55th Anniversary of " Helter Skelter"

Oct 20, 2021
Getting weird vibes tonight because of 55th Anniversary of "Helter Skelter". This could be because I live across the street from where Sandy Good and Lynette Fromme lived when Lynette supposedly attempted to assassinate Gerald Ford. I also walk by the tree where it happened every other day and can feel a strange energy there. Of course the California State Capitol has an unhealthy vibe itself considering all the criminals who work there. To make matters worse they cut the Capitol building almost in half and are building an underground parking lot under it. And an ugly fence has been erected for about two years ago surrounding half of it.

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
Holy shit bro all these coincidences! Maybe you’re a MKULTRA experiment! Or something far worse maybe you’re a Tulpa!

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
In an all seriousness Charlie would have loved Trump and you two would have gotten along fabulous.

Charlie was a racist Nazi bastard and his helter skelter visions inspired decades of right wing terrorism

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
Getting weird vibes tonight because of 55th Anniversary of "Helter Skelter". This could be because I live across the street from where Sandy Good and Lynette Fromme lived when Lynette supposedly attempted to assassinate Gerald Ford. I also walk by the tree where it happened every other day and can feel a strange energy there. Of course the California State Capitol has an unhealthy vibe itself considering all the criminals who work there. To make matters worse they cut the Capitol building almost in half and are building an underground parking lot under it. And an ugly fence has been erected for about two years ago surrounding half of it.
lol oh yeah if you live that close to the capital building in sac town the feds definitely know who you are

( maybe they plan on using you as a mkslave )

which is good because you are clearly a threat to the public