Baby formula shortage

Oct 20, 2021
I vaguely remember Gerber being involved in some kind of scandal or something weird. Wish I could remember what it was but maybe someone does? Also the name Similac always sounded like something out of a science fiction story.


May 15, 2017
This is all I could find for now Lizard King
but I remember there was something else
yrs back will have to look for it some more
Yeah similar doesn't sound all that great,who/e
came up with the name shoulda found a new profession

Oct 20, 2021
This is all I could find for now Lizard King
but I remember there was something else
yrs back will have to look for it some more
Yeah similar doesn't sound all that great,who/e
came up with the name shoulda found a new profession

Remember when Proctor and Gamble removed their decade olds symbol from all their products because of public outcry that it was satanic? Maybe you or sibi can find that story?


May 15, 2017
Looks like nestle took over gerber in 2007
and it seems like a lot more recalls happened under
them than did the original gerber production co
here's a Few more

Which makes me happy when I think about it
that I made my own food into my babies food as well
no worries when a recall happens
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Mar 19, 2018

"Republicans are sounding the alarm after discovering baby formula is being sent to border facilities while American mothers are facing empty shelves amid massive shortages.

And President Joe Biden's administration is struggling to respond, unable to reassure parents when there will be more formula on empty grocery store shelves and where they can turn to for help."

To all of the Biden voters, pound sand each and every one of you.


Jan 10, 2019
What did people back in the day do?
I was curious after I posted my (I realize now rather preachy) reply and learned what mothers who couldn't breastfeed did: they relied on wet-nurses! This article said for thousands of years, going back to the Egyptians and Greeks, there was an industry for women to provide milk for nursing babies. In the 19th century societies began to frown upon wet-nursing; in the 1850's the first "formula" was produced, structured from an analysis of human milk.

There were grain based milks and feeding devices from the earliest societies but one point of the article is that human milk is the healthiest food ever. There's evidence that breast-milk substitutes can cause diabetes, allergies, and obesity among other ailments. A sad statistic is that in the 20th century 90% of children were breast-fed while in the 21st century that number has dropped to just 42%.

One last factoid lol. Before the 1970's there was a trend of mothers over-using formula. I think the Christians here should be proud as it was the National Council of Churches’ Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility that led a very successful campaign to raise awareness of the healthiness of breastfeeding.


May 15, 2017
I never liked the wetnursing
even when salma Hayek did
it I thought ew gross but it's not just
ew to me that's a special bonding between Mother
and Child and not to mention Ya really do Not Know
what the WN is ingest/digesting also
sometimes them WN be crazy and try kidnapping
the Child as they themselves develop bonds too

I would rather bottle feed one of the
above recipies than get a WN at least
it's Ya and the Father that bonds with the

My lil one and me were just talking to
about when I was living on the farm
and if We drank the milk right from the animals
which yes We did as who with cows/goats dont
then I started thinking of how tptb now want all
milks pasteurized and tout it as healthy and less

however since they started pasteurization
there is a steady rise of lactose intolerance that was
not seen back in the day when just consuming the straight
up milk I can attest to this for myself as I drank both
cow/goat milk unpasteurized no issues for along time
since starting with the store bought milk I find everytime
I drink/consume milk I get ill feeling


Mar 19, 2018
however since they started pasteurization
there is a steady rise of lactose intolerance that was
not seen back in the day when just consuming the straight
up milk I can attest to this for myself as I drank both
cow/goat milk unpasteurized no issues for along time
since starting with the store bought milk I find everytime
I drink/consume milk I get ill feeling
Bing! I also believe a lot of the food allergies we are seeing is caused by over-processing. Not to mention dairy products taste a thousand times better when not processed.

Ran across this interesting article:

"Non-homogenized milk was once thought to cause milk protein allergy. That’s been disproven, as pasteurized milk also contains the same proteins that elicit that response. Unfortunately, the proteins in milk become denatured and, instead of acting as the delivery system they should, they are unable to function properly and transport nutrients throughout the bloodstream. But did you know that raw milk may actually cause less allergies and possibly even protect from asthma? (21, 22) According to one review of many studies on raw milk, “Raw milk consumption may have a protective association with allergy development.”


May 15, 2017
Thanks Lurking009
informative article and I agree100%
it's the processing and the additives
that are put in that the makers don't
even have to list fully in Our foods
and in everything tptbs allow for us to have
sold to Us

I said it before and stick by it
tptb spend so much on think tanks on
ways to manipulate and control Us
and other think tanks who's only job is
to think up subtle ways in which to kill Us
slowly or fast tptb don't care so long as it get the job done


Jan 29, 2018
I never liked the wetnursing
even when salma Hayek did
it I thought ew gross but it's not just
ew to me that's a special bonding between Mother
and Child and not to mention Ya really do Not Know
what the WN is ingest/digesting also
sometimes them WN be crazy and try kidnapping
the Child as they themselves develop bonds too

I would rather bottle feed one of the
above recipies than get a WN at least
it's Ya and the Father that bonds with the

My lil one and me were just talking to
about when I was living on the farm
and if We drank the milk right from the animals
which yes We did as who with cows/goats dont
then I started thinking of how tptb now want all
milks pasteurized and tout it as healthy and less

however since they started pasteurization
there is a steady rise of lactose intolerance that was
not seen back in the day when just consuming the straight
up milk I can attest to this for myself as I drank both
cow/goat milk unpasteurized no issues for along time
since starting with the store bought milk I find everytime
I drink/consume milk I get ill feeling
Imo wetnurse is good so long as her diet is right. Breastfeeding helps kids develop solid immune systems... but I also agree with you that the priority should be for this to take place directly between Mama and baby.


May 15, 2017
I guess they can be Good TempestOfTempo

specially if the Mother for w/e reason is not
capable of breastfeeding and if it is someone
Ya Know that Ya can Trust and See what they
digest into their bodies well I guess as well as
Ya can Know as none of Us Know each other fully
as We are not inside each other's heads

I was thinking when I posted along the lines
of the WN being an unknown person to Ya

since now a days most Peoples look online
for the answers of where to get/find things
and then order w/e it is they need
I do Know that breast milk is a wanted commodity
online not just for the Mothers/Children to digest
Oct 20, 2021

"Republicans are sounding the alarm after discovering baby formula is being sent to border facilities while American mothers are facing empty shelves amid massive shortages.

And President Joe Biden's administration is struggling to respond, unable to reassure parents when there will be more formula on empty grocery store shelves and where they can turn to for help."

To all of the Biden voters, pound sand each and every one of you.
Article on Natural News today about this.
Oct 20, 2021
I never liked the wetnursing
even when salma Hayek did
it I thought ew gross but it's not just
ew to me that's a special bonding between Mother
and Child and not to mention Ya really do Not Know
what the WN is ingest/digesting also
sometimes them WN be crazy and try kidnapping
the Child as they themselves develop bonds too

I would rather bottle feed one of the
above recipies than get a WN at least
it's Ya and the Father that bonds with the

My lil one and me were just talking to
about when I was living on the farm
and if We drank the milk right from the animals
which yes We did as who with cows/goats dont
then I started thinking of how tptb now want all
milks pasteurized and tout it as healthy and less

however since they started pasteurization
there is a steady rise of lactose intolerance that was
not seen back in the day when just consuming the straight
up milk I can attest to this for myself as I drank both
cow/goat milk unpasteurized no issues for along time
since starting with the store bought milk I find everytime
I drink/consume milk I get ill feeling
I only drink almond milk. Lot lower in calories and carbs. Unsweetened vanilla my favorite.


May 15, 2017
I tried it once Lizard King
My Kids said please don't
buy it again and I didnt
enjoy it all that much myself
I found the type I bought was very thin
maybe just the brand I bought and I do
think it was just straight up almond not
flavoured maybe that might taste better