

Mar 15, 2017
They're definitely alien in the sense that they're unknown to us, but to depict jinns as the archetypal Hollywood wide eyed green creature is quite inaccurate

I do believe jinns are on other planets, hence the suspicious activity NASA tirelessly investigate.


Apr 18, 2017
I believe aliens are fallen angels and nephilim. I think they'll be revealed during the end times but the general public will think they're aliens We're being conditioned to believe in aliens for a reason. Idk if you've seen Prometheus but VC does a good article on it, it's relevant to my theory.


Mar 26, 2017
I believe aliens are fallen angels and nephilim. I think they'll be revealed during the end times but the general public will think they're aliens We're being conditioned to believe in aliens for a reason. Idk if you've seen Prometheus but VC does a good article on it, it's relevant to my theory.
Prometheus sounds like the devil. What is the Prometheus movie?

Yes, I believe there are entities which we think are aliens but Jacques Vallee explains in that video his theory that he believes they are from outside our dimension, not merely humanoids who flew here on space ships- I think he's coming from a scientific perspective and I don't even think he's thinking from a religious perspective and I agree with him. I think the "aliens" are actually demons or jinn or something along those lines. I also don't think they're grays or little green men from Mars. I think those theories are cartoonish. I think it has to do nephilim, fallen angels, jinn, demons, etc.

I haven't totally put the puzzle together but I think it has something to do in that direction.


Apr 18, 2017
Prometheus sounds like the devil. What is the Prometheus movie?

Yes, I believe there are entities which we think are aliens but Jacques Vallee explains in that video his theory that he believes they are from outside our dimension, not merely humanoids who flew here on space ships- I think he's coming from a scientific perspective and I don't even think he's thinking from a religious perspective and I agree with him. I think the "aliens" are actually demons or jinn or something along those lines. I also don't think they're grays or little green men from Mars. I think those theories are cartoonish. I think it has to do nephilim, fallen angels, jinn, demons, etc.

I haven't totally put the puzzle together but I think it has something to do in that direction.
I'll watch the video later. The article is better at explaining than I can. Notice the Christian symbolism throughout the movie.


Apr 6, 2017
Prometheus sounds like the devil. What is the Prometheus movie?

Yes, I believe there are entities which we think are aliens but Jacques Vallee explains in that video his theory that he believes they are from outside our dimension, not merely humanoids who flew here on space ships- I think he's coming from a scientific perspective and I don't even think he's thinking from a religious perspective and I agree with him. I think the "aliens" are actually demons or jinn or something along those lines. I also don't think they're grays or little green men from Mars. I think those theories are cartoonish. I think it has to do nephilim, fallen angels, jinn, demons, etc.

I haven't totally put the puzzle together but I think it has something to do in that direction.
Check this out, it includes everything you have just mentioned
I believe 100% without a shadow of a doubt that aliens arw notbing more than demons/fallen angels.
Mar 30, 2017
The person whose thinking intrigues me is this

If you’re interested in what Jacques Vallee has to say, you should read one of his books if you can. His research is extensive and thorough. He describes various incidents that date back to the 1700’s. Valle also draws upon people’s accounts of folklore such as encountering fairies and leprechauns that have used the same deceptive methods. In his book Masters of Deception, he even states how cows in the US were being mutilated with such accurate precision that farmers were taken aback by the events and stopped reporting them to police because there was virtually nothing the police could do about the occurrences. What’s even more fascinating is he draws the same conclusion as John Weldon, which is there are no real physical UFO craft, that they too, are part of the deception.

If you want a more biblical take on the matter, you can go to this site: The founder, Joe Jordon, was originally an atheist, and became a Christian once he began his research in abductions. Another book using a biblical perspective is Gary Bates’ “Alien Intrusion”, which reads like a science fiction novel, but according to him, it’s all too real.


Mar 26, 2017
I hope this is not derailing but the reason why the concept of "Aliens" existed is because of the belief in this "Infinite Universe" and we've been bombarded with Aliens & Space movies. I believe it will play a big part in the NWO's end game agenda getting everyone together [Team Humanity] to fight these Fake Aliens invasion resulting in something like a United One World. It's a tarp!

With FE, no such things as Alien Invasion. =)

I hate the word "flat", it gave a bad connotation to the theory. more like Plane Earth hence (Plane -t Earth), it's a plane not a ball. There are bumps/holes and not flat like a sheet of paper.

I just got off a flight earlier and took a couple pic, decide for yourself (I don't claim this as proofs)

My belief regarding Aliens which is already answered by Violette. They are fallen angels masquerading as these mainstream "aliens". These fallen angels has the ability to create the crop circles to further their "aliens" angeda.
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Mar 14, 2017
Aliens aren't on this planet, I'd say they're just people with secret advanced technology. Like the military, they can probably pretend to be aliens if they want.
That's just another hypothesis albeit a likely one.

It doesn't make sense discussing 'aliens' at all until somebody brings something conclusive to the table. At this point, it's pure speculation.



Mar 13, 2017
The fallen angels are already here. If you believe in such things. They are totally different than aliens or demons, at least according to mythology. When it comes to the unseen there appears to be infinite possibilities. That's why I imagine there to be all sorts of different dimensions, or "levels" of reality.

Demons probably exist in the plane of fire. A world that's invisible and just out of our reach, but nevertheless it's brimming with destructive power. Aliens on the other hand probably live a dark world. Light in any form probably hurts them.


Mar 18, 2017
"A group of scientists in
California recently
unveiled plans to advertise Earth’s existence to space aliens, and invite them to visit. This prospect should
terrify anyone familiar with the history of imperialism and conquest. On our planet, when a civilization that considers itself superior encounters a “lower” one, the result has usually been enslavement or massacre. Aliens would probably treat us just as pitilessly."

Dr Carol Rosin worked with Wernher von Braun, the father of America's space program....who stated that the game plan was to fool people with fake communism, fake terrorism, fake asteroids
and a fake alien invasion.