Birth Control and hidden abortions / Drone birth control pill delivery system


Dec 21, 2018
Not sure if this is the right place to post it or The Den. Don't really have trouble with moderation or anything.

WHEN BIRTH CONTROL first arrived, 50 or 40 years ago, it was highly praised as the "women's emancipation", they were now free to have sex without consequences. Thing is, back then birth control pills had a yuge quantity of hormones. Back then, these pills would prevent a woman's body of releasing eggs. This would led to some problems because the dosage was so brutal it would cause other problems such as thrombosis and stroke so, naturally, the hormone charge on pills were reduced. But nowadays, they don't always prevent ovulation. This leads to three possible scenarios:

FIRST SCENARIO IS WHEN the pill does its job and the ovulation won't occur. No "problem" here.

ANOTHER EFFECT OF BIRTH CONTROL nowadays besides preventing ovulation is making the cervical mucus too hostile, so the male sperm isn't able to swim across to meet the egg. So far, still no "problem" here but things start to get sketchy.

THE PROBLEM APPEARS when the sperm is able to swim across the hostile envyroment and meet with the egg that was able to be released. This leds to fecundation. The problem arises when the embryo can't attach to the cervical wall and end up dying and is carried away during period.

NOW, THIS IS DIVULGED but it is not always clear and often appears as a sidenote. Even myself during pharmacy school this wasn't made clear. If this was a google search analogy this info would be buried in the 5th page or so. The other thing is that science has changed the definition of abortion, when they do divulge this they don't consider this to be an abortion.

If you don't believe in me there is a book on the subject written by a protestant pastor: [Amazon Link]

When I was writing this lots of things happened, today has been a busy day so i'll end up short trough here. I would just like to add that there has been a drone delivery system for birth control pills to isolated communities in africa and at least once ther has been an abortion pill delivered trough drones.

The point was to link the abortions and birth control delivery to african isolated communities as a way to rise the spread of abortions worldwide. I mean, if they can delivery pills why cant they deliver other stuff as well?

Drone Abortion Pill Delivery

Africa Pill Delivery

PS: This post is a mess but I can't bother to rewrite it.


Mar 15, 2017
LOL i decide to check the site after a century and i instantly get reminded why i had enough.

The egg not being able to be fertilized and dying as a result is exactly what menstruation or periods are. It is not something new invented by birth control.
Nothing sketchy, basic biology. Didn't know menstruation was abortion now.

Time to get out again for another decade.


Dec 21, 2018
LOL i decide to check the site after a century and i instantly get reminded why i had enough.

The egg not being able to be fertilized and dying as a result is exactly what menstruation or periods are. It is not something new invented by birth control.
Nothing sketchy, basic biology. Didn't know menstruation was abortion now.

Time to get out again for another decade.
Dude, i'm not talking about the egg dying, i'm talking about a fertilized egg dying. They actually tell you this if you know where to check, it's not hidden at all.

Check out this, it's called Ciclo 21, I sell this one for 8 BRL, that's like less than two dollars:

"Tal como outros contraceptivos orais combinados, Ciclo 21 agem no organismo através da supressão das gonadotrofinas. Embora o seu mecanismo primário envolva a inibição da ovulação, ocorrem também outras alterações como mudanças no muco cervical, o que aumenta a dificuldade de entrada do esperma no útero, e mudanças no endométrio, o que reduz a probabilidade de implantação"

I haven't translated because I don't want to interfere, but the last word is "implantation", that's exactly the part where the embryo fixes itself to the cervical wall.

This one is about Tâmisa 20.

"Gestodeno + Etinilestradiol age primariamente inibindo a ovulação por supressão da liberação de gonadotrofinas e promove alterações no muco cervical (que aumentam a dificuldade de penetração do esperma no útero). Adicionalmente, alterações no endométrio reduzem a probabilidade de nidação."

Again, the last word, "nidação" directly translates as "implantation"

But that comes down to when you consider life to start, wheter it is after implantation or after the conception.
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Mar 15, 2017
You do know that not all fertilized eggs implant and end up getting released as period. Its very common for eggs to fertilize and nothing to happen. This is how not all intercourse ends up in pregnancy.

I consider life to start at neither implantation or conception however, it starts when the brain signals appear.


Dec 21, 2018
You do know that not all fertilized eggs implant and end up getting released as period. Its very common for eggs to fertilize and nothing to happen. This is how not all intercourse ends up in pregnancy.
And in some cases they end up implanting on the wrong place too, hence ectopic pregnancy. And that's why some women with PCOS have fertility issues. And that's how some miscarriages occur too, when the implantation isn't 100% correct. But all these happen without direct human interference.

You consider life to start when the brain signal appears, well, i'm not gonna try to persuade you on the contrary. However, you gotta agree that for some of us the above info is highly troublesome.
Oct 2, 2017
Dude, i'm not talking about the egg dying, i'm talking about a fertilized egg dying. They actually tell you this if you know where to check, it's not hidden at all.

Check out this, it's called Ciclo 21, I sell this one for 8 BRL, that's like less than two dollars:

"Tal como outros contraceptivos orais combinados, Ciclo 21 agem no organismo através da supressão das gonadotrofinas. Embora o seu mecanismo primário envolva a inibição da ovulação, ocorrem também outras alterações como mudanças no muco cervical, o que aumenta a dificuldade de entrada do esperma no útero, e mudanças no endométrio, o que reduz a probabilidade de implantação"

I haven't translated because I don't want to interfere, but the last word is "implantation", that's exactly the part where the embryo fixes itself to the cervical wall.

This one is about Tâmisa 20.

"Gestodeno + Etinilestradiol age primariamente inibindo a ovulação por supressão da liberação de gonadotrofinas e promove alterações no muco cervical (que aumentam a dificuldade de penetração do esperma no útero). Adicionalmente, alterações no endométrio reduzem a probabilidade de nidação."

Again, the last word, "nidação" directly translates as "implantation"

But that comes down to when you consider life to start, wheter it is after implantation or after the conception.

Its not hidden because its not a problem. a fertilised egg is not a baby, most fertilised eggs end up on a tampon or pad and no one knows the different. You cant even see it.

Put what are you going to do get rid of all abortion pills because they might be fertilised? you know many women and especially young girls go on the pill because it helps regulate periods, helps with severely painful periods and acne. But again its a fertilised egg, they dont hide it because its nothing sinister.

No one is hiding what different contraceptives do because there is nothing to hide, they admitted early doses were bad and recalculated them , in fact there are numerous different contraceptive pills, women are often put on different ones to find the one that works best
Oct 2, 2017
And in some cases they end up implanting on the wrong place too, hence ectopic pregnancy. And that's why some women with PCOS have fertility issues. And that's how some miscarriages occur too, when the implantation isn't 100% correct. But all these happen without direct human interference.

You consider life to start when the brain signal appears, well, i'm not gonna try to persuade you on the contrary. However, you gotta agree that for some of us the above info is highly troublesome.

agree to what? that some eggs fertilise and they are not human beings just a seed that if left to grow might be a human.


May 15, 2017
the best that came back with search

didn't See them mention fixing it at all but then again
guess they don't want women being the scared ones any more eh
with the "toxic masculinity"being erased and the men becoming
mice,women will be the ones fending off all the scary things
in the future
