Dec 11, 2020
Vaccinated Brits could be given scannable QR codes that allow them to travel abroad as soon as NEXT MONTH as part of Covid 'vaccine passport' schemes funded by the taxpayer

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Excerpt below from:

Fear of Covid-19 no longer petrifies 1 in 3 Americans, but indecision about how to move forward does

Americans have finally begun easing out of the pandemic-induced phobias that sent them scurrying underground nearly a year ago. However, few seem to agree on how to come out of hibernation, with many waiting for an official “OK.”

One in three Americans no longer believes returning to their pre-coronavirus existence poses a ‘moderate or large risk’, according to an Ipsos poll published on Tuesday. While this sounds like a lot of Americans are still paralyzed with fear, it actually represents the best national outlook since October, the pollster claims. A quarter believe the risk is ‘small’, and just nine percent believe there is no risk at all.

Adults under age 29 are the least likely to see Covid-19 as a risk, but 58 percent still believe it represents a moderate or large risk. Fewer than half of Republicans continue to fear the pandemic. However, attending in-person events and conferences or taking a vacation is still off-limits for most Americans, with the vast majority either uncertain of when they might resume these activities or pledging to wait until the government gives the green light.

Indeed, confusion still reigns over how exactly Americans will regain the confidence necessary to go ‘back to normal’. On one end, more than a quarter (28 percent) of Americans are already attending small parties and gatherings. However, another quarter (24 percent) won’t make a move until officials declare it’s safe for people to resume normal activity – a group that might be waiting a long time, given the foot-dragging that notoriously characterizes American health bureaucracy.

Meanwhile, 29 percent of those over 65 years old – long considered the highest-risk group for infection by the novel coronavirus – say they will wait for the vaccine before they even consider resuming normal life.

The least likely to return to normal anytime soon are college-educated Americans and those who politically identify with the Democratic Party. Just over a third (34 percent) said they would prefer to wait for the vaccine and the official go-ahead, respectively, before resuming normal life. There are plenty of reasons for their willingness to wait – those with a college education are more likely to be able to work from home, and Democratic governors like New York’s Andrew Cuomo and California’s Gavin Newsom (not to mention President Joe Biden) have been among the loudest proponents of lockdowns.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Excerpt below from:

UK could experience lockdowns for 'SEVERAL YEARS' despite vaccination program, SAGE member warns

A member of the UK government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has claimed that lockdowns could be a part of people's lives for "several years" as variants of Covid-19 mutate.

Professor Sir Ian Boyd, who teaches at the University of St Andrews' School of Biology, warnedthis week against the frequent lifting of lockdowns because "it simply fuels a new wave of disease" that can cause the virus to replicate more and mutate into new strains.

"There are a lot of reasons for taking pain now in order to create conditions for controlled release from [restrictions] a lot easier," he argued, adding, "Otherwise we risk just passing through phases of various levels of lockdown and release."

Boyd said that lockdowns "could go on for a long time," despite the UK's mass vaccination program. "My suspicion is that we will experience a damped oscillation of control-release for a long time to come — perhaps several years."

Brits reacted negatively to the prospect of lockdowns still being used in several years, calling it "madness."

"Ok. This is ridiculous now,"
tweeted journalist James Melville, while another social media user argued the country "won’t survive" years of lockdowns.

"If you are waiting to live, love, and laugh with others again until things get back to normal, that normal may never come,"commentedchurch pastor Regan Blanton King. "Going forward, it is important that we prioritise faith and family and lobby for freedom."

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Excerpt below from:

Britain’s Covid apartheid: 10 years in jail for quarantine dodgers from developing countries is draconian and utterly unjust

The UK government’s ridiculous new authoritarian penalty for arrivals from ‘red list’ countries who skip the mandatory hotel quarantine exposes a shameful ‘them and us’ outlook at the heart of public health policy.

Ten years in prison is a tough sentence and usually reserved as punishment for crimes at the serious end of the scale – child grooming, sexual assault, fraud, various firearms offences, and failing to disclose the travel destination you’ve just returned home from.

Thanks to Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s announcement of quarantine restrictions for incoming travellers, anyone who attempts to hide that they are returning from one of 33 countries currently on the UK’s ‘red list’ of banned destinations, with the intention of skirting around the latest authoritarian restrictions, risks not just a £10,000 fine, but a 10-year jail stretch as well.

Of course, we all understand the public health rationale behind the new hotel quarantine rules. But to punish those who infringe them with penalties usually reserved for crimes such as indecent assault, fraud, burglary, threats to kill, rioting, and possession of an unlicensed shotgun seems somewhat heavy-handed.

Arrivals from anywhere on the red list – which includes plenty of countries in Africa and South America, plus the United Arab Emirates and Portugal – have to spend 10 days in one of 16 government-designated hotels, where they will be charged £1,750 for their stay.

And in case they get any funny ideas about doing a midnight flit, the government has promised there will be “visible security” making sure they follow the rules.

Welcome to the United Kingdom. Now get inside that hotel room and shut the door. Or else!


Jan 10, 2019
Excerpt below from:

UK could experience lockdowns for 'SEVERAL YEARS' despite vaccination program, SAGE member warns

A member of the UK government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has claimed that lockdowns could be a part of people's lives for "several years" as variants of Covid-19 mutate.

Professor Sir Ian Boyd, who teaches at the University of St Andrews' School of Biology, warnedthis week against the frequent lifting of lockdowns because "it simply fuels a new wave of disease" that can cause the virus to replicate more and mutate into new strains.

"There are a lot of reasons for taking pain now in order to create conditions for controlled release from [restrictions] a lot easier," he argued, adding, "Otherwise we risk just passing through phases of various levels of lockdown and release."

Boyd said that lockdowns "could go on for a long time," despite the UK's mass vaccination program. "My suspicion is that we will experience a damped oscillation of control-release for a long time to come — perhaps several years."

Brits reacted negatively to the prospect of lockdowns still being used in several years, calling it "madness."

"Ok. This is ridiculous now,"
tweeted journalist James Melville, while another social media user argued the country "won’t survive" years of lockdowns.

"If you are waiting to live, love, and laugh with others again until things get back to normal, that normal may never come,"commentedchurch pastor Regan Blanton King. "Going forward, it is important that we prioritise faith and family and lobby for freedom."
Funny I was just reading this morning about the evil faux left group ZeroCovid who have SAGE researchers as members. These NWO demons want absolute lockdowns like China and Australia with expanded test and tracing.

Zerocovid team

Edit: ZC is only one of 20 some orgs part of the zerocovid alliance
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Dec 11, 2020
At least 36 people develop blood disorder and a doctor DIES after receiving Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines - as experts probe potential link between shots and the rare condition

Jan 27, 2018
Also reported here:

Wait until they start recognizing the inflammation it induces yielding cardiac arrest, dystonias and a myriad of neurological problems - blood is just one system that’s targeted
Jan 27, 2018
Funny I was just reading this morning about the evil faux left group ZeroCovid who have SAGE researchers as members. These NWO demons want absolute lockdowns like China and Australia with expanded test and tracing.

Zerocovid team

This is what happens when a bunch of “intellectuals” gather and deem themselves the authors of our lives - they know best right? What could possibly go wrong? Their models are always right no? Perhaps they should take a page out of history and think back to when so-called experts decimated civilians (“Manhattan Project” anyone?) and step down from their self-appointed platforms- or better yet listen to Thomas Sowell below:

Great article btw - I found this point particularly elucidating:

“China’s strategy, from the start, was to have no infections at all… Still in Beijing, where we have hardly any cases, every time you step outside your door you have to use a smartphone to scan a QR code — every shop, every taxi, every bus, every metro station. You have no privacy at all — it’s all built around this electronic system of contact tracing. To leave Beijing you have to have a Covid test, to come back in you have to have a Covid test…. We basically don’t have the virus here, but the flip side is that they are keeping this place locked down as tight as a drum… It’s very hard to know where Covid containment starts and a Communist police state with an obsession with control kicks in.”
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The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
I haven't read the content yet, but Bill and Malinda Gates are asking everyone to read their annual letter -

Imagine, having your own letter to tell the world how to whatever... the opening line says they want to improve lives and that is why the foundation was created. Anyone who reads it and sees anything interesting LMK. I am sure it is a disturbing global takeover take for those who are aware of the agenda.
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019


REQUIRED VIEWING! Dr. Sherri Tenpenny gives VERY important information! Hyper-immune response in test animals for previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines, like SARS and MERS, has been a persistent problem. All is well for awhile, until the animals are exposed to the wild mutated virus. Dr. Tenpenny and other scientists have forecast that millions may die, and it will be blamed on a new strain of COVID, making an argument for even more deadly vaccines. See: "The Coming Genocide of Adverse COVID Vax Reactions, and Who to Blame for It"

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Funny I was just reading this morning about the evil faux left group ZeroCovid who have SAGE researchers as members. These NWO demons want absolute lockdowns like China and Australia with expanded test and tracing.

Zerocovid team

Edit: ZC is only one of 20 some orgs part of the zerocovid alliance
Nice catch! Very important article.
“China’s strategy, from the start, was to have no infections at all… Still in Beijing, where we have hardly any cases, every time you step outside your door you have to use a smartphone to scan a QR code — every shop, every taxi, every bus, every metro station. You have no privacy at all — it’s all built around this electronic system of contact tracing. To leave Beijing you have to have a Covid test, to come back in you have to have a Covid test…. We basically don’t have the virus here, but the flip side is that they are keeping this place locked down as tight as a drum… It’s very hard to know where Covid containment starts and a Communist police state with an obsession with control kicks in.”
Yes. That sums it up nicely.
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
No Test No Entry! Canada To Require Negative Covid-19(84) Test Or Face Hefty Fine!!!

Screenshot_2021-02-09 No Test No Entry Canada To Require Negative Covid-19(84) Test Or Face He...png

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Edible vaccines are coming?
Why is BILL GATES Buying ALL the Farmland?

Screenshot_2021-02-09 Why is BILL GATES Buying ALL the Farmland .png

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Illinois: Parents Whose Children Committed Suicide Say COVID Lockdowns at Fault
Screenshot_2021-02-10 Illinois Parents Whose Children Committed Suicide Say COVID Lockdowns at...png



May 20, 2017
When Will Life Return to Normal? In 7 Years at Today's Vaccine Rates

Our new calculator shows how long it will take states and countries to vaccinate 75% of their populations

Growing risk of attacks as world order crumbles
Defence secretary highlights danger from chemical and biological weapons
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Very worthwhile video.
WAKE UP CALL | World Freedom Alliance | Copenhagen (Released Feb. 4, 2021)

Screenshot_2021-02-10 WAKE UP CALL World Freedom Alliance Copenhagen (Released Feb 4, 2021).png