman. Man, they get to everyone to force their input to tell everyone to trust the PTB's. Anyhow, the mouthpieces seem to want us to act as a shared-willed collective. Is anyone else just sick of celebrities to where they can rarely if ever enjoy MSM entertainment any longer? The veil seems so thin to me these days and I cannot watch anything without noticing indoctrination tactics on any TV station or service. It is alarming how long it took for many to see we have been socially engineered to be dumb as a rock and think we like it. Okay, back to the daily grind in the bizarro world...

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
It would be nice if the collective woke up to the obvious divide tactics designed to keep us blind to the worldly wiles of elitist pricks. That said, I am pretty sure something has already been in the water to make so many compliant without objective thought. For some, it is like watching everybody around you go mad to the point you wonder if we are in some altered timeline for current reality is so bizarre. I don't know about some of you, but life has a lot of fog these days as if you want to try to poke a hole in what no longer seems logical or in the reality you once knew. And even that reality was swayed just not to the point of the current madness in the world.
Well, constant 24/7 propaganda, spin and gaslighting will have that effect on people, particularly those who are completely unaware its happening to them. For those in the know, it's just a drag. (heavy sigh smh)

Lil axe

May 11, 2020
a line from the article - " The scheme has been launched in the face of misinformation and conspiracy theories that can be found online"

from meriam webster dictionary :
Definition of scheme
a plan or program of action , especially a crafty or secret one

from cambridge dictionary:
meaning of scheme in english-
an organized plan for doing something, especially something dishonest or illegal that will bring a good result for you

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
a line from the article - " The scheme has been launched in the face of misinformation and conspiracy theories that can be found online"

from meriam webster dictionary :
Definition of scheme
a plan or program of action , especially a crafty or secret one

from cambridge dictionary:
meaning of scheme in english-
an organized plan for doing something, especially something dishonest or illegal that will bring a good result for you
Good catch.
Freudian slip perhaps or just brazenly over confident?