All about Avicii


Aug 15, 2019
Hello everyone! I haven't found a thread or a VC article on Avicii. Pls if I missed it send me the link guys!
I can't stop thinking about what happened to Tim Bergling, Avicii. I watched the documentary that was basically shot while he was alive, just living his life, doing his thing. I find this a bit weird first of all. Does someone know why did he make those videos? Then as it ends, and we know, he quits his life shows, and finds his peace in just making music, he has this beautiful island resort, and starts working on new songs, and album. I get that the industry wanted to squeeze him for the last penny, and they wouldn't be happy with him quitting the concerts. If he was happy, in peace finally quitting, and focusing on music making, why would he then kill himself?? Doesn't make sense. Why would his family hide anything suspicious about his death if they knew? I can only imagine they were threatened not to speak? I read that one good friend of his said after his death that he doesn't believe the suicide story. But then that's it. No more words from him, at least I couldn't find anything. Also, his last album, the titles, lyrics, they r mostly about death, dying, which I find disturbing. They say, it was 80% done while he was still alive. So then what's with the songs and titles?? Don't forget about the pedo investigations which he was supposedly doing. His video clip For a better day. This is too sad for me, he seemed to be a really very good guy. I don't think he sold his soul and sht like that. please if anyone is interested in this case, write a comment! I am sure some of you know more details. Thank you
Sep 9, 2018
The first thing I did after I found out about Avicii's passing was watching his documentary. Something about that situation was fishy - even to me, and I wasn't Avicii's fan at the time. I knew some of his major hits, but I just wasn't aware of who he was and what he struggled with. As you said, it all is too sad. Slowly, I began to dive into his music/personal life and I gotta say I don't believe he sold his soul. It seems like all he ever wanted was to create music and make a difference in this world... That's how I see it. He was introverted and sensitive - at least that's how he is described by his family and friends - so on one hand, keeping all of his problems in mind, I think it could have been suicide.
However... here are a few things that bother me:

1) He was getting better (seeing a therapist, eating healthy, exercising, meditating... he was even planning on starting a family with his then-girlfriend), so why would he let all of that progress go to waste?
2) And what caused him to take his own life in such a violent, painful way (he allegedly cut himself with broken glass and bled out)? He could have been heavily drunk, but still... something's wrong here.
3) Why would he do such things in the house of the Sultan of Oman? What was he doing here in the first place?

The fact that these questions remain unanswered leads me to think... what if it WASN'T a suicide?

I get that the industry wanted to squeeze him for the last penny, and they wouldn't be happy with him quitting the concerts
Maybe that's the thing - the industry wouldn't let him go. Imagine how many people must have lost their jobs/profits when he retired from touring... They made a cash cow out of him. Also, trying to expose some of the pedo rings is a risky move. Did someone silence him? I wish we could know...

(By the way, he has a song called "Long Road To Hell" and it's written as if it was his own story... Maybe they wanted him to sell his soul, but he refused and got killed?)
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