
Mar 18, 2017
True we are vaccinated after birth as well. This is forced I guess. But as adult we should have the right to decide what goes into our bodies. And the "fear" or better said accurate information on those vaccines is necessary. The vaccines they are making now are in fact gene therapy, and combined with digital identification this will eventually lead to our DNA being used as data for the elite to manipulate as they please. 7G for example is said to use humans themselves as receiving and transmitting "antennas", using emotions as signals so eventually our own bodies will be melded in what many call the Beast System (and for good reasons). We will become cyborgs and digital beings at the mercy of whoever controls the system. It's all about manipulating our DNA and these vaccines and ID system is the just the start.
I see what you are suggesting; however, this is dependent on this potential technology automatically being implemented in an unethical way. It is being presented in a way that is somewhat superstitious as though the technology had the power to control the creator to behave in a way that is unethical, and it doesn't.

There are some serious things to consider, but the main problem that I see is that even if we were to implement gene therapy technology, this will still be a crude approach to addressing the subject of disease. Maybe this is what leads to superstitious speculations about how the implementation of these approaches will change the way we think and live.

Modifying dna will still be somewhat crude, but that is the disappointing reality of healthcare as it operates today. Everything we do is just a little less crude than a barber/surgeon would have done many years ago.

It is still not an end or a final resting place for the field of medicine. Therefore, it will find its end and eventually be replaced by something that tries to be a little less crude than the approach before it. Therefore, we are given a lot to speculate over whether this inevitable end that will be reached with more advanced technology, will be apocalyptic.

Outside of these speculations, there is also more opportunity for treating a mentally ill patient that would be more efficient than any of the medications we have today. So there are ethical concerns, but the presence of ethical concerns does not automatically default to apocalyptic conclusions.

As a population, we are presently incredibly vulnerable because of the presence of disease, so I can see something you are suggesting is possible. It is also what frustrates me the most about the discussion because it really is a rock and a hard place.

On the one hand, you are vulnerable to a hundred different diseases, and there is not a whole lot you can do about it. On the other hand, you can be taken advantage of because of this because you would like to have this experience alleviated in some way.

It is very easy to say this is all some kind of evil and to have discussions like this as though it weren't even something that was necessary to provide. It is an entirely different thing to realize and see the way people suffer from all kinds of different things and know just how incredibly limited you are in how you can help them. They will leave with some of their symptoms alleviated in most cases, but the disease process will remain and there is nothing you can do.

So this whole thing is a lot bigger in some respects too, and it is all rooted in the fact that there is no other approach being offered to provide healing to people in a real way. Even the natural remedies we talk about are not going a significant percentage of what the healthcare industry treats on a regular basis. So I understand what you are saying, but I do think the discussion is becoming very narrowed and losing a full perspective because of the present situation with COVID.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Bill Gates, who somehow magically predicted a world wide pandemic 5 years, now magically predicts the outcome of the Covid-19 Pandemic. His ESP skills are truly amazing.

Bill Gates Tells What to Expect After Covid-19

Broadcast on March 26, 2020, Bill Gates speaks from his home, interviewed by Chris Anderson, the founder of TED Talks. This is a 4-minute excerpt from the original 52-minutes. It focuses on what Mr. Gates thinks the future will hold following the Covid-19 pandemic, which was underway at the time. He says:

(1) Covid-19 will fade away within a few months
(2) There will be fewer casualties than predicted
(3) That will be credited to strong action taken by governments
(4) Pandemics serve the purpose of testing and improving response
(5) The correct response centers on the development of vaccines, an industry in which he is heavily invested
(6) Pandemics and global warming have the common advantage of being sufficiently frightful to motivate the public and governments to accept drastic changes to society
(7) Leadership for this must come from technocrats, not politicians.

Mr. Gates is an oligarch with the money and power to make things happen globally. What he sees for the future has a good chance of coming to pass. -GEG


Jul 27, 2017
There’s so many possible theories.
The one true fact though is this situation sucks

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
YouTube/Google censoring freedom of Speech once again.


Respiratory Therapist speaks out

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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus?

Celia Farber
April 7, 2020
The Corona Simulation Machine: Why the Inventor of The “Corona Test” Would Have Warned Us Not To Use It To Detect A Virus

“Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.” –Kary Mullis, Inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction


Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Great Interview. Dr. Tenpenny exposes the pandemic hoax, the absurdity of social distancing and explains that the CDC is a private corporation.
re-posted here
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Absolute Must See - Most Important Video on YouTube

Edited version on Bitchute

Edit: Of course, YouTube/Google todays fascist censorship platform burning books just like the old days.

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