Catholicism 101


Nov 23, 2019
After backing out of one thread and posting another to which I did not respond, I decided that I would be remiss if I didn't make a statement about what the Catholic Church teaches. My only intent is to clear up the misconceptions that I've read in the posts from other threads. As I have stated before, and my apologies for repeating here what's been said, but in the event that someone didn't catch the other threads...I have been vilely insulted, "attacked," and accused of being an anti-Christ, a member of a Cult, a liar, and that I do not follow the true "gospel." This saddened me, and I became physically ill and I determined that it was a spiritual attack (why would satan attack one of his followers?). I shewed the demons away which worked for a while, but the attacks continued. It's been a "Job-week," which means I must be doing something right.

I discovered many people who, though they did not agree with me, were kind and gracious in their support. To those of you who fall into this category, thank you. I merely wanted to have an intellectual discussion, but emotions run high with people's religion - too close to home. I get it. There were a couple of folks who didn't agree with, but were very kind. Thank you. To those who do not fall into either category, thanks goes out to you, too. You have brought me out of my slumber and lethargy and reignited a spark inside of me. I don't intend to respond to any posts, positive or negative, and this will be my last post on the Religion/Spirituality Thread. Again, I'm retired, a heart-transplant recipient, and I have other ways to spend my time. To those who stay, keep up the good fight, but do it with kindness. Our Lord used righteous anger one time. Choose your battles.

It is not surprising how many people want to tear apart people and their belief systems without any real personal spiritual experience in those faith backgrounds. I speak here of people (not just those who've posted, but all the others whom I've met over the years) who "have relatives" that were Catholic, or people who had their knuckles rapped by nuns with a ruler. Most things life are a two-way street (pardon the cliché), and our personalities play a big part in how we interpret life.

The following is not meant to be comprehensive or authoritative, just a quick look, and it is offered with hands extended in peace. I am by no means trying to be divisive or convince anyone of anything, except that they have misconceptions concerning the Catholic Church.

Catholics believe:
1. In God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit - The "Holy Trinity" for short. Worship belongs to God and God alone. It's that simple. Let me write that again. Catholics worship God, and only God.
2. In The Virgin Birth of Jesus. According to the King James Version, Luke 1:28 "And the Angel came in unto her, and said, "Hail, thou art highly favored, (some translations say "full of grace") the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women," and in verse 42 her cousin Elizabeth greets her and says, "blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." "Jesus" is added at the end for emphasis on the Lord. The first half of the "Hail Mary" come directly from the bible - these two verses above. Then in verse 48, Mary says "...for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed." Catholics are merely following the bible here. Just as any person can ask any other person to pray for them, we ask Mary, who no doubt is in Heaven, to pray for us..."Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death."
3. In Mary's perpetual virginity - the Hebrew word for brother, sister also meant extended family. If Jesus had brothers and sisters they surely would have been mentioned in the Bible, and maybe they should have been at the Crucifixion in support of their brother - if they existed. ??? In Matthew 13:55 two of the brothers mentioned were from another Mary. See Matt 27:61, 28:1.
4. That our Salvation is not dependent upon our relationship with Mary!!! However, we are called upon in Scripture to honor her as she is the mother of Our Lord Jesus, the mother of God. There is no worship of Mary. In no Catholic book, the Code of Cannon Law, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a Catholic Bible will it be stated that Catholics must worship Mary, and if they do not they will go to hell. If anyone tells you that, kindly tell them that they are wrong. It just isn't there, because it's not part of our beliefs. She is "highly favored" as she should be. She played a huge part in salvation history. No Mary, no Jesus.
5. In honoring those who have done great things for God, and who led exemplary lives, especially those who were killed for the sake of the Kingdom. We call them Saints. They are not worshipped, they are honored. We ask them to pray for us, because they are in heaven, nothing more. We use statues and pictures as visual aids to help remind us of the great things they have done for Christianity/God. Just like most people who have pictures of family members in their homes or at work, and towns and cities have statues of historical figures to remind people of the great things those people accomplished, so too, does the Church have these things. There is no statue worship - they are merely visual aids. If you see someone worshipping a statue, pray for them, they may have a mental disease/disorder. Or they are pagans. Either way, pray.
6. That Jesus gave us His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity at the Last Supper and when we receive the host at communion, we are receiving exactly that - Jesus, the complete package. We take this from the Bible, in particular John, chapter 6. Before the Bread of Life Discourse, Jesus walks on the water and defies nature - a complete paradigm shift for the Apostles. Next, in John 6, Jesus multiplies the loaves and fishes - again, defying the laws of nature and another paradigm shift. Why are these passages right before the passage where Jesus tells the people four times that He is the Bread of Life? Why are these before the place where Jesus tells his followers that in order to have life in them they must eat His body and drink His blood? Nothing happens by chance in Scripture, and the early fathers of the Church, those who knew the Apostles, pondered these things and realized that after Jesus said this, and many people left Him, Jesus didn't chase them down and say, "Come back, I was only speaking symbolically." Another paradigm shift. The word "eat" from the Greek means to chew or gnaw, the physical act of eating. Also, Jesus was born in Bethlehem - the City of David, but it is also the City of Bread. Where was He placed? In a manger. What's a manger? A feeding trough for animals!!! No coincidences here. We believe that Jesus gives us his body, blood, soul and divinity at each Mass - He multiplies Himself and feeds us with Himself. He can defy nature and do what He wants - He's God!!! Why do satanists steal consecrated hosts from Catholic Churches and desecrate them if they did not believe them to be the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ? Why not go to other churches and steal their hosts? Ironically, they become witnesses to the True Presence!!! God has a sense of humor. Gotta love it.
7. That Purgatory is not "limbo." It is a place where souls go to be purged of their sins. This comes directly from the Bible - the original Bible that wasn't changed when 7 books were removed - this is called the "Septuagint." We get the idea of Purgatory from 2 Maccabees 12, and other passages in the OT. Our Jewish cousins were in the habit of atoning for the sins of the dead. If they were in Heaven, they didn't need prayer. If they were in Hell, all the prayers that could ever exist would not release them. Thinking logically, it was determined that there must some other place. So, Purgatory is place of burning away (like the song "Refiner's Fire") before a soul is released to Heaven. Versus such as Matthew 12:32, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 and 2 Timothy 1:16-18 allude to Purgatory.
8. That the pope is the spiritual descendant of Jesus. We all know that organizations need leadership - it's kind of a priori knowledge. Imagine world football without an organization running it. Imagine Manchester United, or the Boston Red Sox without any manager. We need leadership. Jesus knew this and that is why He made Peter the head Apostle. If anyone had a question after the Resurrection and Pentecost, they came to Peter - "The Rock on whose foundation I will build my Church," Matthew 16:18. In Matthew 18:18, Jesus gives Peter the power to bind and loose on earth. Peter had the authority to make decisions. Peter passed that authority on to the others and then to Linus (Mentioned in 2 Timothy) who became the 2nd Bishop of Rome - the Pope. We don't believe that Jesus would have gone through all that He had and then not leave anyone in charge with authority.
9. That the pope has authority to speak with Infallibility. Peter was given the keys to the kingdom. Also, in Matthew 16:17 Jesus tells Peter - the only Apostle given another name - that "flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father in Heaven," which means that from this passage there are times when God directly reveals things to Peter, and to Peter only. Recall Peter's dream about the animals. why would he stop at Peter?

There are certainly more topics to discuss, but these are the basic issues that seem to be the topic of discussion/consternation to many. I pray that these will clear up any misconceptions that what Catholics believe is not based on Scripture. Again, my intent is not to provoke, to be smug, or to play one-ups-man ship. Rather, the above is offered with the olive branch of peace. People who come to this site are aware, I hope, of the movement towards a one-world government and all of the ploys used to make that happen. It's all satanic and his greatest achievement is the use of "divide and conquer." Point number one should be the point around which we all are one church, with one God, and one Savior...Jesus Christ! Viva Christo Rey!!! Long live Christ the King!!!


Mar 13, 2017
No offence, @Toulouse, and nothing personal, for I’m certain that there are many saved Catholics, but the Catholic Church as an institution has far too much blood on it’s hands to represent the Prince of Peace and Lamb of God to the world. There has never been an internal reckoning for the damage it has caused to humanity and to the cause of Jesus Christ. It needs to be dissolved, and it’s treasure used for the good of the people who have been hurt by it.


Mar 15, 2017
After backing out of one thread and posting another to which I did not respond, I decided that I would be remiss if I didn't make a statement about what the Catholic Church teaches. My only intent is to clear up the misconceptions that I've read in the posts from other threads. As I have stated before, and my apologies for repeating here what's been said, but in the event that someone didn't catch the other threads...I have been vilely insulted, "attacked," and accused of being an anti-Christ, a member of a Cult, a liar, and that I do not follow the true "gospel." This saddened me, and I became physically ill and I determined that it was a spiritual attack (why would satan attack one of his followers?). I shewed the demons away which worked for a while, but the attacks continued. It's been a "Job-week," which means I must be doing something right.

I discovered many people who, though they did not agree with me, were kind and gracious in their support. To those of you who fall into this category, thank you. I merely wanted to have an intellectual discussion, but emotions run high with people's religion - too close to home. I get it. There were a couple of folks who didn't agree with, but were very kind. Thank you. To those who do not fall into either category, thanks goes out to you, too. You have brought me out of my slumber and lethargy and reignited a spark inside of me. I don't intend to respond to any posts, positive or negative, and this will be my last post on the Religion/Spirituality Thread. Again, I'm retired, a heart-transplant recipient, and I have other ways to spend my time. To those who stay, keep up the good fight, but do it with kindness. Our Lord used righteous anger one time. Choose your battles.

It is not surprising how many people want to tear apart people and their belief systems without any real personal spiritual experience in those faith backgrounds. I speak here of people (not just those who've posted, but all the others whom I've met over the years) who "have relatives" that were Catholic, or people who had their knuckles rapped by nuns with a ruler. Most things life are a two-way street (pardon the cliché), and our personalities play a big part in how we interpret life.

The following is not meant to be comprehensive or authoritative, just a quick look, and it is offered with hands extended in peace. I am by no means trying to be divisive or convince anyone of anything, except that they have misconceptions concerning the Catholic Church.

Catholics believe:
1. In God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit - The "Holy Trinity" for short. Worship belongs to God and God alone. It's that simple. Let me write that again. Catholics worship God, and only God.
2. In The Virgin Birth of Jesus. According to the King James Version, Luke 1:28 "And the Angel came in unto her, and said, "Hail, thou art highly favored, (some translations say "full of grace") the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women," and in verse 42 her cousin Elizabeth greets her and says, "blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." "Jesus" is added at the end for emphasis on the Lord. The first half of the "Hail Mary" come directly from the bible - these two verses above. Then in verse 48, Mary says "...for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed." Catholics are merely following the bible here. Just as any person can ask any other person to pray for them, we ask Mary, who no doubt is in Heaven, to pray for us..."Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death."
3. In Mary's perpetual virginity - the Hebrew word for brother, sister also meant extended family. If Jesus had brothers and sisters they surely would have been mentioned in the Bible, and maybe they should have been at the Crucifixion in support of their brother - if they existed. ??? In Matthew 13:55 two of the brothers mentioned were from another Mary. See Matt 27:61, 28:1.
4. That our Salvation is not dependent upon our relationship with Mary!!! However, we are called upon in Scripture to honor her as she is the mother of Our Lord Jesus, the mother of God. There is no worship of Mary. In no Catholic book, the Code of Cannon Law, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a Catholic Bible will it be stated that Catholics must worship Mary, and if they do not they will go to hell. If anyone tells you that, kindly tell them that they are wrong. It just isn't there, because it's not part of our beliefs. She is "highly favored" as she should be. She played a huge part in salvation history. No Mary, no Jesus.
5. In honoring those who have done great things for God, and who led exemplary lives, especially those who were killed for the sake of the Kingdom. We call them Saints. They are not worshipped, they are honored. We ask them to pray for us, because they are in heaven, nothing more. We use statues and pictures as visual aids to help remind us of the great things they have done for Christianity/God. Just like most people who have pictures of family members in their homes or at work, and towns and cities have statues of historical figures to remind people of the great things those people accomplished, so too, does the Church have these things. There is no statue worship - they are merely visual aids. If you see someone worshipping a statue, pray for them, they may have a mental disease/disorder. Or they are pagans. Either way, pray.
6. That Jesus gave us His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity at the Last Supper and when we receive the host at communion, we are receiving exactly that - Jesus, the complete package. We take this from the Bible, in particular John, chapter 6. Before the Bread of Life Discourse, Jesus walks on the water and defies nature - a complete paradigm shift for the Apostles. Next, in John 6, Jesus multiplies the loaves and fishes - again, defying the laws of nature and another paradigm shift. Why are these passages right before the passage where Jesus tells the people four times that He is the Bread of Life? Why are these before the place where Jesus tells his followers that in order to have life in them they must eat His body and drink His blood? Nothing happens by chance in Scripture, and the early fathers of the Church, those who knew the Apostles, pondered these things and realized that after Jesus said this, and many people left Him, Jesus didn't chase them down and say, "Come back, I was only speaking symbolically." Another paradigm shift. The word "eat" from the Greek means to chew or gnaw, the physical act of eating. Also, Jesus was born in Bethlehem - the City of David, but it is also the City of Bread. Where was He placed? In a manger. What's a manger? A feeding trough for animals!!! No coincidences here. We believe that Jesus gives us his body, blood, soul and divinity at each Mass - He multiplies Himself and feeds us with Himself. He can defy nature and do what He wants - He's God!!! Why do satanists steal consecrated hosts from Catholic Churches and desecrate them if they did not believe them to be the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ? Why not go to other churches and steal their hosts? Ironically, they become witnesses to the True Presence!!! God has a sense of humor. Gotta love it.
7. That Purgatory is not "limbo." It is a place where souls go to be purged of their sins. This comes directly from the Bible - the original Bible that wasn't changed when 7 books were removed - this is called the "Septuagint." We get the idea of Purgatory from 2 Maccabees 12, and other passages in the OT. Our Jewish cousins were in the habit of atoning for the sins of the dead. If they were in Heaven, they didn't need prayer. If they were in Hell, all the prayers that could ever exist would not release them. Thinking logically, it was determined that there must some other place. So, Purgatory is place of burning away (like the song "Refiner's Fire") before a soul is released to Heaven. Versus such as Matthew 12:32, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 and 2 Timothy 1:16-18 allude to Purgatory.
8. That the pope is the spiritual descendant of Jesus. We all know that organizations need leadership - it's kind of a priori knowledge. Imagine world football without an organization running it. Imagine Manchester United, or the Boston Red Sox without any manager. We need leadership. Jesus knew this and that is why He made Peter the head Apostle. If anyone had a question after the Resurrection and Pentecost, they came to Peter - "The Rock on whose foundation I will build my Church," Matthew 16:18. In Matthew 18:18, Jesus gives Peter the power to bind and loose on earth. Peter had the authority to make decisions. Peter passed that authority on to the others and then to Linus (Mentioned in 2 Timothy) who became the 2nd Bishop of Rome - the Pope. We don't believe that Jesus would have gone through all that He had and then not leave anyone in charge with authority.
9. That the pope has authority to speak with Infallibility. Peter was given the keys to the kingdom. Also, in Matthew 16:17 Jesus tells Peter - the only Apostle given another name - that "flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father in Heaven," which means that from this passage there are times when God directly reveals things to Peter, and to Peter only. Recall Peter's dream about the animals. why would he stop at Peter?

There are certainly more topics to discuss, but these are the basic issues that seem to be the topic of discussion/consternation to many. I pray that these will clear up any misconceptions that what Catholics believe is not based on Scripture. Again, my intent is not to provoke, to be smug, or to play one-ups-man ship. Rather, the above is offered with the olive branch of peace. People who come to this site are aware, I hope, of the movement towards a one-world government and all of the ploys used to make that happen. It's all satanic and his greatest achievement is the use of "divide and conquer." Point number one should be the point around which we all are one church, with one God, and one Savior...Jesus Christ! Viva Christo Rey!!! Long live Christ the King!!!
I was concerned at the beginning of your visit here that you would find it more stressful than you expected.

Ultimately it comes down to what do you believe in: Jesus Himself (and we get to know him via the bible) or your church's doctrines more. Faith in Jesus Christ is what saves you according to the bible.

For your interest's sake, the testimony of an (recently deceased) ex-priest Richard Bennet.

Here is his Christian apologetics website.


Nov 23, 2019
I was concerned at the beginning of your visit here that you would find it more stressful than you expected.

Ultimately it comes down to what do you believe in: Jesus Himself (and we get to know him via the bible) or your church's doctrines more. Faith in Jesus Christ is what saves you according to the bible.

For your interest's sake, the testimony of an (recently deceased) ex-priest Richard Bennet.

Here is his Christian apologetics website.
I couldn't agree more. Also, I want to thank you for your kindness and for the warning about certain posters. Though I never took anything personally, my skin is pretty thick, it just wasn't enjoyable. I looked for the thread that we were on but could not find it. I would enjoy interacting with you more - a felt a kindred spirit. Know that I will be praying for you, your family and Australia. Merry Christmas, JoChris, and thank you, again.


Mar 13, 2017
I determined that it was a spiritual attack (why would satan attack one of his followers?). I shewed the demons away which worked for a while, but the attacks continued. It's been a "Job-week," which means I must be doing something right.
Why would satan take it easy on anyone?


Dec 27, 2017
After backing out of one thread and posting another to which I did not respond, I decided that I would be remiss if I didn't make a statement about what the Catholic Church teaches. My only intent is to clear up the misconceptions that I've read in the posts from other threads. As I have stated before, and my apologies for repeating here what's been said, but in the event that someone didn't catch the other threads...I have been vilely insulted, "attacked," and accused of being an anti-Christ, a member of a Cult, a liar, and that I do not follow the true "gospel." This saddened me, and I became physically ill and I determined that it was a spiritual attack (why would satan attack one of his followers?). I shewed the demons away which worked for a while, but the attacks continued. It's been a "Job-week," which means I must be doing something right.

I discovered many people who, though they did not agree with me, were kind and gracious in their support. To those of you who fall into this category, thank you. I merely wanted to have an intellectual discussion, but emotions run high with people's religion - too close to home. I get it. There were a couple of folks who didn't agree with, but were very kind. Thank you. To those who do not fall into either category, thanks goes out to you, too. You have brought me out of my slumber and lethargy and reignited a spark inside of me. I don't intend to respond to any posts, positive or negative, and this will be my last post on the Religion/Spirituality Thread. Again, I'm retired, a heart-transplant recipient, and I have other ways to spend my time. To those who stay, keep up the good fight, but do it with kindness. Our Lord used righteous anger one time. Choose your battles.

It is not surprising how many people want to tear apart people and their belief systems without any real personal spiritual experience in those faith backgrounds. I speak here of people (not just those who've posted, but all the others whom I've met over the years) who "have relatives" that were Catholic, or people who had their knuckles rapped by nuns with a ruler. Most things life are a two-way street (pardon the cliché), and our personalities play a big part in how we interpret life.

The following is not meant to be comprehensive or authoritative, just a quick look, and it is offered with hands extended in peace. I am by no means trying to be divisive or convince anyone of anything, except that they have misconceptions concerning the Catholic Church.

Catholics believe:
1. In God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit - The "Holy Trinity" for short. Worship belongs to God and God alone. It's that simple. Let me write that again. Catholics worship God, and only God.
2. In The Virgin Birth of Jesus. According to the King James Version, Luke 1:28 "And the Angel came in unto her, and said, "Hail, thou art highly favored, (some translations say "full of grace") the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women," and in verse 42 her cousin Elizabeth greets her and says, "blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." "Jesus" is added at the end for emphasis on the Lord. The first half of the "Hail Mary" come directly from the bible - these two verses above. Then in verse 48, Mary says "...for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed." Catholics are merely following the bible here. Just as any person can ask any other person to pray for them, we ask Mary, who no doubt is in Heaven, to pray for us..."Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death."
3. In Mary's perpetual virginity - the Hebrew word for brother, sister also meant extended family. If Jesus had brothers and sisters they surely would have been mentioned in the Bible, and maybe they should have been at the Crucifixion in support of their brother - if they existed. ??? In Matthew 13:55 two of the brothers mentioned were from another Mary. See Matt 27:61, 28:1.
4. That our Salvation is not dependent upon our relationship with Mary!!! However, we are called upon in Scripture to honor her as she is the mother of Our Lord Jesus, the mother of God. There is no worship of Mary. In no Catholic book, the Code of Cannon Law, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a Catholic Bible will it be stated that Catholics must worship Mary, and if they do not they will go to hell. If anyone tells you that, kindly tell them that they are wrong. It just isn't there, because it's not part of our beliefs. She is "highly favored" as she should be. She played a huge part in salvation history. No Mary, no Jesus.
5. In honoring those who have done great things for God, and who led exemplary lives, especially those who were killed for the sake of the Kingdom. We call them Saints. They are not worshipped, they are honored. We ask them to pray for us, because they are in heaven, nothing more. We use statues and pictures as visual aids to help remind us of the great things they have done for Christianity/God. Just like most people who have pictures of family members in their homes or at work, and towns and cities have statues of historical figures to remind people of the great things those people accomplished, so too, does the Church have these things. There is no statue worship - they are merely visual aids. If you see someone worshipping a statue, pray for them, they may have a mental disease/disorder. Or they are pagans. Either way, pray.
6. That Jesus gave us His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity at the Last Supper and when we receive the host at communion, we are receiving exactly that - Jesus, the complete package. We take this from the Bible, in particular John, chapter 6. Before the Bread of Life Discourse, Jesus walks on the water and defies nature - a complete paradigm shift for the Apostles. Next, in John 6, Jesus multiplies the loaves and fishes - again, defying the laws of nature and another paradigm shift. Why are these passages right before the passage where Jesus tells the people four times that He is the Bread of Life? Why are these before the place where Jesus tells his followers that in order to have life in them they must eat His body and drink His blood? Nothing happens by chance in Scripture, and the early fathers of the Church, those who knew the Apostles, pondered these things and realized that after Jesus said this, and many people left Him, Jesus didn't chase them down and say, "Come back, I was only speaking symbolically." Another paradigm shift. The word "eat" from the Greek means to chew or gnaw, the physical act of eating. Also, Jesus was born in Bethlehem - the City of David, but it is also the City of Bread. Where was He placed? In a manger. What's a manger? A feeding trough for animals!!! No coincidences here. We believe that Jesus gives us his body, blood, soul and divinity at each Mass - He multiplies Himself and feeds us with Himself. He can defy nature and do what He wants - He's God!!! Why do satanists steal consecrated hosts from Catholic Churches and desecrate them if they did not believe them to be the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ? Why not go to other churches and steal their hosts? Ironically, they become witnesses to the True Presence!!! God has a sense of humor. Gotta love it.
7. That Purgatory is not "limbo." It is a place where souls go to be purged of their sins. This comes directly from the Bible - the original Bible that wasn't changed when 7 books were removed - this is called the "Septuagint." We get the idea of Purgatory from 2 Maccabees 12, and other passages in the OT. Our Jewish cousins were in the habit of atoning for the sins of the dead. If they were in Heaven, they didn't need prayer. If they were in Hell, all the prayers that could ever exist would not release them. Thinking logically, it was determined that there must some other place. So, Purgatory is place of burning away (like the song "Refiner's Fire") before a soul is released to Heaven. Versus such as Matthew 12:32, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 and 2 Timothy 1:16-18 allude to Purgatory.
8. That the pope is the spiritual descendant of Jesus. We all know that organizations need leadership - it's kind of a priori knowledge. Imagine world football without an organization running it. Imagine Manchester United, or the Boston Red Sox without any manager. We need leadership. Jesus knew this and that is why He made Peter the head Apostle. If anyone had a question after the Resurrection and Pentecost, they came to Peter - "The Rock on whose foundation I will build my Church," Matthew 16:18. In Matthew 18:18, Jesus gives Peter the power to bind and loose on earth. Peter had the authority to make decisions. Peter passed that authority on to the others and then to Linus (Mentioned in 2 Timothy) who became the 2nd Bishop of Rome - the Pope. We don't believe that Jesus would have gone through all that He had and then not leave anyone in charge with authority.
9. That the pope has authority to speak with Infallibility. Peter was given the keys to the kingdom. Also, in Matthew 16:17 Jesus tells Peter - the only Apostle given another name - that "flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father in Heaven," which means that from this passage there are times when God directly reveals things to Peter, and to Peter only. Recall Peter's dream about the animals. why would he stop at Peter?

There are certainly more topics to discuss, but these are the basic issues that seem to be the topic of discussion/consternation to many. I pray that these will clear up any misconceptions that what Catholics believe is not based on Scripture. Again, my intent is not to provoke, to be smug, or to play one-ups-man ship. Rather, the above is offered with the olive branch of peace. People who come to this site are aware, I hope, of the movement towards a one-world government and all of the ploys used to make that happen. It's all satanic and his greatest achievement is the use of "divide and conquer." Point number one should be the point around which we all are one church, with one God, and one Savior...Jesus Christ! Viva Christo Rey!!! Long live Christ the King!!!
I'm afraid I'm one of those posters who is going to cause stress but it will be done with truth from the Bible. It will also be blunt I'm afraid. This will be done in sections because its going to be a very long response.

1. In God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit - The "Holy Trinity" for short. Worship belongs to God and God alone. It's that simple. Let me write that again. Catholics worship God, and only God.
The Catholic church does not worship God only. They worship Mary too. I'll explain more below.

2. In The Virgin Birth of Jesus. According to the King James Version, Luke 1:28 "And the Angel came in unto her, and said, "Hail, thou art highly favored, (some translations say "full of grace") the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women," and in verse 42 her cousin Elizabeth greets her and says, "blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." "Jesus" is added at the end for emphasis on the Lord. The first half of the "Hail Mary" come directly from the bible - these two verses above. Then in verse 48, Mary says "...for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed." Catholics are merely following the bible here. Just as any person can ask any other person to pray for them, we ask Mary, who no doubt is in Heaven, to pray for us..."Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death."
Praying to someone is an act of worship. By praying to Mary, Catholics are worshipping her. That is not justified in Scripture. Worship is something that is to be restricted to God alone.

They pray to Mary over and over using the rosary which is vain repetition and is banned in the Bible. (Matthew 6:7).

How do you know Mary is in heaven? Does the Bible say so? According to the Bible most people who've died since this earth was created are in their graves asleep. There is nothing in the Bible to indicate Mary is alive in heaven despite what they teach about her assumption.

Even though Mary were alive in heaven, praying to her would be very wrong. We are not supposed to pray to created beings. Even angels know that. When John went to bow down to an angel in the book of Revelation, the angel told him, “See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.” Revelation 22:8-9.

Though Mary was the mother of the humanity of Jesus, a miracle accomplished by the Holy Spirit, she was not the mother of God. As God, Christ is eternal and had no mother or beginning. John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

3. In Mary's perpetual virginity - the Hebrew word for brother, sister also meant extended family. If Jesus had brothers and sisters they surely would have been mentioned in the Bible, and maybe they should have been at the Crucifixion in support of their brother - if they existed. ??? In Matthew 13:55 two of the brothers mentioned were from another Mary. See Matt 27:61, 28:1.
What perpetual virginity? Mary gave birth and have you forgotten Mary was married to Joseph? Are you suggesting that their marriage was perpetually celibate? That would be contrary to what God designed marriage for. Marriage, as designed by God, was intended to bring a man and woman together as “one flesh” and that includes sexually. So even though Mary conceived Jesus as a virgin by the Holy Spirit, she continued in her marriage to Joseph and had other children.
In Luke 2:7, Jesus is called Mary’s “firstborn” child. That implies Mary had other children. If the perpetual virginity of Mary is such an important point, Luke would have said, her “only” son.

Matthew 13:55 was about Jesus and that was His mother, His brothers and sisters. When we read the scripture in context its clear its about Jesus and Mary His mother. Lets start from verse 53-58. "Now it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these parables, that He departed from there. When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, “Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is this not the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas?" And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this Man get all these things?” So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.” Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief." Nazareth was Jesus' home town and He was rejected there. His family clearly still lived there.

Matthew 27:61 and 28:1 are not about Mary the mother of Jesus. However you've got to read the scripture and not mix them and say the same thing about all of them to suit your doctrine. All I had to do was read the scripture.

4. That our Salvation is not dependent upon our relationship with Mary!!! However, we are called upon in Scripture to honor her as she is the mother of Our Lord Jesus, the mother of God. There is no worship of Mary. In no Catholic book, the Code of Cannon Law, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a Catholic Bible will it be stated that Catholics must worship Mary, and if they do not they will go to hell. If anyone tells you that, kindly tell them that they are wrong. It just isn't there, because it's not part of our beliefs. She is "highly favored" as she should be. She played a huge part in salvation history.
Mary is not even mentioned much in scripture let alone scripture say that we honour her. Honouring or venerating Mary has no foundation in Scripture. Worshipping Mary is a form of idolatry. In the New Testament, Mary is never mentioned in a way that exalts her as is done in Catholicism.

She is called Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate by Catholics which means she shares these roles with Jesus. That is blasphemy of the highest order. That would make Mary God. She played no role in anyone's salvation. Mary needed a saviour like we all do. The Bible clearly teaches that there is one Redeemer, Mediator, and Advocate, and that is Christ Jesus. No one can share those roles with Him. Certainly not a mere created human being.

1 Timothy 2:3-6, "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,"

The reason Catholics pray to Mary as a mediator and Advocate is because they believe in her Immaculate Conception. This teaches that Mary was “conceived without sin” and did not sin in life either. This teaching finds no support in the Bible. The Bible unequivocally declares that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Only one person ever lived a life of perfect sinlessness—Jesus. He “was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15).

No Mary, no Jesus.
Jesus is God and has existed forever. He has no beginning and no end. He is the first and the last. Mary exists because she was created by God not vice versa. She gave birth to human Jesus not God.

Catholics need to re-examine their doctrines concerning Mary. Good Catholic Christians who love God and who’ve been taught to have an emotional attachment to Mary may find it difficult. But if they will keep Jesus foremost in their hearts and minds they will be able to release this unbiblical doctrine from their prayers and lives. And they will be infinitely more blessed. All the love and devotion they’ve felt for Mary will now be available for the Saviour. They will then find a richer, fuller experience far beyond anything they’ve yet known.

I'll continue the rest tomorrow.
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Dec 27, 2017

5. In honoring those who have done great things for God, and who led exemplary lives, especially those who were killed for the sake of the Kingdom. We call them Saints.
Shouldn't God determine who is a saint not the Church?

They are not worshipped, they are honored
. We ask them to pray for us, because they are in heaven, nothing more.
The Bible doesn't tell us to honour the saints nor does it tell us to pray to them because they are not God. We only pray to God. Anyway most of them are dead. How can you ask dead people to pray for you? It is wrong to pray to those that are alive too. They are created beings and are not God. They can't save anyone from anything.

Just because someone is good or righteous doesn't mean when they die they go straight to heaven. Apart from those mentioned in the Bible who went to heaven after death, most righteous people are not in heaven. The Bible says:

"...for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation" (John 5:28-29).

" both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. … For David did not ascend into the heavens” (Acts 2:29, 34).

“If I wait, the grave is mine house” (Job 17:13).

People do not go to heaven or to hell at death. They don’t go anywhere—but they wait in their graves for the resurrection according to the Bible.

We use statues and pictures as visual aids to help remind us of the great things they have done for Christianity/God.
Then why did the Catholics remove the second commandment from the ten commandments in their catechism? The very commandment that tells us not to make unto ourselves ANY graven images.

Catholic catechisms show that the Papacy has tried to change the law of God. The Ten Commandments have been tampered with. The Second Commandment, which refers to images and idols, is absent in Catholic literature. And to make up for the loss of one commandments, the Tenth is divided into two. The Fourth Commandment, which talks about the Sabbath, becomes the third commandment in the Catholic catechism. The day of worship is shifted by papal decree from Saturday to Sunday too.

Daniel 7:25, "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time."

The laws and times mentioned in Daniel 7:25 are laws that God Himself has established and time that God Himself has set. The law that stands out throughout the Bible is the Ten Commandment law.

Papal Rome tampered with the law of God and changed the ordinances, even though God says, "For I am the LORD, I change not" (Malachi 3:6).

Just like most people who have pictures of family members in their homes or at work, and towns and cities have statues of historical figures to remind people of the great things those people accomplished, so too, does the Church have these things. There is no statue worship - they are merely visual aids. If you see someone worshipping a statue, pray for them, they may have a mental disease/disorder. Or they are pagans. Either way, pray.
Those people or historical figures are not prayed to are they? In Catholic churches people bow, kneel and pray to the statues of Mary and the "saints". I know because I've seen it. Does that mean those Catholics around the world who bow, kneel and pray to statues have mental disease/disorder? Or is it what they've been taught to do in their religion?

Certainly it is pagan to do such things and the Catholic church and a lot of their practices are steeped in paganism sadly.
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Dec 27, 2017

6. That Jesus gave us His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity at the Last Supper and when we receive the host at communion, we are receiving exactly that - Jesus, the complete package. We take this from the Bible, in particular John, chapter 6. Before the Bread of Life Discourse, Jesus walks on the water and defies nature - a complete paradigm shift for the Apostles. Next, in John 6, Jesus multiplies the loaves and fishes - again, defying the laws of nature and another paradigm shift. Why are these passages right before the passage where Jesus tells the people four times that He is the Bread of Life? Why are these before the place where Jesus tells his followers that in order to have life in them they must eat His body and drink His blood? Nothing happens by chance in Scripture, and the early fathers of the Church, those who knew the Apostles, pondered these things and realized that after Jesus said this, and many people left Him, Jesus didn't chase them down and say, "Come back, I was only speaking symbolically." Another paradigm shift. The word "eat" from the Greek means to chew or gnaw, the physical act of eating. Also, Jesus was born in Bethlehem - the City of David, but it is also the City of Bread. Where was He placed? In a manger. What's a manger? A feeding trough for animals!!! No coincidences here. We believe that Jesus gives us his body, blood, soul and divinity at each Mass - He multiplies Himself and feeds us with Himself. He can defy nature and do what He wants - He's God!!! Why do satanists steal consecrated hosts from Catholic Churches and desecrate them if they did not believe them to be the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ? Why not go to other churches and steal their hosts? Ironically, they become witnesses to the True Presence!!! God has a sense of humor. Gotta love it.
Teaching that the bread and wine become the actual blood and body of Jesus is not biblical at all. Christ is killed again and again during the mass. The Bible tells us Jesus died once and for all. Romans 6:10, Hebrews 10:10, Hebrews 10:14, 1 Peter 3:18.

The Roman Catholic Institution in their Canon laws state:
"If any one shall deny that the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore entire Christ, are truly, really, and substantially contained in the sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist; and shall say that He is only in it as a sign, or in a figure, let him be accursed." (Accursed means to be damned, under a curse.)

What did Jesus mean when He said in Matthew 26:26–28, “Take, eat; this is my body. … Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood”? Did He really mean that His literal body and blood were present in the bread and wine? The disciples knew this wasn’t what He referred to. They had heard Him speak like this before. Jesus once said, “I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. … Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you” (John 6:51–53).

On that day, many who listened interpreted Jesus’ words very literally. They thought He advocated salvation by cannibalism. They were shocked. Jesus knew their thoughts, so He clarified what He meant. “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). Jesus says His life is contained in His words. To eat His Word means to read and meditate upon its meaning. When we apply Jesus’ teachings to our life, then we’ve truly eaten His Word. The Catholic teaching of the Eucharist misses this point. Instead, what Jesus intends to be spiritual is taken literally.

7. That Purgatory is not "limbo." It is a place where souls go to be purged of their sins. This comes directly from the Bible - the original Bible that wasn't changed when 7 books were removed - this is called the "Septuagint." We get the idea of Purgatory from 2 Maccabees 12, and other passages in the OT. Our Jewish cousins were in the habit of atoning for the sins of the dead. If they were in Heaven, they didn't need prayer. If they were in Hell, all the prayers that could ever exist would not release them. Thinking logically, it was determined that there must some other place. So, Purgatory is place of burning away (like the song "Refiner's Fire") before a soul is released to Heaven. Versus such as Matthew 12:32, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 and 2 Timothy 1:16-18 allude to Purgatory.
There is no purgatory in the Bible and there never was in the original Bible or otherwise. Its simply not biblical at all especially if you understand what the Bible has to say about death.

First of all when a person dies, "Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, And the spirit will return to God who gave it." Ecclesiastes 12:7.

Second the spirit that returns to God at death is the breath of life (Job 27:3, James 2:26). When you separate the spirit and body, that soul is dead. A soul is a living being. A soul is always a combination of two things: body plus breath (spirit). A soul cannot exist unless body and breath are combined. God’s Word teaches that we are souls not that we have souls (Genesis 2:7).

Third as I posted above, when people die they don't know anything (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10, Psalm 115:17).

Fourth, when people die that is it for them in terms of whether they died in Christ or not. They can't change their status at all since they are asleep/unconscious and not souls any more. According to the Bible, we can confess and repent our sins while we are still alive through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ who is our mediator. (1 Timothy 2:5).

Also If any book isn't in scripture, its not meant to be there because its not inspired by God. God controls what goes in His Word and anything that contradicts it isn't there for that reason.

And no, Matthew 12:32, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 and 2 Timothy 1:16-18 do not allude to Purgatory. They don't even hint about it because purgatory is not biblical.

Matthew 12:32 is talking about sinning against the Holy Spirit. It is the unforgivable sin.

1 Corinthians 3:11-15 talks about Jesus as our foundation. If we build upon that foundation we will be successful spiritually.

2 Timothy 1:16-18 is Paul talking about someone called Onesiphorus. In the previous verse (15) Paul talks about how people in Asia turned away from him except Onesiphorus.

Nothing about purgatory in these three verses at all.

The teachings of purgatory, limbo, and prayers for the dead are nowhere in Scripture, but are clearly relics of paganism.
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Dec 27, 2017

8. That the pope is the spiritual descendant of Jesus.
Again not biblical. No where in the Bible was a pope instituted and he certainly is no spiritual descendant of Jesus.

We all know that organizations need leadership - it's kind of a priori knowledge. Imagine world football without an organization running it. Imagine Manchester United, or the Boston Red Sox without any manager. We need leadership.
The church must have leaders. But every thing they teach as truth must be tested by Scripture. The Bible never teaches that spiritual leaders have periods where they speak ex cathedra. There is no special chair or office from which they can proclaim infallible truth. But the Bible does tell us to test our leaders by the Word. The believers in Berea were commended for being “more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they … searched the scriptures daily” to see if Paul’s teachings were in accord with God’s Word (Acts 17:10-11).

Jesus knew this and that is why He made Peter the head Apostle. If anyone had a question after the Resurrection and Pentecost, they came to Peter - "The Rock on whose foundation I will build my Church," Matthew 16:18. In Matthew 18:18, Jesus gives Peter the power to bind and loose on earth. Peter had the authority to make decisions. Peter passed that authority on to the others and then to Linus (Mentioned in 2 Timothy) who became the 2nd Bishop of Rome - the Pope. We don't believe that Jesus would have gone through all that He had and then not leave anyone in charge with authority.
The rock is Christ. There are approximately 34 instances of Christ being referred to as a rock in the New Testament, including the following:

"Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone" (Ephesians 2:19-20).

"Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the same spiritual meat; And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ" (1 Corinthians 10:1-4).

Christ is the rock upon which the church is built. He said, “I will build My church,” and this is the teaching of the entire New Testament. It was taught by Peter himself that Christ was the rock foundation of the church. 1 Peter 2:4-8. The same precious truth was taught by the apostle Paul. He wrote, “Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:11.

According to Scripture, Peter was not established as a pope. He wasn’t even the leader of the early church councils—James was (see Acts 15:1–22).

Peter never refers to himself as a pope either. In his epistolary letter in 1 Peter, he introduces himself as an “apostle of Jesus Christ” (1:1). The authority of God’s Church does not rest on any human system, but on Christ alone (Ephesians 1:22-23, Colossians 1:18). As Peter preaches in Acts 4:10-12.

If Peter was not pope how can he pass on that authority to others? And lets not forget that Paul was the more prominent apostle in the early Christian church and in the New Testament.

9. That the pope has authority to speak with Infallibility. Peter was given the keys to the kingdom. Also, in Matthew 16:17 Jesus tells Peter - the only Apostle given another name - that "flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father in Heaven," which means that from this passage there are times when God directly reveals things to Peter, and to Peter only. Recall Peter's dream about the animals. why would he stop at Peter?
Scripture teaches no human is infallible. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Even those who have been specially called to holy service are fallible. History is an eloquent witness to the foibles of church leaders, including popes. The apostle Peter himself fell into sin numerous times (see Matthew 16:21-23; Luke 22:54-62; and Galatians 2:11-14).

The papacy contradicts God’s truth. Popes have great power. People bow before them. They confess their sins to them. Popes live amid great pomp, splendour, and riches. They have been some of the most powerful men who have ever lived. But when one studies the Bible for examples of men of God, we find a much humbler model. Our Lord Himself taught that those who desire rich robes and to sit in high places are not following Him (Matthew 23:1-12).

Clearly, the Bible never claims for church leaders what the papacy claims for itself. The papacy, therefore, is an unbiblical position. If consensus of faith is to be achieved, then all Christians will need to get back to the Bible. The claims made regarding the powers and rights of the papacy will need to be officially renounced. The pomp and splendour should also be traded for Jesus’ example of humility.

Jesus did not give to Peter alone the keys of the kingdom. They were given to all the apostles, and for that matter, the whole church. What are the keys of the kingdom? The keys are what unlock heaven to the sinner. What is it that locks heaven to man? It is sin. The provision to take away sin, that man might not be shut out of heaven, is the key of the kingdom, and that provision is the gospel of our Lord. The privilege and commission to preach the gospel were given to all the apostles, and likewise to the whole church. The church really exists for no other work than to preach the gospel in all the world; and if a man accepts it, the kingdom of heaven is unlocked to him.

The vision of the unclean animals in Acts 10 was about Peter accepting Gentiles and preaching to them about Christ. He talked about it to Cornelius the Gentile he preached to and baptised and later to the Jews who questioned him about why he went to an uncircumcised man's house. God sent Cornelius a dream too and He sent dreams and visions to others in the New Testament.

You've misunderstood Matthew 16:17 and taken it out of context. Jesus had asked in verse 13, "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” The apostles replied in verse 14, "Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” So Jesus asked in verse 15, "But who do you say that I am?” Peter replied in verse 16, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Verse 17, "Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven."

The Catholic Church has so many unscriptural traditions. In fact many of them are of pagan origin. Cardinal John Henry Newman made this candid admission: “The use of temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holy days and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings on the fields; sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the east, images at a later date, perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison … are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church”
Apr 13, 2017

I was afraid this Catholic reinforcement would be short-lived, but I much appreciate your time in this den of thieves nonetheless. Fear not, this adherent of the Catholic Church's greatest heretic gladly takes up arms in her defense against the detractors. Your statement here on the misconceptions of Catholic doctrines will be put to good use.

Hope to see you pass by from time to time and wish you all the best.


Mar 13, 2017

I was afraid this Catholic reinforcement would be short-lived, but I much appreciate your time in this den of thieves nonetheless. Fear not, this adherent of the Catholic Church's greatest heretic gladly takes up arms in her defense against the detractors. Your statement here on the misconceptions of Catholic doctrines will be put to good use.

Hope to see you pass by from time to time and wish you all the best.
@Mr.Anderson is still here..
Apr 13, 2017
No offence, @Toulouse, and nothing personal, for I’m certain that there are many saved Catholics, but the Catholic Church as an institution has far too much blood on it’s hands to represent the Prince of Peace and Lamb of God to the world. There has never been an internal reckoning for the damage it has caused to humanity and to the cause of Jesus Christ. It needs to be dissolved, and it’s treasure used for the good of the people who have been hurt by it.
The Catholic Church needs to be revitalized, not dissolved, and it will. The Catholic and Orthodox Church are the only Churches capable of withstanding the temporal agents of chaos. Your statement is in lign with their will. No institution or group of people is without blood stains, but one doesn't erase the Church's vastly outweighing benefits to the world because men have a tendency to corrupt. The Church was God's plan for the world. It is His spirit manifested in the rocks of the earth and the resurgence of the Christ or the Logos will coincide with a resurgence of the Catholic Church. It's inevitable.


Mar 13, 2017
The Catholic Church needs to be revitalized, not dissolved, and it will. The Catholic and Orthodox Church are the only Churches capable of withstanding the temporal agents of chaos. Your statement is in lign with their will. No institution or group of people is without blood stains, but one doesn't erase the Church's vastly outweighing benefits to the world because men have a tendency to corrupt. The Church was God's plan for the world. It is His spirit manifested in the rocks of the earth and the resurgence of the Christ or the Logos will coincide with a resurgence of the Catholic Church. It's inevitable.
Not sure how the Catholic Church is going to undergo any kind of resurgence when the Pope is telling Catholics that real Christians don’t proselytize.
Apr 13, 2017
Not sure how the Catholic Church is going to undergo any kind of resurgence when the Pope is telling Catholics that real Christians don’t proselytize.
It won't come from the clergy and it won't come by proselytism, but by popular awakening.
Apr 13, 2017
Sure but neither do Protestants. All Christians worship Jesus, which is just plain insulting, plain idolatry, polytheism.
"1. In God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit - The "Holy Trinity" for short. Worship belongs to God and God alone. It's that simple. Let me write that again. Catholics worship God, and only God."


Mar 13, 2017
Definition of hyperdulia

Roman Catholicism
: veneration of the Virgin Mary as the holiest of creatures

Definition of latria

Roman Catholicism
: the supreme homage that is given to God alone —distinguished from dulia and hyperdulia

Please get your facts straight. This repetition is getting tiresome.
Mary is not the holiest of creatures...and the veneration looks a lot like worship and that’s wrong.

I’m like Cap...I can do this all!