Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Toronto Children’s Hospital Recommends Back to School without Masks or Social Distancing. Detailed Report

First published by Global Research on July 21, 2020

Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children (aka SickKids) has released a detailed report on “the harms of school closure on [children’s] physical and mental health.” Harms included: “Increased rates of depression, trauma, drug abuse and addiction and even suicide can be anticipated.”

The SickKids report reassures parents that there is “strong evidence that the majority of children who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 are either asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms…. There have been no paediatric deaths reported in Canada to date.”

Even more heartening is that SickKids Hospital recommends:

“Non-medical and medical face masks are not required or recommended for children returning to school.”

They point out that

“if worn incorrectly, it could lead to increased risk of infection and it is not practical for a child to wear a mask properly for the duration of a school day.”

They also state the oft-ignored fact that:

“There is a lack of evidence that wearing a face mask prevents SARS-CoV-2 transmission in children.”

More like no (direct) evidence. Same goes for adults. Which may be why the report advises teachers to teach without a mask as “facial expression is an important part of communication which children should not be deprived of.”

But what about physical distancing? Should kids all be cubicled like in China and have recess in a six-foot bubble? Here’s what The Hospital for Sick Children says:

…strict physical distancing should not be emphasized to children in the school setting as it is not practical and could cause significant psychological harm. Close interaction, such as playing and socializing, is central to child development and should not be discouraged.”

Instead, to help prevent the spread of COVID they give some reasonable suggestions that have many other health benefits:

“If weather permits, consideration could be given to having classes outside…. Attention should be paid to improving classroom ventilation (e.g. optimizing ventilation system maintenance and increasing the proportion of outside air brought in through these systems).”

Even high-risk children are not advised to be quarantined:

“…there is no convincing evidence to suggest the level of medical risk to [high-risk] children from SARS-CoV-2 is different from that posed by other respiratory viruses, such as influenza. As a result, given the unintended consequences associated with not attending school, attending school is recommended for the majority of these children.”

Full Article:


Mar 13, 2017
Toronto Children’s Hospital Recommends Back to School without Masks or Social Distancing. Detailed Report

First published by Global Research on July 21, 2020

Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children (aka SickKids) has released a detailed report on “the harms of school closure on [children’s] physical and mental health.” Harms included: “Increased rates of depression, trauma, drug abuse and addiction and even suicide can be anticipated.”

The SickKids report reassures parents that there is “strong evidence that the majority of children who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 are either asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms…. There have been no paediatric deaths reported in Canada to date.”

Even more heartening is that SickKids Hospital recommends:

“Non-medical and medical face masks are not required or recommended for children returning to school.”

They point out that

“if worn incorrectly, it could lead to increased risk of infection and it is not practical for a child to wear a mask properly for the duration of a school day.”

They also state the oft-ignored fact that:

“There is a lack of evidence that wearing a face mask prevents SARS-CoV-2 transmission in children.”

More like no (direct) evidence. Same goes for adults. Which may be why the report advises teachers to teach without a mask as “facial expression is an important part of communication which children should not be deprived of.”

But what about physical distancing? Should kids all be cubicled like in China and have recess in a six-foot bubble? Here’s what The Hospital for Sick Children says:

…strict physical distancing should not be emphasized to children in the school setting as it is not practical and could cause significant psychological harm. Close interaction, such as playing and socializing, is central to child development and should not be discouraged.”

Instead, to help prevent the spread of COVID they give some reasonable suggestions that have many other health benefits:

“If weather permits, consideration could be given to having classes outside…. Attention should be paid to improving classroom ventilation (e.g. optimizing ventilation system maintenance and increasing the proportion of outside air brought in through these systems).”

Even high-risk children are not advised to be quarantined:

“…there is no convincing evidence to suggest the level of medical risk to [high-risk] children from SARS-CoV-2 is different from that posed by other respiratory viruses, such as influenza. As a result, given the unintended consequences associated with not attending school, attending school is recommended for the majority of these children.”

Full Article:
Does the way adults handle this help children trust adults or not? Especially when it goes back to normal..and you got kids thinking even my parents don’t know what’s right.

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Jan 27, 2018

The mind of a Technocrat doesn’t see human life as anything sacred, so it is easy for them to let people die alone as patients and families are left in a state of abject horror. As stated many times, Technocracy is anti-human at its core.
This is one of the many REAL tragedies of this lockdown. The breakdown of humanity. Of course the Trans-Humanists see this as a necessary consequence of their endpoint- a MEANS to an END where ALL humans are trans-human (aka NOT human). It begs the question- are the trans-humanists behind all this? I’ll answer that question for you - HELL YES THEY ARE!
Jan 27, 2018
No, I believe in the case you are referencing the technocrats aka Cabalists want people dead. They are using social isolation as a means to hasten our demise.
Yeah I agree that too - get the population down to their “ideal” number - but those left will be merged with machines. That’s my belief anyway- that’s why we have in parallel the huge push for 5G, the “trans” gender movements, the removal of religious freedoms, etc...

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Yeah I agree that too - get the population down to their “ideal” number - but those left will be merged with machines. That’s my belief anyway- that’s why we have in parallel the huge push for 5G, the “trans” gender movements, the removal of religious freedoms, etc...
I agree. It's a matter of just who do they want dead and who do they want as mind controlled slaves in the AI 5G world. It's a given, that the older generation are dispensable to these psychos.


Mar 13, 2017
You believe things are going to be back to normal?
Yes I least here in the US. Seems like Australia and New Zealand has slowly turned into something less free..but then idk how they were before all this.
Jan 27, 2018
Must read! Understand the difference between being “infected” (having the virus but not being sick) vs. a “case” (sick with the virus).
This simple mistake has cost us massively:

The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns

Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Must read! Understand the difference between being “infected” (having the virus but not being sick) vs. a “case” (sick with the virus).
This simple mistake has cost us massively:

The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns
Not sure why these stories are coming out now but I don't believe for a minute that the cabal made any errors. From Agenda 21 to Lock Step to Event 201, this scam went off as planned.

Either they want us to believe that they are backing off their plans, as too many people are woke, or they want us to give us a false sense of hope, so we will back off our offense. I'm not buying it.


Jun 4, 2017
Millions of people will die by the end of 2021: Bill Gates
In an interview given to the media, Bill Gates said that millions of people would die not only from the coronavirus but also from the poor health system and fear.

Bill Gates says the coronavirus could kill millions of people who aren’t even infected

"millions" seem too much for problems in the health system. or does he know something else?
I'm sure he's got his fingers crossed.