Amy Coney Barrett and the "cult"


Nov 23, 2019
While pursuing my B.A. in philosophy I was also a follower of Marxism/Leninism. Most of my professors were Marxists, but hey, it was in the Northeastern part of the United States. I try to remember what I would have been like back then with the present political situation of filling an empty Supreme Court seat.

I would have automatically supported anyone on the left. Why? Because that's just how it was. I thought I was an open-minded liberal, or whatever, but I was to the left of liberal. There really was no thought involved. In actuality, I was very closed minded, and the thought of someone like Amy Coney Barrett as a nominee for the Supreme Court was just not acceptable. Why? Well, after all, she is a member of a cult, right? She's one of those narrow-minded Christians who want to make people believe what they believe, and take away women's rights, right? Wrong on both counts.

People of Praise is not a cult. How do I know? I am a member of a Christian Ecumenical Covenant Community. I joined freely. My wife joined freely. I knew I wanted what the charismatics had, and that was a deeper relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. My wife and I took five years to make the decision to join. We were NEVER pressured. We were asked twice in five years if we were ready, but that was all.

In a covenant community, if people don't follow the rules, and after much dialogue, they are asked to leave or break their covenant. This idea of joining something that involves a covenant is so foreign to most people today because there is no sense of commitment to anything or anyone, except themselves. It's called narcissism (read Christopher Lasch's The Culture of Narcissism). Now there's a pandemic!!!

In a cult, people are brainwashed to accept the rules. People of Praise Community is not a cult.

What's my barometer, post Marxism/Leninism? Life. Ginsberg thought that killing babies, and having them torn apart in their mother's womb was acceptable. Judge Amy Coney Barrett does not.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta said: "A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope." I pray that she's wrong.


Nov 23, 2019
After what they did to Kavanaugh, is it any surprise that they would lie about this?

Another reason that the Marxists are up in arms is that they have the covens and witches on their side casting curses and spells, and to have a charismatic Catholic on the Supreme Court...whaaaat? She is, and will be, a spiritual, moral, and intellectual ICBM pointed at all the evil funk in this country, and they are shaking in the boots.