BTS discussion thread


Jul 29, 2021
i think it's about time they would kicked out him from the group

Honestly credit where its due I think, he's been carrying that group on his back for years, main vocals, adlibs, backing vocals, layering his voice with Jimins so jimin doesn't break our eardrums. Jin sounds like a nasally goat and poor tae ruined all the good things in his voice and now sounds like he's being muffled by a pillow when he sings and coasts off his looks. They can't do it without him.


Aug 22, 2021
Man looks like he smells like pickled eggs, toes and ass sweat. Gives me bad hygiene vibes. I also raise you a Hyunjin from Strayz

And a Top from BingBlang

Tae used to be my bias and now I can't look at him. I feel disgusted and angered whenever he comes on my screen. People like him because he has a beautiful androgynous face.
Hyunjin is so handsome! I suggest you guys look at people from other groups cause they are all 100% more attractive than any BTS member (even Taehyung)


Aug 10, 2021
Spread awarness? Be a responsible kpop stan, holly fuck, where is be a responsible student, worker, sister.... etc.
Dedicate ur self to who?! Biiiitch Stfu, empty headed people.
And responsabilities, work hard for them ??? Are they ur own fkn children.
So now if u wanna fkn like a kpop group, u must be willing to drown in debts in order to make them even more rich? Are they fkn dump? I mean do they really have brains or they were born without cuz looking at this makes me doubt !
Dont they have a life outside of this like, are they living like normal humans??? Ma god. Im speechless fr.
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Mar 1, 2021
Now solo stans are fighting between them Lmao, i dnt know if irs stupidity, they're the fans of the same group akd yet they hate eachothers, thats hella funny ..
They put it all on park's fans, daaang ...
Hitbig is doing everything to save the brats ass. Pathetic.
Not them trying to create a war between their own cult hhhhh , hilarious .
They're throwing him under the bus. Jm can't catch a break with fans or the company.
Mar 1, 2021
Mar 1, 2021
The worst part is the boss has a bakery. The members of t×t showed his egg tarts, ate them and said they were from his bakery. He did everything right and without backdoor advertising. JK knew better but chose to enrich himself with the fans he claims to love. He can't stand them anymore than Tae or the others. Probably less and respects them even less. The fans are just like Daddy.


Aug 10, 2021
They're throwing him under the bus. Jm can't catch a break with fans or the company.
When they run out of ideas, they throw it all on park's fans, poor man Lol. But still even if they did create a buzz, it still jeon's problem, park's fan maybe created the buzz ( even if i didnt buy it, im pretty sure its one of hybe's pre-planned shit to create war between solo-fans, in order to save that brats ass) cuz how Tf park's fans started creating the buzz only this morning ? They arent even being creative.
And also parks fans cant create a "fake compagny" and been planning it sence 2019, to take jeon down,who in their right mind will believe that,? yeah right army will -
he was indeed wearing the brands clothes, nd he did resigned from it after he got exposed. ..


Aug 4, 2021
Cute innocent maknae my its trending on twitter that jkayy has a lip piercing

He is a lame af kids bop bubblegum pop singer so why he movinglike he in a rock band or something? Maybe the piercing is real or maybe it's a ploy to trend something other than his scandal


Jun 23, 2021
Honestly credit where its due I think, he's been carrying that group on his back for years, main vocals, adlibs, backing vocals, layering his voice with Jimins so jimin doesn't break our eardrums. Jin sounds like a nasally goat and poor tae ruined all the good things in his voice and now sounds like he's being muffled by a pillow when he sings and coasts off his looks. They can't do it without him.
No wonder he allegedly turned to drugs..imagine picking up the slack for the untalented, washed up, and lazy members lol. Having to stay in the studio until the wee hours of the night while the others have gone home. Yeesh!


Jun 23, 2021
Cute innocent maknae my its trending on twitter that jkayy has a lip piercing

He is a lame af kids bop bubblegum pop singer so why he movinglike he in a rock band or something? Maybe the piercing is real or maybe it's a ploy to trend something other than his scandal
That's a cold sore or a really big pimple lmao.
Mf thinks he's an American bad boy that can get away with this type of sh!t. Does he not know where he is or what group he's in? He's looking like a wannabe Tommy Lee from Motley CrueEuyarqUXAAEDRax.pngIMG_20210827_150601.jpg


Jul 29, 2021
No wonder he allegedly turned to drugs..imagine picking up the slack for the untalented, washed up, and lazy members lol. Having to stay in the studio until the wee hours of the night while the others have gone home. Yeesh!
Forreal! Specially at how young he was when he started lol. And the fact that they've fanserviced the shit out of him to build their own solo stans. I would be telling that entire company to go fuck themselves with my whole chest every single damn day of my life lmaoo, it'd be on sight as soon I walked through the doors at 9am. Let me hoe around and snort up in piece and get as many piercings and tats as I want lol.


Aug 4, 2021
He really needs to go to therapy cuz all these tattoos and piercings arent solving whatever issues he has

I'm sure he has been molested,coerced and who knows what else as he was just 13 when he joined

Where are his parents? Then again they did sell him to the kpop industry and are probably laid up enjoying the high life off his trauma just like his brother

I wont be surprised if he has a mental breakdown like britney...any if them really but especially the maknaes

At least he doesnt constantly wear blue contacts tho...looking at you j!mn
Mar 1, 2021


Sep 24, 2020
He really needs to go to therapy cuz all these tattoos and piercings arent solving whatever issues he has

I'm sure he has been molested,coerced and who knows what else as he was just 13 when he joined

Where are his parents? Then again they did sell him to the kpop industry and are probably laid up enjoying the high life off his trauma just like his brother

I wont be surprised if he has a mental breakdown like britney...any if them really but especially the maknaes

At least he doesnt constantly wear blue contacts tho...looking at you j!mn
Hi, never posted here before but I've followed the thread. I'm really worried about JK on a human to human level, it's clear he's trying to compensate for something he's been through or is still going through. I feel like it's a common thing in the industry for abused people to physically alter themselves to make themselves seem less attractive to their abusers, like weight gain and trying to shed his innocent image with the tattoos and piercings meanwhile he still has a baby face. Exactly why Britney did what she did. It's all sorts of concerning but you know how his braindead stans are. Don't know what he could do to break free at this stage though.
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Apr 6, 2018
PRE-POST: Take a little break from this article, and start an article, where I will list all the sexual practices, accessories ... to use on Illuminati victims:
L'Homme va utilisé ce qui l'entoure comme les paysages, objets du quotidien et abris: pour illustrer ses observations. C'est ainsi que la tente, dont la toile est constituée de petits morceaux de peaux, protège des intempéries, comme des rayons du soleil. Malgré ça, les rayons peuvent encore traverser la couture, ce qui forme au plafond comme au sol un ciel étoilé.
Ces abris de fortunes ont été dans certains pays remplacer par des grottes et encore plus tard les peaux par du tissue. Qui protège, en recouvrant comme l'ovule englobe le. spermatozoïde.
La déesse-mère protège son fils:
: Les lions gardiens ou les lions gardiens impériaux sont nommés "shi",; appelés en Occident "lion de Fô" ou "chien de Fô": Le premier représente la déesse-mère qui protège son fils en le couvrant de sa pâte gauche. C'est de cette même main, qu'elle tue son fils, en aspirant l'énergie de celui-ci, donnant fin au cycle. A l'opposer, le fils recouvre de sa pâte droite la fleur de vie.
Catholicisme: La Vierge Marie s'oppose à la représentation Chinoise, en portant son fils. De même que son fils porte l'astre représentatif de l'univers.
Egypte: Chaque dieu est associé à un quart de cycle: Au premier quart, le dieu Noun le néant, donne naissance au soleil. celui-ci à trois noms: Au lever, il s'appel Khepri, au Zénith Râ/Ré et Atoum au coucher. Il assèche la "terre" de l'eau (le néant), dégager l'ancienne boue, qu'il a précédemment utiliser pour se créer un corps), il va réhumidifié avec Shou le dieu de l'aire et Tefnout la déesse de l'humiditée (qui vont apparaitres pour la première fois séparer su sol). Atoum ne les voyants plus va pleuré reflet du mauvais temps (le vent refroidissant et l'eau qui retombe, humidifiant l'admosphère, noient la terre. Et va crée les Hommes. Shou et Tefnout créer le chemin de l'eau. Créant une séparation, ils donnent naissances à Geb, le dieu de la terre et Nout la déesse du Ciel. Ils vont alors engendrés "Sion": Osiris, le soleil qui se trouve sous l'horizon, est le dieu des souterains (référence au corps enterrés) et porteur de la couronne blanche (représentatif de l'âme humaine). D'Isis son épouse, déesse du dernier quart. De Seth, le dieu du chaos est le dieu du troisième quart, il est le dieu tueur de la vie. Et Netphys, sa femme, la déesse qui donne la vie.
Nordique: De la même manière, Odin, comme Osiris porte un nom différent: Thor est le guerrier de la triade porteur du marteau. Il devient Odin (souvent représenter comme le père de Thor et Loki). Loki est lorsque pour avoir la connaissance, s'acrifice son corps (représenter par le sacrifice de son oeil droit (oeil du côté de Thor, son côté vivant), alors que le côté gauche, est l'oeil du mort, puisque c'elle de Loki). Loki représente l'âme d'Odin, il représente ainsi le magicien. Etant l'esprit il est aussi pansexual, à la différence de son corps (représenter par son corps), qui est lui hétérosexuel.
Man will use what surrounds him such as landscapes, everyday objects and shelters: to illustrate his observations. This is how the tent, the canvas of which is made up of small pieces of skin, protects against bad weather, such as the rays of the sun. Despite this, the rays can still pass through the seam, which forms a starry sky on the ceiling and on the ground.
These fortunes shelters were in some countries replaced by caves and even later the skins by tissue. That protects, by covering as the egg encompasses the sperm.
The mother goddess protects her son:
Guardian lions or imperial guardian lions are called "shi"; called in the West "lion of Fô" or "dog of Fô": The first represents the goddess-mother who protects her son by covering him with her left paste. It is with this same hand that she kills her son, sucking the energy from him, ending the cycle. In contrast, the son covers the flower of life with his right paste.
Catholicism: The Virgin Mary opposes the Chinese representation, carrying her son. Just as his son carries the representative star of the universe.
Egypt: Each god is associated with a quarter of a cycle: In the first quarter, the god Nun the nothingness, gives birth to the sun. this one has three names: At sunrise, it is called Khepri, at the Zenith Râ / Ré and Atum at bedtime. He dries up the "earth" of the water (nothingness), clears the old mud, which he previously used to create a body), he will re-humidify with Shou the god of the air and Tefnut the goddess of humidity (which will appear for the first time to separate from the ground). Atum, no longer seeing them, will cry reflection of bad weather (the cooling wind and the falling water, humidifying the atmosphere, drown the earth. And will create Men. Shou and Tefnut create the path of water. Creating a separation, they give birth to Geb, the god of the earth and Nut the goddess of the Sky. They will then begotten "Zion": Osiris, the sun which is under the horizon, is the god of the undergrounds (reference to the buried body ) and bearer of the white crown (representative of the human soul) Of Isis his wife, goddess of the last quarter Of Seth, the god of chaos is the god of the third quarter, he is the killer god of life. And Netphys, his wife, the Goddess who gives life.
Norse: Likewise, Odin, like Osiris, has a different name: Thor is the warrior of the hammer-carrying triad. He becomes Odin (often portrayed as the father of Thor and Loki). Loki is when, in order to have knowledge, his body becomes self-confident (represented by the sacrifice of his right eye (eye on Thor's side, his living side), while the left side is the eye of the dead, since it is her from Loki). Loki represents the soul of Odin, he thus represents the magician. Being the spirit he is also pansexual, unlike his body (represented by his body), which is heterosexual.