A "Green Sabbath" & Climate Lockdowns/Gross Green Austerity


Mar 18, 2017
“Control of space means control of the world. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control Earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change the climates …” - Lyndon B Johnson

"Technology will make available to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised.....techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm."~ Zbigniew Brzezinski (Between Two Ages, 1970)

This is a thread to chronicle our trek on the road to climate lockdowns and ultimately a mandatory “green Sabbath” (weekly or the yearly one, depending on how crazy they really are). The Guardian changed this article title after it was widely panned.
The fact that religious aspects are making in-roads into the debate is very concerning. It is quite ironic that you have all these mega corporations (with WEF membership ofcourse) on board with the climate change agenda and yet, decade after decade, were voraciously destroying habitats aswell as waging an unrelenting campaign to transform societies (or destroy social bonds) inorder to maximize their profits. Now that the handful of owners of those mega corporations are insanely wealthy, they supposedly have have found their moral bearings and want everyone else on board. Ofcourse, their proposed “solutions” are nothing less than to achieve absolute control. That said, I do believe that the weather will become erratic, coupled with seismic events because “they” have the toys to mess with it, inorder to achieve their ends.

"Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." - Ex-Secretary of Defense William Cohen

That people are up in arms over vaccine passports for work, travel, shopping etc, the implications of a religio-political mandatory day of rest (especially for religious liberty) are equally as concerning. There are presently Christian groups being used to promote covid vaccination and I trust that those same groups will be used to promote a “green Sabbath” or climate lockdowns.

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Mar 18, 2017
Thank-you for sharing this insightful update @Karlysymon.

There is also an establishment push from the counterfeit Jews to instigate their "Noahide laws". And just as Christian points out the "green Sabbath" isn't the real Sabbath, the Noahide "laws" are not God's Law.
I guess there are laws that can be resurrected to bring the whole thing to life. None of this is pursued to better anyone's life except to achieve a long-held globalist goal.



Mar 18, 2017

"Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling."

Carney draws inspiration from, among others, Marx, Engels and Lenin, but the agenda he promotes differs from Marxism in two key respects. First, the private sector is not to be expropriated but made a “partner” in reshaping the economy and society. Second, it does not make a promise to make the lives of ordinary people better, but worse. Carney’s Brave New World will be one of severely constrained choice, less flying, less meat, more inconvenience and more poverty: “Assets will be stranded, used gasoline powered cars will be unsaleable, inefficient properties will be unrentable,” he promises.


Mar 18, 2017
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Mar 18, 2017
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Mar 18, 2017
If you thought that vaccine passports were bad enough....

....welcome to the absurd world of Carbon footprint calculators. Apparently, the UK has similar plans.
(Dutch report: https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid:82bec847-f0f7-4b83-bcef-af92b255b525/datastream/URL/download)


Jacques Attali warned us...."tech/green austerity" is coming
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Mar 4, 2020
Incidentally I've never owned or wanted a car because we holy men don't do "pollution"..:)



Mar 18, 2017

On another note, it will be interesting to see how Green Parties (around the world) will respond to climate lockdowns or green austerity. If you are a supporter of/belong to a Green party in your respective country, this is definitely something to think about.

Also, a mandatory day of rest may seem unthinkable now but the growing calls to shorten the work week may actually get us there.


Mar 18, 2017
A 2019 document that proposed getting rid of "legacy systems" inorder to get an edge over China in AI

"Chief among the troublesome “structural factors” highlighted in this presentation are so-called “legacy systems” that are common in the U.S. but much less so in China. The NSCAI document states that examples of “legacy systems” include a financial system that still utilizes cash and card payments, individual car ownership and even receiving medical attention from a human doctor. It states that, while these “legacy systems” in the US are “good enough,” too many “good enough” systems “hinder the adoption of new things,” specifically AI-driven systems.

In addition to the alleged shortcomings of the U.S.’ “legacy systems” and lack of “extreme urban density,” the NSCAI also calls for more “explicit government support and involvement” as a means to speed up the adoption of these systems in the U.S. This includes the government lending its stores of data on civilians to train AI, specifically citing facial recognition databases, and mandating that cities be “re-architected around AVs [autonomous vehicles],” among others. Other examples given include the government investing large amounts of money in AI start-ups and adding tech behemoths to a national, public-private AI taskforce focused on smart city-implementation (among other things)
. "

Ironically, the same reasons given for the need of a "green economy". So what exactly do "they" want? An edge in AI or a green economy?
The Bank of England has called on ministers to decide whether a central bank digital currency should be “programmable”, ultimately giving the issuer control over how it is spent by the recipient.

Tom Mutton, a director at the Bank of England, said during a conference on Monday that programming could become a key feature of any future central bank digital currency, in which the money would be programmed to be released only when something happened.

He said: “You could introduce programmability - what happens if one of the participants in a transaction puts a restriction on [future use of the money]?

“There could be some socially beneficial outcomes from that, preventing activity which is seen to be socially harmful in some way. But at the same time it could be a restriction on people’s freedoms.”

He warned that the Government would be required to intervene and make the final decision.


Mar 18, 2017
There was no way to introduce crushing green austerity that a “climate emergency” demands other than using a virus/pandemic. It is a pity that those who thought that being “fully vaccinated” would bring back normal, the problem though is….
25th March 2020

17th April 2020
"Here’s how Green MP Elizabeth May chose to weave these two issues together: “Given that emissions went up in 2018, our post-COVID climate plans must be far more aggressive. We need to maintain our ‘all hands on deck approach’ to the pandemic to address the climate challenge.”

They’re arguing that we need to maintain what we’re now doing to deal with the pandemic and use it to combat climate change. They can’t be serious?!

What exactly do they mean? Do we keep lockdowns in place? Do we permanently ban non-essential travel? Do we keep the schools closed?

They don’t offer any details. But the vague notion itself is troubling enough."

13th April 2021
"Trial run"



Jun 28, 2020
I seen a video a few days ago with a few dozen people following JT and calling him names while he was surrounded by his cronies.

If they keep pushing, we might start seeing actual revolts. Australia seems to be the worst far as tyranny goes.

I think the people have had there fill of lock downs. If the elites are learning anything it might be time to back off.


Mar 18, 2017
May 2020

This article was published 19th March 2020....the very day that Covid was downgraded from being a HCID (high consequence infectious disease) in the UK
"Many politicians and public figures are calling for the response to COVID-19 to be put on a war footing. Emergency declarations and executive powers are being appropriated by the state. Climate campaigners, too, have frequently called upon nations to mobilise as for war and to call down the emergency state. Be careful what is wished for. ‘Emergencies’ beget authoritarian governance. The response to COVID-19 should not be seen as a dress rehearsal for dealing with climate change.

So the point of my argument is this: climate campaigners need to be careful what they wish for. By describing climate change as an emergency they have catalysed hundreds of jurisdictions into formally declaring a ‘climate emergency’. And now, through the example of COVID-19, we see exactly what emergency politics looks like; we now see what placing society on a ‘war-footing’ really entails. It is not attractive.

Declarations of emergency are serious, not to be undertaken lightly. If climate campaigners are to continue to wish a climate emergency upon the world, then they need to be much, much clearer about what they think they mean by this. What sort of politics do they wish to see unfold in the climate emergency? What executive powers are to be appropriated?

If calling a ‘climate emergency’ is to mean anything then it must mean a change to the normal mode of politics and decision-making. And this may well not be for the better. Once an emergency is declared, it can no longer be politics as usual.

Some may say, ‘Well of course we would not endorse such coercive measures in the name of climate change. We are not calling for a surveillance state, or the suspension of elections’. But as Nils Gilman has recently argued, “such [emergency] rhetoric can … easily be (and, in fact, often has been) used to justify and promote deeply illiberal or worse solutions to environmental issues.” Once a pathway to the emergency state has been opened, it is hard to restrain some to walk down it.

Determining whether or not such emergency politics and war mobilisation is warranted in the case of COVID-19 is not the purpose of this commentary. It is rather to point out the full implications of becoming an emergency state, of mobilising fully as if for war. "



Mar 18, 2017
I seen a video a few days ago with a few dozen people following JT and calling him names while he was surrounded by his cronies.

If they keep pushing, we might start seeing actual revolts. Australia seems to be the worst far as tyranny goes.

I think the people have had there fill of lock downs. If the elites are learning anything it might be time to back off.
I feel like messing with the weather is a game-changer for “them”. Well-meaning people have & will fall for this “crisis/emergency” because “you” can’t really see someone in the sky moving the levers (so to speak), manipulating the weather to manufacture a crisis. It’s not the same thing as watching Fauci lie through his teeth on the news. So it will be difficult to convince some people of this agenda….until, ofcourse, those people are asked to give up their lives (suicide) for the earth.

That said, Klaus Schwab did say that they anticipate angrier populations and other people think that if the climate agenda is aggressively rammed through, governments will fall.
"Captains of industry have already voiced their concerns. Airlines, for example, which will face a higher tax on fuel, have already expressed their reservations, with Willie Walsh, head of the International Air Transport Association, warning it does not need “punitive measures like taxes to motivate change”. You can be sure that the cost will be passed on to the consumer and holidays will become more expensive, meaning fewer people will travel. I can’t see this going down well with either holidaymakers or those who work in the industry, many of whom will lose their jobs.

Even the EU’s climate change czar Frans Timmermans stated that “we’re going to ask a lot of our citizens ... but we do it for a good cause.” I’ve seen Timmermans up close, and he is a wily politician; he knows that this plan will result in great economic upheaval. He therefore stated that the plan “must be fair”, or “the resistance will be massive”. Deep down, he knows what’s coming.
Another result of this climate plan will be that consumer prices will rise, and the people it will hurt the most are the poor, as it always is with green taxes. Energy bills will go up and people will have to choose between heating and eating. This will be an acute problem for the EU member states in Eastern Europe, which are poorer and generally still dependent on coal.

The price of petrol and diesel will also rise, and we have all seen where this led to in France with the Yellow Vest Movement. As a result of the EU’s climate targets, we could see Europe-wide insurgent Yellow Vest campaigns, which will dwarf what happened in France. They will have the potential of bringing down governments – and for the EU, this could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back."



Jun 28, 2020
When you speak of weather control I'm just reminded of a hadith where the prophet of Islam (saw) spoke of the antichrist having control over the weather. Those who obey him will get an abundance and those who reject him will face famine.

I'll share an piece of the hadith. Its long and you can find it complete here.

Then he will command the sky to rain and it will rain, and he will command the earth to produce vegetation and it will do so, and their flocks will come back in the evening with their humps taller, their udders fuller and their flanks fatter than they have ever been. Then he will come to some (other) people and call them, and they will reject him, so he will turn away from them and they will suffer drought and be left with nothing.

Off topic for the thread but along the same lines in response to your other post.

They get the Western population to still believe that they live in a free society even as the surveillance state is erected all around, and people on the other side of the divide (in this case, the Afghans) are made to believe that they are better off living in that “free” society, hence the influx of refugees. An easy example would be: the stories in the press about Afghan women lamenting about the end of their careers and the dreams they now have to bury because the Taliban are in charge now. What about someone in a city somewhere in America who has had to give up their career/bury their dreams because they refused to take the covid shot? It’s the same predicament, nevertheless, the latter is still played…made to believe that s/he is “freer” than the former.
Is another fulfillment the last prophet (saw) prophesied about the anti-christ.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said about Ad-Dajjal that he would have water and fire with him: (what would seem to be) fire, would be cold water and (what would seem to be) water, would be fire.

Such as the US being portrayed as the "land of the free" and everything good when in fact the opposite is true.

This is the age of deception the last prophet warned about and God knows best.