
Jan 14, 2021
The biggest problem we face now is this. We actually have the evidence, it's contained within this thread, that there is a plan in place to reduce the worlds population. One of the main proponents of this particular plan being Bill Gates and he just happens to be now the person who's charged to get this "virus" under control.

But what do we do with this evidence? How can we use this evidence to convict these people of crimes against humanity? If they ultimately own the judicial system anyway then how do we bring these people to account? What do we do with our damming evidence that this covid thing is a psy op? How do we disseminat this information to large numbers of people when most platforms sharing this type of stuff are tightly controlled or subverted to the point of ineffectiveness?

This is the problem. We know there is a conspiracy, and that conspiracy is against every innocent man woman and child on this earth....who have no value whatsoever to the psychopaths who are currently running things.

You have collated enough evidence in this thread to convince any sane person that this Covid bollocks has no credibility and this type of information should be spreading like wild fire to an inquisitive or doubting public but the status quo remains despite people losing basic human rights every day.
This thread have reached 487 pages of evidence, but you can only do so much. You can't stuff the evidence in the heads of the people. You also can't convince people who have too much pride and ego I think. Most people who took the vaccine try to deny that their health got worse after taking it. Its like they want to live in denial and they want to believe its true, and I can't blame them.
Jan 27, 2018
Local teen diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome questions COVID-19 vaccine after receiving first dose

Dr. Charles Sims, Montgomery County Health Authority and infectious disease doctor from St. Luke’s in The Woodlands, said it is more often caused by a viral or bacterial infection and he can’t say the vaccine caused Wyatt’s condition.
Give me a break - these doctors are just covering their a**es

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
The biggest problem we face now is this. We actually have the evidence, it's contained within this thread, that there is a plan in place to reduce the worlds population. One of the main proponents of this particular plan being Bill Gates and he just happens to be now the person who's charged to get this "virus" under control.

But what do we do with this evidence? How can we use this evidence to convict these people of crimes against humanity? If they ultimately own the judicial system anyway then how do we bring these people to account? What do we do with our damming evidence that this covid thing is a psy op? How do we disseminat this information to large numbers of people when most platforms sharing this type of stuff are tightly controlled or subverted to the point of ineffectiveness?

This is the problem. We know there is a conspiracy, and that conspiracy is against every innocent man woman and child on this earth....who have no value whatsoever to the psychopaths who are currently running things.

You have collated enough evidence in this thread to convince any sane person that this Covid bollocks has no credibility and this type of information should be spreading like wild fire to an inquisitive or doubting public but the status quo remains despite people losing basic human rights every day.
You bring up a lot of excellent points A2. I wish I had the answers because I ask myself those same questions.

The whole point of this thread from the start was to prove that this so called pandemic was a psy-op, as well as, provide a place for people who still have critical thinking skills to access information without all the spin and propaganda. The goal is to share this information with enough people on a grass roots level as to create some kind of critical mass. I believe this may be the only way to win the information/propaganda war. It's fighting fire with fire. But like Dr. David Martin said when asked how does he convince people to believe what he is saying is true...Dr.Martins said he doesn't because belief is stronger than facts...and there lies the problem. For whatever reason people will believe what they want to believe. I believe this is because of fear. The fear that what we are saying is much worse than the so called pandemic. People want reassurance. They want to to be told that everything will be alright, it's under control and they are willing to do as they are told in exchange for their safety and freedom. Basically mindless sheep.

But the more the cabal tighten their grip and expose their true authoritarian nature, the more people will wake up - and they are. It's happening right now. I'm hearing from friends and family who are finally realizing for the first time that something is not right and they are willing to listen. The talk of mandatory jabs and freedom passports are opening many eyes.

To All - This is the time to be to friends, family, co-workers and people of influence who aren't high ranking freemasons - doctors, lawyers, police officers, religious leaders, teachers, business leaders and even possibly politicians, write an article, write a book, post a comment, hand out a flyer, make a video, make a t-shirt, make a sign, put on a play, sing a song, gather in a group and invite those who want to know creative. Can't help but think of the ending of the movie They Live.


The want us isolated, afraid and helpless. F*ck that.

To anyone new here. This thread is huge and overwhelming. That's the reason I post very key articles and information on the first post.
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
they've tried this before back in '10 with the swine flu but failed so here it is a decade later and to date, they've been successful:
I was all over that back in 2009 when Jane Bürgermeister exposed the vaccine conspiracy. I went to several radio stations and spoke with news directors about this story and handed out articles. Most were quite receptive but I don't recall anyone mentioning anything on air. Jane is a hero.

Screenshot_2021-04-07 Jane Bürgermeister - Wikispooks.png

Swine Flu Outbreak Or Bioterrorism And Intent To Commit Mass Murder?
May 18, 2018
@Frank Badfinger have you heard of SPARS 2025-2028? It was a scenario like event201, dome a few years ago which chronicles in detail, down to twitter hashtags, changes in narrative, the past year. Interestingly, the coming year is also detailed, talking about how governments will deal with the side effects of the vaccine that come in6-8 months.

without commenting on the topic of infowars, they are the only ones I’ve seen cover it and did a good job. Recommend watching/listening if anyone has the time

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
@Frank Badfinger have you heard of SPARS 2025-2028? It was a scenario like event201, dome a few years ago which chronicles in detail, down to twitter hashtags, changes in narrative, the past year. Interestingly, the coming year is also detailed, talking about how governments will deal with the side effects of the vaccine that come in6-8 months.

without commenting on the topic of infowars, they are the only ones I’ve seen cover it and did a good job. Recommend watching/listening if anyone has the time
I will check that out. Thanks for posting.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Dave Cullen discusses how governments plan on "keeping us safe" and how we can use this time to expose the various global BS agendas.
Gradualism and the Road to Totalitarianism
Screenshot_2021-04-07 Gradualism and the Road to Totalitarianism.png


Jan 14, 2021
You can find the information you seek here

Just want to say thanks. The technique helped me.