Beautiful Islamic Pictures


May 20, 2017
Barak Allah feeki for the beautiful reminder sister Hopeful <3!
Here is a beautiful poem I saw by an anonymous sister. May the Creator grant her jannah. Ameen!
Rise o sleeping Muslim!!!1
Rise o sleeping Muslim, Humanity needs You.
Pick up the Qur'an And read the verse To the nearest meaning," That You are the best of Nations Created for the benefit of Mankind.
For you call towards good, prevent from evil And have faith in Allah "
Rise o sleeping Muslim, Humanity needs You
Pick up the Hadith And read the quote of our beloved Prophetﷺ To the nearest meaning, "That If you see a vice being committed.
Prevent it with your hands. If you are not able
Prevent it with your tongue,
But If you are not able to Acknowledge that it is evil in your heart.
And thus be excused, But this is the lowest degree of Faith".
Rise o sleeping Muslim, Humanity needs you
Stop wasting your time
Stop frivolous pursuits
Stop arguing amongst each other
Stop looking elsewhere for help
When you have Allah And grasp your responsibility towards Mankind
Rise o sleeping Muslim,
Humanity needs you
Time to show your True colors
As Reality is slowly revealing
And hearts have been softened
Through the blood of our Martyrs
Time to Hold the banner of Islam tightly
through your Deeds and your Actions
Rise o sleeping Muslim, Humanity needs you
Call towards the Deen of Allah Through your Worship
Through your Integrity Through your Kindness
Through your Generosity
Through your smile
Through your Compassion for the entire Mankind
And through your Prayers in prostration
Rise o sleeping Muslim, Humanity needs you!!!!
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