BTS discussion thread


Aug 9, 2019
Not a gay bar according to the last posts

You're right, the gay part was a rumour. I didn't read further into it after seeing all the posts, I'll delete it now. Was the bar jķ went to also just a bar?

I think social distancing isn't such a big deal in Korea anymore. The rule is to only wear a mask in public.


Jan 5, 2020
You're right, the gay part was a rumour. I didn't read further into it after seeing all the posts, I'll delete it now. Was the bar jķ went to also just a bar?

I think social distancing isn't such a big deal in Korea anymore. The rule is to only wear a mask in public.
Yes, they were trying to ease social distancing and re-opened night clubs. They have had to shut them again apparently.
Some parts of the U.K. will ease some things from next week, but where I live, full lock down has been extended to 28th May at least. This is our 7th week which isn’t long compared to some countries.
No schools will return before September now. My husband has been told to expect to work from home for months.
South Korea had managed very well until now.
Apr 16, 2020
Maybe we should adopt an honorifics system like they do in South Korea, according to age and time on the forum?
I think I might have joined the forum before Boti, for instance, so would that allow me to pull rank on her. I mean, I am a lot older too?
Just to be clear, I am being sarcastic.
Oh sorry I see now u did say ur being sarcastic. A lol would indicate a smile :) hehe


Jul 25, 2019
L'article n'est pas tout à fait finit, certaines parties seront rajoutés, un peu plus tard: Mais sinon voici l'article:
The article is not quite finished, some parts will be added, a little later: But otherwise here is the article:
"On" pour ouverture, n'est pas l'opposé de "N.O". N.O sont les initiales de Nouvel Ordre, pour Nouvel Ordre Mondial.
"No More Dream", le premier clip, le premier "rêve", représente les centres MK-Ultra, mais aussi les missions qui lui sont donnés. Jin est celui qui amène les autres membres, puisque celui-ci représente la victime MK-Ultra, alors que les autres membres représentent les multi-personnalités. Jin illustrant une future recrue, viens sens savoir, où il met les pieds, mais à pour objectif de devenir une grande star. Ce rêve est souligné par le mot "Dream", qui se transforme en titre du clip. Signifiant, ainsi par la sortie du clip et le fait qu'il se trouve à la fin du clip. Souligne, qu'il est enfin considéré comme une star.
A l'opposer "On", souligne la vie de Jin, de son arrivé à Big Hit, jusqu'à sa chute, sa mort. Le clip finit comme le tout premier, il finit par la phrase, mais commence par elle: "No More Dream", et devient le mot "Dream". D'une vie de Star, il finit par être sacrifié. La mort est souvent associer aux rêves ou aux profonds sommeil. C'est comme ça que commence le clip: Jin apprend (ou pas), qu'il sera sacrifié, dès la signature de son contrat.
Le clip "On" a différentes lectures:
Si le clip commence par la fin, elle est une compression de la Bible:
En voici un extrait provisoire, le développement sera pour plus tard:
L'histoire commence par la création de la terre. Il illustre que la terre recouvert en surface d'eau, a été percuter par une météorite géante, créant ainsi la surface terrestre. Elle est représentée par la grande falaise étirer vers le ciel. Coincer entre deux autres plus petites falaises, apparaissant au fond à gauche, derrière le tombeau de mégalithe, le portail de Claire.
Puis descend de cette montagne les membres de BTS, comme les membres d'EXO, représentent les anges. Survoler par 7 colombes, dans la Bible la colombe représente la pureté, l'esprit saint, la lumière.
De la chute des anges commander par Lucifer. Lucifer chutant, et corrompu est représenté par Jungkook, puis passe devant RAP Monster, devenue Satan le point lever vers et contre le Paradis.
Longtemps après l'Homme oubliant la religion, commença a pratiqués tout les excès (tout ce qui est physique).
Dieu en colère envoie le déluge. Jungkook utilise une trompette de l'Apocalypse. Jin lance un petit moment après, une colombe, vers l'espoir d'une nouvelle terre.
Continuant les différentes références, jusqu'à repartie du début, vers la fin. Passant par le sacrifice de Jésus, pour le peuple Juif (représenter par la jeune fille). V allonger par terre, positionner en croix, son véhicule complètement détruit, la jeune fille à côté, regardant aveuglément, symbolisé par le tissus, vers le haut. Le peuple Juif attend leur Messie, définit comme étant l'Antéchrist dans la Bible, les flèches remplacent les pierres. Luciférienne, pratiquer par les membres, de la KPop Temple (Le Temple est un lieu consacré à Dieu(s), quelque soit la religion. Créer par l'Homme, puisque physiquement figurer, symbolisant donc les Hommes, et par transitions la terre).
Jusqu'à terminé, vers l'Apocalypse, représenté par l'une des trompettes de l'Apocalypse, joué par Jungkook. Il est suivit du règne de l'Antéchrist. Suivit, de la destruction du culte et les seuls survivants sélectionnés pour le nouveau monde de Dieu.

Le clip "On" a comme autre lecture. C'elle de Jin, c'elle des victimes MK-Ultra, mais aussi le choix d'utiliser Outlander:
Jin représente toutes les victimes MK-Ultra. Dans les centres MK-Ultra, les membres sont enfermés dans des cellules, leurs chambres. Jin rêve d'évasion, il pratique différentes activités, par mis elles, la lecture. Jin s'imagine alors incarné, le second époux de Claire dans l'histoire d'Outlander:
L'histoire d'Outlander se déroule en Ecosse. Elle raconte l'histoire de Claire. Une jeune femme partager entre deux relations:
Elle rencontra son premier mari, 9 ans avant le second. C'est par le biais de son oncle archéologue qu'elle rencontre Frank, un passionné d'histoire. Enchaînant depuis leurs mariage les conférences universitaires, passants des journées ensembles, à une dizaine de fois en 5 ans lors de la seconde guerre mondial. Les poussas a s'installer ensembles. Ils choisirent un petit village, où ils avaient passés 2 jours pendant leur lune de miel. Arrivant en période d'Halloween (dans la série), dans les livres au Printemps.
A penne arrivé au village, que Claire veut allé voir les sorcières qui pratiquent différents rites. C'est au même endroit, qu'au début de l'épisode, on voit Claire se pencher sur la tombe de son second mari qui hante encore le village. Regardant au pied du menhir une plantation de myosotis qui veut dire en Anglais "Ne m'oublie pas". Un message pour Claire, pour la Claire du passé (puisqu'elle vient à penne de trouvé le portail lui permettant d'aller en 1743). Le reste de la série, se déroulant en 1945 (son époque). Un badge du myosotis était utilisé par les Franc-Maçons pour se reconnaître entres eux, pendant la seconde guerre mondial.
BTS utilise justement Outlander pour ses deux périodes:
- 1945: Pour la référence à la seconde guerre mondial, mais surtout au Nazisme, qui est très représenté dans la KPop.
- 1743: Pour la construction des Obsidiennes Franc-Maçonnes:
La Franc-Maçonnerie associable à Outlander, est la Franc-Maçonnerie contemporaine: Elle regroupe des loges du début du XVIIIe siècle:
La première est datée du 14 Juin 1717, elle commence par la Grande loge d'Angleterre. La Grand loge d'Ecosse a été créer en 1773.
A noter quand 1929, l'Angleterre par leurs habitudes impériales émirent un ultimatum en indiquant que la Grande loge unie d'Angleterre était la seule à détenir la régularité maçonnique. Toute les obsidiennes qui reconnaisse la souveraineté de la loge d'Angleterre sera "régulière" et les autres "irrégulières".
Qui ce retrouve dans les clips d'NCT 127, avec le clip Regular, dans Irregular Office, ils trient voir transformes, comme Séoul en Obsidiennes Regular.
La Bible malgré la religion comporte énormément de référence Franc-Maçonne (Ce qui est en soit normale, étant la référence des anciens apprentissages effectués dans le Temple Juif), un article déjà visible, sera ultérieurement développé):
Le clip finit par Dream, alors que le tout premier clip, présentant les personnages ce nomme No More Dream. Par la suite de Jin on comprend que le clip "On" est un rêve, à la différence du premier, qui symbolise, la vie réel. Le rêve de "On", l'histoire est inspiré de la Bible:
Outlander est un combat entre l'Angleterre et l'Ecosse. "On" représente l'ancien culte contre le nouveau. L'Ecosse était entrain d'être christianisé par l'Angleterre à l'époque du XVIIIe (où le déjeuner Anglais est aussi apparu, mais si peut être sans rapport, l'importance des plats dans ces rites, permet de souligner ceci). L'une des vrai obsidiennes est le Rite Ecossais Ancien et Accepté. A la différence de la Franc-Maçonnerie Anglaise qui a même profité pour détruire certains parchemins venant d'Egypte. C'est en 1738, le pape Clément XII excommunie les Franc-Maçons, par peur d'un complot qui serait provoqué contre l'Eglise. Même si la Bible a des références Franc-Maçonnes:
Dans la Franc-Maçonnerie, les actes sexuels sont monnaies courantes. Elle représente l'arbre de vie. A gauche de l'arbre, une camionnette aussi visible dans le clip Namanana de Lay. Ce véhicule représente la cage, conduit par le maître de la victime sexuel, qui est assis, sur tout ses biens, comme un jouet avec ses accessoires, comportant les meubles et autres. A droite est en tassé un ta de tambourins. A chaque tambourin est lié à un enfant. Et chacun de a été jeté comme un jouet usager.
L'autre est le jeu du sacrifice. Les flèches utiliser, est utilisé à la fois dans le jeu de la mort. V sacrifié pour la jeune fille, à sa voiture (son corps cribler de flèches).
Jungkook cours pendant une longue période, fuyant le centre.
Pendant, que Suga se trouve dans un lieu de prière. Ou chaque personne, représente une étoile, une âme. Suga est le suicidaire, les personnes debout dans le temple son morts, et il apparait dans la courte période, où Jungkook est évanouie. Avant cela, derrière J-Hope. Jungkook reçoit une mission par le corbeau, qui représente autant la mort, qu'un messager. La mission de Jin est son sacrifice. Pour être plus exacte, il est cette fois transpercé son âme, comme il est symbolisé par la fleur de lys, qu'il brûle de lui même.
The clip "On" has another reading. It’s Jin, it’s MK-Ultra victims, but also the choice to use Outlander:
"No More Dream", the first clip, the first "dream", represents the MK-Ultra centers, but also the missions given to it. Jin is the one who brings the other members, since this one represents the victim MK-Ultra, while the other members represent the multi-personalities. Jin illustrating a future recruit, come to know where he is going, but aims to become a big star. This dream is underlined by the word "Dream", which becomes the title of the clip. Meaning, so by the output of the clip and the fact that it is at the end of the clip. Stresses that he is finally considered a star.
The clip "On" has different readings:
If the clip begins at the end, it is a compression of the Bible:
Here is a provisional extract, the development will be for later:
The story begins with the creation of the earth. It illustrates that the earth, covered on the surface of water, was struck by a giant meteorite, thus creating the earth's surface. It is represented by the large cliff stretching towards the sky. Wedge between two other smaller cliffs, appearing at the bottom left, behind the tomb of megalith, Claire's portal.
Then descend from this mountain the members of BTS, like the members of EXO, represent the angels. Flying over with 7 doves, in the Bible the dove represents purity, the holy spirit, light.
From the Fall of the Angels order by Lucifer. Lucifer falling and corrupt is represented by Jungkook, then passes in front of RAP Monster, become Satan the point to rise towards and against Paradise.
Long after Man forgot religion, began to practice all excesses (all that is physical).
Angry God sends the flood. Jungkook uses a trumpet of the Apocalypse. Jin launched a short time later, a dove, towards the hope of a new land.
Continuing the different references, until starting from the beginning, towards the end. Passing through the sacrifice of Jesus, for the Jewish people (represented by the girl). V lie on the ground, position a cross, her vehicle completely destroyed, the girl next to it, looking blindly, symbolized by the fabric, upwards. The Jewish people await their Messiah, defined as being the Antichrist in the Bible, the arrows replace the stones. Luciferian, practice by the members, of the KPop Temple (The Temple is a place dedicated to God (s), whatever the religion. Create by Man, since physically appear, symbolizing therefore Men, and by transitions the earth).
Until finished, towards the Apocalypse, represented by one of the trumpets of the Apocalypse, played by Jungkook. It is followed by the reign of the Antichrist. Then came the destruction of the cult and the only survivors selected for the new world of God.
Jin represents all the MK-Ultra victims. In MK-Ultra centers, the members are locked up in cells, their rooms. Jin dreams of escape, he practices different activities, by putting them, reading. Jin then imagines himself incarnated, Claire's second husband in the history of Outlander:
Outlander's story takes place in Scotland. It tells the story of Claire. A young woman sharing between two relationships:
She met her first husband, 9 years before the second. It is through her uncle archaeologist that she meets Frank, a history enthusiast. Chaining university conferences since their weddings, spending days together, a dozen times in 5 years during the Second World War. The pushes to settle together. They chose a small village, where they had spent 2 days during their honeymoon. Arriving during Halloween (in the series), in books in Spring.
A penne arrived in the village, that Claire wants to go see the witches who practice different rites. It is at the same place, that at the beginning of the episode, we see Claire bending over the tomb of her second husband who still haunts the village. Looking at the foot of the menhir a myosotis plantation which means in English "Do not forget me". A message for Claire, for the Claire of the past (since she comes to penne to find the portal allowing her to go in 1743). The rest of the series, set in 1945 (his era). A forget-me-not badge was used by Freemasons to recognize each other during the Second World War.
"On" for opening is not the opposite of "N.O". N.O are the initials of New Order, for New World Order.
In contrast to "On", highlights the life of Jin, from his arrival at Big Hit, until his fall, his death. The clip ends like the very first, it ends with the sentence, but begins with it: "No More Dream", and becomes the word "Dream". Of a Star's life, he ends up being sacrificed. Death is often associated with dreams or deep sleep. This is how the clip begins: Jin learns (or not) that he will be sacrificed as soon as his contract is signed.

BTS precisely uses Outlander for its two periods:
- 1945: For the reference to the second world war, but especially to Nazism, which is very represented in the KPop.
- 1743: For the construction of the Freemason Obsidians:
Freemasonry associable with Outlander, is contemporary Freemasonry: It includes lodges from the beginning of the 18th century:
The first is dated June 14, 1717, it begins with the Grand Lodge of England. The Grand Lodge of Scotland was created in 1773.
Note when 1929, England by their imperial habits issued an ultimatum indicating that the United Grand Lodge of England was the only one to hold the Masonic regularity. All the obsidians who recognize the sovereignty of the lodge in England will be "regular" and the others "irregular".
Who finds it in the clips of NCT 127, with the clip Regular, in Irregular Office, they sort see transforms, like Seoul into Obsidian Regular.
The Bible despite religion has a lot of Freemason reference (What is normal, being the reference of the old learnings carried out in the Jewish Temple), an already visible article, will be developed later):
The clip ends with Dream, while the very first clip, presenting the characters, names No More Dream. Subsequently from Jin we understand that the clip "On" is a dream, unlike the first, which symbolizes, real life. The dream of "On", the story is inspired by the Bible:
Outlander is a fight between England and Scotland. "On" represents the old cult against the new. Scotland was being Christianized by England at the time of the 18th century (where the English lunch also appeared, but if may be unrelated, the importance of the dishes in these rites, makes it possible to underline this). One of the true obsidians is the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Unlike the English Freemasonry who even took the opportunity to destroy certain scrolls coming from Egypt. It was in 1738, Pope Clement XII excommunicated the Freemasons, for fear of a plot that would be provoked against the Church. Even if the Bible has Freemason references:
In Freemasonry, sexual acts are common currency. It represents the tree of life. To the left of the tree, a van also visible in Lay's Namanana clip. This vehicle represents the cage, driven by the master of the sexual victim, who sits, on all his goods, like a toy with his accessories, including furniture and others. On the right is packed in a ta of tambourines. Each tambourine is linked to a child. And each of them was thrown away like a user toy.
Jungkook runs for a long time, fleeing the center.
The other is the game of sacrifice. The arrows use, is used both in the game of death. V sacrificed for the girl, to her car (her body riddled with arrows).
While Suga is in a place of prayer. Or each person represents a star, a soul. Suga is the suicidal, the people standing in the temple are dead, and he appears in the short period, when Jungkook is passed out. Before that, behind J-Hope. Jungkook receives a mission from the crow, who represents death as much as a messenger. Jin's mission is his sacrifice. To be more exact, it is this time pierced its soul, as it is symbolized by the fleur-de-lis, which it burns by itself.
Phenomenal work. You are on to something. There is definitely a time traveler present in BT$ and he is assigned to manipulate the present.


Mar 16, 2020
You're right, the gay part was a rumour. I didn't read further into it after seeing all the posts, I'll delete it now. Was the bar jķ went to also just a bar?

I think social distancing isn't such a big deal in Korea anymore. The rule is to only wear a mask in public.
An arcade bar grill.


Oct 26, 2019
Whats so special about the weverse award tae?

Phenomenal work. You are on to something. There is definitely a time traveler present in BT$ and he is assigned to manipulate the present.
Noooo, it cant be that you showed up again! Ive missed your posts so much! They were so good and detailed, just like boti's lol, i hope youre doing well :D ive also missed shuna's post as well
May 14, 2020
Ummm, do you think EVERY SINGLE kpop group is under satanic influence and/or has mystic symbolism? Do you know some kpop groups that arent related to that stuff?
Also, do you think some of the members are actually gay? Whats with too much if the fanservicd; it seems to me like it s more than just skinship culture.
Finally, id ALL the music inn the word corrupted like that??!!?? (Even some classical musicians that were freemasons and all...) Should we just al become producers and start doing our own music??
Because I really love music, especially upbeat khip hip and rap, and all, but it s so... Dark and stanistic.... People (I) need music in their lives!!! So what to do when errthing is like THAT??! I cant just listen to christian music and gregorian chants all day!!!!!?????!!
I was so passionate about it; know all of this music is so disgusting!!- i cant even listen to it. Though i will probably tomorrow again. Because what should i listen to while for example exercising? I cant listen to piano!!!
Arrrgjj everything is soooo#&!&!&$_****!!$!!!
Oops this is rrly long.


Mar 11, 2020
Ah also do you guys know IU? I know this is supposed to be about bts, but if you still plz answer, it would be rrly appreciated. What do you think of her, from this perspective?
The kpop thread talks a lot about her... you should read that thread


Mar 11, 2020
Ummm, do you think EVERY SINGLE kpop group is under satanic influence and/or has mystic symbolism? Do you know some kpop groups that arent related to that stuff?
Also, do you think some of the members are actually gay? Whats with too much if the fanservicd; it seems to me like it s more than just skinship culture.
Finally, id ALL the music inn the word corrupted like that??!!?? (Even some classical musicians that were freemasons and all...) Should we just al become producers and start doing our own music??
Because I really love music, especially upbeat khip hip and rap, and all, but it s so... Dark and stanistic.... People (I) need music in their lives!!! So what to do when errthing is like THAT??! I cant just listen to christian music and gregorian chants all day!!!!!?????!!
I was so passionate about it; know all of this music is so disgusting!!- i cant even listen to it. Though i will probably tomorrow again. Because what should i listen to while for example exercising? I cant listen to piano!!!
Arrrgjj everything is soooo#&!&!&$_****!!$!!!
Oops this is rrly long.


Jul 27, 2018
GUYS, I FINALLY MADE THE BTS SHAPESHIFTING VIDEO! I managed to catch RM, V, Jimin, J Hope and Jungkook shapeshifting multiple times and James Corden btw was shapeshifting throughout the entire video. They were all having a shapeshifting party lol :D
I am going to spam it to army on twitter. Hope people can open their eyes for the truth!

*Special thanks to TheNightDuck for posting the video of Elizabeth April explaining the subject of Reptilians. I used her explanation at the end of the video on top of bts shapeshifting moments.
Apr 16, 2020
GUYS, I FINALLY MADE THE BTS SHAPESHIFTING VIDEO! I managed to catch RM, V, Jimin, J Hope and Jungkook shapeshifting multiple times and James Corden btw was shapeshifting throughout the entire video. They were all having a shapeshifting party lol :D
I am going to spam it to army on twitter. Hope people can open their eyes for the truth!

*Special thanks to TheNightDuck for posting the video of Elizabeth April explaining the subject of Reptilians. I used her explanation at the end of the video on top of bts shapeshifting moments.
Mimis I will watch later when I get data! But to reference Elizabeth april. Whats up with her own eyes in that video??? Is it me or did they look odd ?