A Plague Tale: Innocence was predictive programming

Apr 4, 2024
A Plague Tale: Innocence is a stealth-based adventure video game released in May 2019 set in a fantasy version of the Black Death. Right off the bat, it's a game about a plague that came out 10 months before lockdown began. It's also not the only plague-themed game released that year, as Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding came out that October. As you progress through the story, you find out the plague is being used by the Inquisition (not at all based on the real one) which has gone rogue and is trying to create a new race of humans using alchemy and rats. It makes sense in context. If you've ever seen the Altiyan Childs video, that's the idea of a new race is the type of thing you see toward the end of that. Furthermore, the Inquisition in the game is depicted as an occult secret society, the type you see all over this site and other similar ones. This might lean into theories about the Jesuits or sedevancantist ideas.