Best Post Of Vcf

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Mar 30, 2017
Can you figure out what her response meant? I still have no idea what she was saying. Also, don't blot out the names please.
Far be it from me to try and decipher what Lisa means with most of her posts, but the way I read it was she was basking in her own arrogant ignorance. Albeit, she did put a question mark after her comment thereby suggesting she’s not really sure of her statement, but she made it, nonetheless. Added to the fact that a lot of what she posts are of her OPINION and have ZERO evidential value despite the numerous responses she receives, I found her statement farcical.

...and if you don’t want me to blot out the names, I won’t. My blog is currently private and only my instructor and a friend of mine are able to view it, but I’ll heed to your request should I use it.


Mar 13, 2017
Can you figure out what her response meant? I still have no idea what she was saying. Also, don't blot out the names please.
You said that people who positive lose their ability to think critically. I meant that people who think positively may be the ones to have the best answers because they think positively...

People make better decisions when they are positive rather than negative.
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Kung Fu

Mar 24, 2017
That wasn't my intention in my poor attempt at screen shotting KF's post.

Apologies to Lisa if that is how it seemed.
If people actually thought my post to her and or your post here was an attack and or insult than people shouldn't be surprised that Trump was elected.


Apr 6, 2017
Holy Goodness!!! I have never in my life seen so many people go in so much after one poster over and over and over and over and over in thread after thread after thread after thread. Seriously it is annoying as can be, and the ones doing it are supposedly Religious peoples. I do not know every detail behind the drama and I surely do not care to know but what I can discern is that it is IN THE PAST and that it has been talked about TO DEATH in at least a dozen different Threads.

So why on earth can you people not create one stupid thread, put all your retarded drama in that thread, hash it out then bury it? Why is it so incredibly difficult to move on? Got it you think shes a liar, great, do we need to hear about it literally everytime she posts and in every single freaking thread she posts in?

Is she not able to make points apart from whatever drama occurred in the past and leave the past in the past?

Seriously this is ridiculous and annoying, I am watching almost every thread she participates in get thrown off the tracks with personal attack after personal attack concerning whatever stupid drama yall were in on past boards or even other freaking sites, who cares get over it, move on. Let her make her points and dont dredge up past garbage over and over.

And my advice for you Tanya, or whatever the new but actually really really really old if I remember correctly Tatilina username, stop participating in their trolling of you, walk away, clearly for whatever reason in the past they have beef with you and will always use the past to invoke you to get you upset and under your skin. Just like in kindergarten ignore bullies and walk away.

Regardless this is the only thing I have to say about this garbage personal drama, its annoying and really wish that if one poster participates I didnt have to watch the Thread go into a drama fest of rehashing old forums and nonsense, move on people...
My sweet brother in the Lord.
Many thanks from my heart to him.


Mar 13, 2017
And I have Christian faith, years of bible knowledge and much personal study of Christian apologetics, theology and polemics. You are like a color-blind person trying to tell normal vision-people how you see colours much better than them because you wear top-brand glasses. You cannot see what Christians do - if you did you would be a Christian.
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