Beautiful Islamic Pictures


May 20, 2017

We all love stories how about a story about someone who lived by this verse:
A female Qur’aan teacher always advised her students to live by this Ayah:
وَعَجِلْتُ إِلَيْكَ رَبِّ لِتَرْضَىٰ
“And I hurried to You, my Lord, so that You’ll be pleased.”
[Taahaa, [20]: 84]
She told them, “This Ayah is what moves me. When I hear the Adhaan and I’m occupied and in the middle of something, I remind myself of this Ayah and so I get up to pray.”
“When my alarm goes off at 2am and I want to go back to sleep I remember: ‘And I hurried to You, my Lord, so you’ll be pleased’, and so I get up and stand before Allah.”
Her husband had the following arrangement with her: On his way home from a long day at work he’d call her so she’ll get the food hot & ready, so he can come home and eat & rest.
One day he asked her to make Mahshi (stuffed grape leaves) – a very time consuming dish. The process involves wrapping many of them and then putting them in a pot to cook. She had 3 more to wrap; but the Adhaan was called.
So she left the 3 remaining grape-leaves (which would have taken her 5 more minutes) and went to pray.
Her husband came home and found that the food was not ready and she was in sujood. He noticed there were only 3 grape-leaves left.
A bit upset, he uttered, “You could have just finished them & put the pot to cook then pray!” But she wasn’t responding.
He went to her to discover that she had died in her Sujood!
SubhaanAllaah! Had she waited like any of us to “finish whats in her hand” she would have died in the kitchen! Indeed, the way we live our life is how we will die.


May 20, 2018

We all love stories how about a story about someone who lived by this verse:
A female Qur’aan teacher always advised her students to live by this Ayah:
وَعَجِلْتُ إِلَيْكَ رَبِّ لِتَرْضَىٰ
“And I hurried to You, my Lord, so that You’ll be pleased.”
[Taahaa, [20]: 84]
She told them, “This Ayah is what moves me. When I hear the Adhaan and I’m occupied and in the middle of something, I remind myself of this Ayah and so I get up to pray.”
“When my alarm goes off at 2am and I want to go back to sleep I remember: ‘And I hurried to You, my Lord, so you’ll be pleased’, and so I get up and stand before Allah.”
Her husband had the following arrangement with her: On his way home from a long day at work he’d call her so she’ll get the food hot & ready, so he can come home and eat & rest.
One day he asked her to make Mahshi (stuffed grape leaves) – a very time consuming dish. The process involves wrapping many of them and then putting them in a pot to cook. She had 3 more to wrap; but the Adhaan was called.
So she left the 3 remaining grape-leaves (which would have taken her 5 more minutes) and went to pray.
Her husband came home and found that the food was not ready and she was in sujood. He noticed there were only 3 grape-leaves left.
A bit upset, he uttered, “You could have just finished them & put the pot to cook then pray!” But she wasn’t responding.
He went to her to discover that she had died in her Sujood!
SubhaanAllaah! Had she waited like any of us to “finish whats in her hand” she would have died in the kitchen! Indeed, the way we live our life is how we will die.
Thankyou Sis for sharing such an inspirational Story ... i am sure it will help me a lot in my daily life...
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May 20, 2017
I love this thread so much, Allah bless you all with abundant rewards, Amin!
Ajma' een! May Allah bless you as well!!! As well as the sister who started this thread, sster @Black Violet!!!

I was looking at some shaykh Shinqiti talks and he reminded us of the fact that the angels roam looking for those who gathered for knowledge and the remembrance of Allah the king of Kings, The Fist and The Last !!! They did not gather for sake of dunya, for selling or buying or for poetry or prose or for competition and riches but for studying something that would get them closer to Allah.
This thread reminds us of that which we love the most Magnifying our Creator!!

We ask Allah to bless all those who take part in this thread and those who visit it with an open heart & mind!!! Ameen!
(I will put 2 shinqiti videos at islamic vids in sha Alah!

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Sep 3, 2018

Assalamu alaikum

I hope you all are doing fine.

The purpose of this thread is to post your favorite Islamic pictures (no discussions please).

I'll start with mine

Yeah, that’s a load of bull. Most Muslim men force “their” clearly oppressed wives/girlfriends/daughters to wear all black, extremely hot (the color black attracts heat), “outfits” all year round (I really feel for these women in the SUMMER time; they must be incredibly uncomfortable)! They obviously do not “allow” these Muslim, oppressed women to be “different.” They are all oppressed the same way. That quote is a joke!