Bad relationships are bad for your health.


Mar 15, 2017
For those of you that already (reminder) or for those of you that still don't, bad, abusive, toxic relationships are bad for your health. Usually the abuser in the relationship has some kind of personality disorder or mental illness. They are oblivious to the fact that their speech and behavior is harmful to their S.O. People with those afflictions will tear you down, manipulate you, gaslight you, mess with your feelings and head and use you as a doormat. This in turn will give you nervous system problems, anxiety, panic attacks, gastrointestinal problems, sleep problems, depression, mental imbalances, heart problems, etc. The abuser needs professional help and deep therapy to help them address their toxic behaviors. The victim needs to realize that until the abuser genuinely seeks help, there's no hope for the relationship. The victim needs to protect his/her health and well being. Don't be afraid to walk out to safe-guard your heart, mind and health. If you've been in an abusive relationship, it's very important that you heal emotionally, mentally and physically. It's important to know that abusive/toxic relationships can damage your health and it's a sad reality, it's not all in your head.
Great post.


Mar 16, 2017
Yeah, I never understood why some gets hung up on ONE specific event that happened to them when theres SOOO much going on otherwise! haha, If I were to get stuck on ONE event I woldnt even know which one to choose. :p