Canada wildfires, NYC affected, terrifying orange skies (Planned event?)


May 21, 2021
So Canada is having wildfires and it's so bad that the smoke is being spread to New York. When you look at videos, it looks like the beginning of an apocalypse.

I briefly watched a video on Tiktok, the person recording was showing a video of a helicopter dropping down fire (I'm assuming it was some kind of machinery that was loaded) and it caused the fires in Canada. Not surprisingly, I had saved that video, went back to check it and it was deleted. Within two hours. So of course Tiktok doesn't want us to see that.

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Looks even WORSE when you look at videos. It's even more orange. Anyways, planned event is my guess. Why? I personally see it to be God putting it in the hearts of whoever did this, to show a short preview of what's to come; judgment. But hey, that's just my guess.
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Jun 28, 2020
I seen the same video with the helicopter setting the forests on fire. I'm not surprised they are trying to censor it, but once its on the internet its forever. Just need to know how to find it.

If anything i think its part of the climate con. Trying to convince people increasing heat is causing spontaneous fires.

California had alot of forest fires some years ago. I remember people were blaming it on DEW's.

Some people think these are fake news but its pretty easy to amplify and focus micro waves at people. I seen a video about a year ago showing how to make lead armor to block the micro waves because some nations like to use them on protestors.
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Mar 30, 2017
I seen the same video with the helicopter setting the forests on fire. I'm not surprised they are trying to censor it, but once its on the internet its forever. Just need to know how to find it.

If anything i think its part of the climate con. Trying to convince people increasing heat is causing spontaneous fires.

California had alot of forest fires some years ago. I remember people were blaming it on DEW's.

Some people these they are fake news but its pretty easy to amplify and focus micro waves at people. I seen a video about a year ago showing how to make lead armor to block the micro waves because some nations like to use them on protestors.
I agree. We had a company picnic today and because of the smog, we had all the "serious" stuff in the morning and the "not so serious" stuff in the afternoon, in case the air quality got too much for some. The majority of us stayed until 3 o'clock or thereabouts. There's an "air quality alert" on the Weather Network website, and can smell smoke while I'm here at home with the balcony door open. Interestingly, I also heard on the radio for people to stay home for next couple of days due to the fires... sound familiar?

Considering we had a pretty average winter with normal precipitation, I don't see why there'd be forest fires so early in the summer. Unless of course, they're deliberately set. Not to mention, we've had forest fires before in Quebec and Ottawa area in the summer of '02 where the smoke was visible and there weren't any advisories, so why now? I even mentioned this to a colleague about how this is probably all orchestrated. They shrugged and said, "...y'know, you're probably right".


Jun 28, 2020
I agree. We had a company picnic today and because of the smog, we had all the "serious" stuff in the morning and the "not so serious" stuff in the afternoon, in case the air quality got too much for some. The majority of us stayed until 3 o'clock or thereabouts. There's an "air quality alert" on the Weather Network website, and can smell smoke while I'm here at home with the balcony door open. Interestingly, I also heard on the radio for people to stay home for next couple of days due to the fires... sound familiar?

Considering we had a pretty average winter with normal precipitation, I don't see why there'd be forest fires so early in the summer. Unless of course, they're deliberately set. Not to mention, we've had forest fires before in Quebec and Ottawa area in the summer of '02 where the smoke was visible and there weren't any advisories, so why now? I even mentioned this to a colleague about how this is probably all orchestrated. They shrugged and said, "...y'know, you're probably right".
Climate lockdowns are probably on the agenda.

Mar 30, 2017
Climate lockdowns are probably on the agenda.

They're going to have a hard time with that one. This morning it was 10 degrees Celsius! Some people were shivering and draped blankets until it got warmer in the afternoon. They should've waited for it be consistently warmer (late June, or July) to conjure up that narrative.


Jun 17, 2017
I seen the same video with the helicopter setting the forests on fire. I'm not surprised they are trying to censor it, but once its on the internet its forever. Just need to know how to find it.
another coworker showed me that video. looked to me like a firebreak ("control lines"). they are intentionally burning trees in front of the fire to stop the spread of the fire. as the fire approaches the already burnt swath, the fire will stop as there will no longer be any fuel for it to consume and spread.

I agree. We had a company picnic today and because of the smog, we had all the "serious" stuff in the morning and the "not so serious" stuff in the afternoon, in case the air quality got too much for some. The majority of us stayed until 3 o'clock or thereabouts. There's an "air quality alert" on the Weather Network website, and can smell smoke while I'm here at home with the balcony door open.
the smoke was really bad today from noon onwards. i was working outside in the "purple zone" (AQI: mid 400s deemed "hazardous"). one kid had to go home bc he was asthmatic. others were sick. most people were hunkering down indoors. the sun was orange from all of the particulate matter in the air.
personally, i was fine. a few scattered sneezes. now that i am off of work, my eyes are tearing up a little bit.

edit, next day: work cancelled for everyone. my throat is sore.
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Mar 30, 2017
"experts" are pushing the masks again...

of course they had to add in the blurb about masks being effective against corona.
Yup, some people at the picnic were putting them on yesterday. To me it was so obvious it was conditioning people, yet again, to wear some foreign object over their mouths while the "wildfires" were happening. Thankfully, many took them off by the end of the day, as we did have blue sky by the afternoon.
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Jun 17, 2017

3:23 to 3:43


May 15, 2017
this the video Y'all are looking for

mrb's video with the thing attached to a helicopter which he said is
probably ground radar but what if it isnt what if it's a fire starter
I have no idea as I've never Seen this before,anyone here Know
what that is?

there is also a massive shortage of fire fighters to fight the
fires which leads to even more issues considering the ones
left can't go 24/7 for days on repeat

I do 100% Believe these fires are being set on purpose to push
a few agendas for tptb
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Mar 30, 2017
parachute for pets? im not sure if any of my dogs would enjoy being thrown out of a biplane with a parachute.
The same thought came across my mind when I saw it. Who's putting parachutes on pets, and who's ensuring they open? What exactly does that look like?

It's a strange ad to say the least.


May 21, 2021
And now there's a huge fire near Queensboro Plaza, and that smoke is so severe, it's traveling miles!

It's too many fires being set everywhere, this is definitely the governments orders. This isn't natural at all. Canada is experiencing hell so bad it's spreading to New York and Jersey, and now there's separate fires going on in NY. Too much going on.
Jul 12, 2022
I had a feeling that something crazy was coming this month. All May, something just felt off to me, I had an unsettled stomach the whole way it seems. This is scary.
I've actually experienced forest fires before, but never this many at one time. And with the ads telling us to stay safe and telling us to wear masks again, definitely something the government/elites are doing to control us again! Before it was maybe a ban on campfires, which sucks, but this goes beyond that.


Jan 10, 2019
Cops suspect arson caused wildfire in at least one part of Quebec

Alberta brings in additional arson investigators to trace causes of wildfires

In an interview with Real Talk Ryan Jespersen, he asked Smith how she reconciles her government’s energy policies with the fact experts have linked this year’s extreme fire season to climate change.

Smith responded that she’s concerned about arson when it comes to about 175 wildfires in Alberta with no known cause and said the province would bring in the additional investigators.


May 21, 2021
I noticed that the fires in Canada and the fires in NYC and New Jersey may be separate things because, a lot of people pointed out absolutely no Canadian or barely any of them posted or talked about fires over there. It's only been people from NYC and New Jersey recording and talking about the fires from where they are. So these are separate incidents it looks like.

We know it's chemicals being poured in the air AND nature to cause air pollution. Depending on the area, a lot of people have said they have to wear masks even inside their own houses. The air quality is chaotic and in some areas, it's getting worse.

Yet not one update from a Canadian. All updates I, and many others have seen are only from New Yorkers and people who live in New Jersey.

And here's a video of someone from Jersey, this is insane. Look what the rain caused!

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