While many of us have heard about Project Bluebeam, I don’t think that many familiar with it have seriously thought through the political and legal implications of something like that…when it does happen. That was me, until now.
"No one will be part of the New World Order unless he carries out an act of worship to Lucifer.
No one will enter the New Age unless he receives Luciferian initiation."
—David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative Project (Reflections on The Christ, Findhorn, 1978)
Even when I first read this quote, many years ago when I got into conspiracies, I actually didn’t take it seriously. I filed it away in my brain as just some ramblings of a crazy NWO dude but recently, as I let my mind brood over that essay, that quote is no longer the joke that I found it to be more than a decade ago.
Like Covid, they wouldn’t get this show on the road unless the necessary legal protections for the players are in place. People argue that something like this wouldn’t happen under the Biden admin/with Democrats in charge because they are the “Irreligious Left” but if Obama’s “prediction” finds fulfillment and the “aliens” appear and they start to demand that the Biden admin do unthinkable things, wouldn’t the admin do those unthinkable things in a heartbeat? Early this year this story was picked up by a number of outlets and it adds another piece to the puzzle.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
Again, the implication here is; would your religious exemption still be recognized if the aliens’ religion is pro-[gene editing] vaccine? Would it even be legal to call out the psyop for what it is…. say if I write an article and include
2 Cor 11:14… “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light”… to buttress my argument? Ofcourse, that would be classified as blasphemous if/when the 24 theologians do tell us that it really is christ floating in the sky. What if the crime of blasphemy, this time around, carries a capital punishment?
Yeah, we are in "crisis to crisis" mode and the people we are dealing with are masters of deception, manipulation and all manner of sophistry.
Thank-you for your reply. Good questions.
What's difficult for people to wrap their minds around is where we actually are and just how evil this place (planet Earth) really is. The following is a quote from over 65 years ago that sums it up rather well.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” — J. Edgar Hoover ~The Elks Magazine, August 1956
Virtually everything on this planet is a lie or half-truth at best (which is still a lie). Anyone who doubts that should pick a topic and investigate it without any preconceived notions, to see where it leads. What they'll find is that once the thin veneer is removed, everything underneath is rotten to the core.
We are literally surrounded by corporate fictions (fantasies, that don't exist except on pieces of paper and in the minds of those who believe in such things) and most never question any of it. Governments are corporate fictions. Organized religions are corporate fictions. The hospitals, chemical and pharmaceutical companies are corporate fictions. The court systems and police departments/constabularies are corporate fictions. The list is endless.
What incentive do all of these corporate fictions have to lie? Greed and "self" preservation. If they don't make a profit, then they cease to exist. That's why Christ said that one cannot serve God (Truth) and mammon (money/materialism), because the two are mutually exclusive.
If, for a moment, people can divorce themselves from all of these worldly constructs, and focus on the message sent down from our extraterrestrial progenitors in the Old Covenant, New Covenant and the Koran/Quran, it should become self-evident that
NONE of the organized religions on this planet are actually doing what it says in those texts. The same goes for all of the other texts (e.g. the Bhagavad Gita, the Diamond Sutra, etc. -- which have confirmations and instructions in them to direct people back to the Bible). What then was organized religion created to do? Were the corporate organized religions not created by corporate governments to control the minds of their adherents (the target market)? The Roman Empire created Roman Catholicism to do exactly that, transcending international borders effortlessly. And the Arab Empire followed in their footsteps, and with their direction, to build what is today known as "Islam".
The battlefield is, and always has been,
in the mind. Organized religion offers one of the most powerful weapons there is to control that battlefield, and no government/empire can survive without it.
THAT is why project Blue Beam is so important to the "new" world order, and why they planned for three world wars, the last of which is now imminent. They have announced their plans to destroy all of the current organized religions in favor of their one world religion (luciferianism) for at least 150 years.
Most "Jews" and their "Christian" pals are clueless that they are being prepped to be sacrificed, to wipe out all of the "Muslims", which is one of the stated goals for WW3 in Albert Pike's 1871 letter to Mazzini. And the remaining "Christians", most of whom have also put all their chips into the oxymoronic Christian Zionism pot, will be so disillusioned when they have their belief system shattered that they will be ripe for manipulation, whether they believe it or not.
How many "people of faith" would have believed a decade ago that the governments and the churches would work hand-in-hand with the "doctors" to con two-thirds of the population into voluntarily poisoning themselves over a fabricated pandemic? And yet here we are, living in that exact dystopian reality, where the majority of the population have, of their own free-will, chosen to trust in lying politicians, clergy and witch doctors, instead of trusting our Creator (Love/Truth/Reason).
There are powerful technological tools available today that have never been available before in human history. Radio, TV, internet, social media, etc. are merely bricks in the foundation upon which AI, the IOT, and image manipulation hardware and software have helped build the constant surveillance and control police-state that has already been almost universally accepted. No one builds such things unless they intend to use them, and that's exactly what the temporary, evil leaders of this world intend to do to attain their goal of a one-world government and the chance for total global domination.
Sadder yet is the fact that the so-called leaders don't even realize themselves who it is that is conning them into doing these things: the central source of all evil on this planet -- Lucifer/Satan/Iblis/the devil/liar/red dragon/destroyer. Or, if they do, they don't realize Satan intends to destroy them too, and is merely using the illusion of temporary worldly power to manipulate them into doing his bidding.
Is it not self-evident that this is hell? Where else would people lie, cheat, steal and murder one another for more expensive toys and better vacation destinations?
All of this may sound crazy to 99% of those reading it, but perhaps the craziest part is that it's all true and easily verifiable.
There is another reason for playing that the alien card, other than to herd people toward the one-world religion. It's the same reason for all of the division and in-fighting, and all of wars: to train people to foolishly fight against a benevolent ET intervention.
Christ said, through the mouth of Jesus, "
I AM NOT OF THIS WORLD" which, by definition, means Christ is an Extraterrestrial Being.
The Reaping is when the Extraterrestrials ("Eagles") gather the world together for Judgment Day, i.e. everyone's day in court. Those who are redeemed will be redeemed on the merits of their quiet, confident acceptance of truth, proven through their loving actions toward others, exactly as we've been instructed for thousands of years.
All the technology, which is destroying this planet, is insignificant next to the power of "The Force" (our Creator).