2020 Movie Antebellum


Jul 28, 2018
So I splurged on a deal to see the movie Antebellum that came out just recently (either September or August 2020).

Even before I watched it, I noticed that the main poster I saw advertising it had a frightened looking woman with a butterfly plastered across her mouth. I wondered how this fit in with the stated theme of the movie. It does (keeping people quiet about certain subjects) but you'd miss it if you're not paying attention. I paid attention because how VC often points out that butterflies in pop culture are often a reference to mind control.

The actual content of the movie is not new, and in fact strongly reminded me of a book (Kindred) by Octavia Butler, without the science fiction/supernatural elements. The reason it warrants a mention on this site is for anyone who has read all of "Tranceformation of America." That is about a woman who explains how she (and later her daughter) was systematically abused by elites for para-governmental purposes. One section talks about rich and powerful folks hunted humans in their personal forests/open space areas/hunting grounds. She even implicates the unseen areas of Disneyland/World as a place where a lot of bizarre and gut clenching activities occur.

After watching Antebellum, I realized I had seen a few other mainstream movies where rich people make strange uses of their personal land, like with The Village (M. Night Shyamalan), The Hunt, and even The Game.

Anyone else see this?


Jul 28, 2018
Can you briefly summarize the deal with the 8s (3s, E's) for those of us on Video Restrictions?
It looks significant, but some of us would like to keep our jobs.


May 21, 2017
So I splurged on a deal to see the movie Antebellum that came out just recently (either September or August 2020).

Even before I watched it, I noticed that the main poster I saw advertising it had a frightened looking woman with a butterfly plastered across her mouth. I wondered how this fit in with the stated theme of the movie. It does (keeping people quiet about certain subjects) but you'd miss it if you're not paying attention. I paid attention because how VC often points out that butterflies in pop culture are often a reference to mind control.

The actual content of the movie is not new, and in fact strongly reminded me of a book (Kindred) by Octavia Butler, without the science fiction/supernatural elements. The reason it warrants a mention on this site is for anyone who has read all of "Tranceformation of America." That is about a woman who explains how she (and later her daughter) was systematically abused by elites for para-governmental purposes. One section talks about rich and powerful folks hunted humans in their personal forests/open space areas/hunting grounds. She even implicates the unseen areas of Disneyland/World as a place where a lot of bizarre and gut clenching activities occur.

After watching Antebellum, I realized I had seen a few other mainstream movies where rich people make strange uses of their personal land, like with The Village (M. Night Shyamalan), The Hunt, and even The Game.

Anyone else see this?
Thank you for this post! I've read Tranceformation of America. So this story is closely related to Kathy O'Brien's story? Very interesting! I'd be curious to know if Kathy is aware of this movie or posted any public thoughts about it. (let the digging begin :D)

Any thoughts on the actress, Janelle Monae? I feel like I see her face everywhere now. Is she a great actress or just the current "it" girl?


Jul 28, 2018
Thank you for this post! I've read Tranceformation of America. So this story is closely related to Kathy O'Brien's story? Very interesting! I'd be curious to know if Kathy is aware of this movie or posted any public thoughts about it. (let the digging begin :D)

Any thoughts on the actress, Janelle Monae? I feel like I see her face everywhere now. Is she a great actress or just the current "it" girl?
1) No, it really isn't like Tranceformation of America at all.
It's much more like Kindred (Octavia Butler), minus the self-reflection and sci-fi.
I mentioned TOA because of the hunting fields, where there is similarity. If it weren't for that, and that butterfly, I probably wouldn't have put this topic in the forums at all, as it is an average movie put in the horror genre.

2) I don't know a lot about Janelle Monae. I do agree it feels like she's gained a lot more popularity recently.
Someone on this site (either for this topic or the September 2020 SPOTM) put that Janelle is "race baiter." Given that she is an actress, not a producer of most of the movies she's known for, I put that comment in "a different category" all together.

The little I do know about her is that she is in a lot of movies with predominately African American cast members, and originally (according to wikipedia) she started her career singing/rapping in ~2003.

As to whether she is the "it girl" for the moment, I suspect that's more of the truth of the situation.
Reflecting back on a conversation with a buddy, I realize I spend very little attention to WHO does the acting as to WHAT PLOT/STORY a movie/broadcast is doing, and the broader implications of that topic.
But I am WOEFULLY in the minority.

edited for typos and fact checks.

MOST people demand to see pretty faces/bodies, and movie/entertainment executives spend millions of dollars banking on that fact. (The Maria principle, as per the movie Metropolis)
Janelle is an attractive 34 year old woman whose been in a enough film/entertainment enterprises to draw a crowd, and not alienate an audience due to horrific acting. As an added plus, with this year's racial provocations, her darker skin tone might tempted a larger audience to purchase tickets/access to the movie.
Last edited:


May 21, 2017
....anyway... I saw Antebellum. Save yourself some cash. It’s silly, not even worth seeing for symbolism purposes.


May 21, 2017
Monarch Butterfly - What does it really symbolise?

Ever since, ever since, the 'Monarch Butterfly' has represented 'Mind Control Programming' for most people. Once we see it, it's tagged accordingly and we move on. In his analysis, Vigilant Citizen outlines the:

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

A must read for anyone new to this subject. But has the symbolism of the 'Monarch' ever really being explored in great detail? At Octozone, we want to post challenging information that sets a new direction and focus for the occult research community in general. Hence, let's explore the Monarch Symbol in more detail!

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Why did the 'Elites' choose this butterfly as their 'Programming' symbol? Is it because it naturally has ' 3 E ' on its wings?

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Is there more to this symbol than meets the EYE ?
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What is “3” “e” the butterfly has 3 e but what does that mean, “EYE”? I don’t get the “3 e thing or how it relates to anything.


May 21, 2017
It appears that you are not familiar with the concepts of Gematria/Numerology? If not, research this area as its extremely important in occultism!

At it's most basic form, the alpha-numeric value of '3 E' equals 8. Why? E is the 5th letter of the Alpha-Beta ('Before' and 'After') - thus 3 + 5 = 8. So, when this entity wishes to signal its presence, control, predictive programming, etc, it will use the code of '3 E' or 'E 3' for this. 8 = OCTAGON
View attachment 42741

For acquiring the numeric values of words, objects, names, etc, use a Gematria Calculator. For example, this is an excellent calculator. Play around with it using words or phases of interest to you.

For instance, if one wanted to ascertain the numeric value of 'Vigilant Citizen', we can see it is '9'
View attachment 42742

Another example, you ask about 'EYE'. Note the numeric value of 'EYE'

E = 5 Y = 25 E = 5

5 + 25 + 5 = 35

3 + 5 = 8

View attachment 42740

With reference to above, we believe the Occult Chromatic of the 'Octagon' entity is YELLOW. Reptilian EYES are normally represented by YELLOW. Make the connections.......

As advised by '2Cool4thisPlanET' go to our website and do deep research on Gematria - Chromatics - Etymology - et al. Essential tools for any type of occult research - Octagon or not!

Gematria is a TOOL to uncover secret codes, meanings and patterns (recognition). That is why we use it. By acquiring the numeric values of 1000's of objects, places, names, symbols we were able to uncover the extensive usage pattern of 8 in popular media.

A video I recommend to get started:

Gematria For Beginners: The Art and Science Behind Jewish Numerology
This is great, thank you! My boo and I nerd out to stuff like this!

Have you ever read “A Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe”? The mathematical archetypes of science and nature. It goes into numbers, mathematical principles In plants, human body, crystals, nature, etc. I’m digging into it a bit now. It’s a lot but GOOD!


Oct 21, 2019
So I splurged on a deal to see the movie Antebellum that came out just recently (either September or August 2020).

Even before I watched it, I noticed that the main poster I saw advertising it had a frightened looking woman with a butterfly plastered across her mouth. I wondered how this fit in with the stated theme of the movie. It does (keeping people quiet about certain subjects) but you'd miss it if you're not paying attention. I paid attention because how VC often points out that butterflies in pop culture are often a reference to mind control.

The actual content of the movie is not new, and in fact strongly reminded me of a book (Kindred) by Octavia Butler, without the science fiction/supernatural elements. The reason it warrants a mention on this site is for anyone who has read all of "Tranceformation of America." That is about a woman who explains how she (and later her daughter) was systematically abused by elites for para-governmental purposes. One section talks about rich and powerful folks hunted humans in their personal forests/open space areas/hunting grounds. She even implicates the unseen areas of Disneyland/World as a place where a lot of bizarre and gut clenching activities occur.

After watching Antebellum, I realized I had seen a few other mainstream movies where rich people make strange uses of their personal land, like with The Village (M. Night Shyamalan), The Hunt, and even The Game.

Anyone else see this?
After seeing the picture in SPOTM on VC, I really want to see it! Can I PM you & ask for the details? You can include spoilers, it doesn’t spoil a movie for me lol, I like knowing honestly because then I feel like I know what to look for (and can watch for symbolism). It sounds like it’s worth the watch? I loved Get Out & Us...


Oct 21, 2019


Oct 21, 2019
View attachment 42575
NOTE OF IMPORTANCE: Note in the trailer how they flip the 'E' to '3' - Thus the code of 'E 3'. We hypothesise that this is a PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING CODE for the unconscious mind. Understand how this works and be able to spot it to protect yourself.
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#learnthecode #exposethecode #octocode #occult #symbology #chromatics #etymology #gematria #numerology #octozone #octogon #octogone #octo #octagon

Octozone - Octocode
In “The Perfection”, they flip the “E” the same exact way... so that definitely has symbolic significance... mirroring, duality, I’m not positive but something like that...


Jun 28, 2020
It appears that you are not familiar with the concepts of Gematria/Numerology? If not, research this area as its extremely important in occultism!

At it's most basic form, the alpha-numeric value of '3 E' equals 8. Why? E is the 5th letter of the Alpha-Beta ('Before' and 'After') - thus 3 + 5 = 8. So, when this entity wishes to signal its presence, control, predictive programming, etc, it will use the code of '3 E' or 'E 3' for this. 8 = OCTAGON
View attachment 42741

For acquiring the numeric values of words, objects, names, etc, use a Gematria Calculator. For example, this is an excellent calculator. Play around with it using words or phases of interest to you.

For instance, if one wanted to ascertain the numeric value of 'Vigilant Citizen', we can see it is '9'
View attachment 42742

Another example, you ask about 'EYE'. Note the numeric value of 'EYE'

E = 5 Y = 25 E = 5

5 + 25 + 5 = 35

3 + 5 = 8

View attachment 42740

With reference to above, we believe the Occult Chromatic of the 'Octagon' entity is YELLOW. Reptilian EYES are normally represented by YELLOW. Make the connections.......

As advised by '2Cool4thisPlanET' go to our website and do deep research on Gematria - Chromatics - Etymology - et al. Essential tools for any type of occult research - Octagon or not!

Gematria is a TOOL to uncover secret codes, meanings and patterns (recognition). That is why we use it. By acquiring the numeric values of 1000's of objects, places, names, symbols we were able to uncover the extensive usage pattern of 8 in popular media.

A video I recommend to get started:

Gematria For Beginners: The Art and Science Behind Jewish Numerology
I've been looking into this Octocode and I highly encourage others too as well. It is a lot to take in, a lot! And its taking so much time and thought. But I'm learning so much, and seeing so many things i never have. I don't necessarily agree with all of their hypothesis but as they themselves have said.. They're just in the beginning of their project. This is going to be something, I think
Jul 3, 2020
So I splurged on a deal to see the movie Antebellum that came out just recently (either September or August 2020).

Even before I watched it, I noticed that the main poster I saw advertising it had a frightened looking woman with a butterfly plastered across her mouth. I wondered how this fit in with the stated theme of the movie. It does (keeping people quiet about certain subjects) but you'd miss it if you're not paying attention. I paid attention because how VC often points out that butterflies in pop culture are often a reference to mind control.

The actual content of the movie is not new, and in fact strongly reminded me of a book (Kindred) by Octavia Butler, without the science fiction/supernatural elements. The reason it warrants a mention on this site is for anyone who has read all of "Tranceformation of America." That is about a woman who explains how she (and later her daughter) was systematically abused by elites for para-governmental purposes. One section talks about rich and powerful folks hunted humans in their personal forests/open space areas/hunting grounds. She even implicates the unseen areas of Disneyland/World as a place where a lot of bizarre and gut clenching activities occur.

After watching Antebellum, I realized I had seen a few other mainstream movies where rich people make strange uses of their personal land, like with The Village (M. Night Shyamalan), The Hunt, and even The Game.

Anyone else see this?
Shame. Huge fan of Janelle Monae.


Jul 28, 2018
After seeing the picture in SPOTM on VC, I really want to see it! Can I PM you & ask for the details? You can include spoilers, it doesn’t spoil a movie for me lol, I like knowing honestly because then I feel like I know what to look for (and can watch for symbolism). It sounds like it’s worth the watch? I loved Get Out & Us...
Sure, PM away. But honestly, there's not a lot to tell. Get Out was much better and US was much creepier.


Oct 21, 2019
Sure, PM away. But honestly, there's not a lot to tell. Get Out was much better and US was much creepier.
actually, I ended up reading more articles & it sounded SUPER heavy-handed & basically like torture-horror, for no real reason. So I kinda lost my desire to watch it... (and the ending seems so stupid & implausible...) It is very misleading of them to link it with "Us" & "Get Out", which were really amazing films. I just rewatched Get Out again a week or so ago & damn, it's a good one! (and apparently about Kanye West, or so he says?...or, in more general terms, how even today, black men are being silenced & we can't hear their screams for help...at least that's the underlying message I got, besides the more obvious themes of course!). Definitely a great film!


Jul 28, 2018
actually, I ended up reading more articles & it sounded SUPER heavy-handed & basically like torture-horror, for no real reason. So I kinda lost my desire to watch it... (and the ending seems so stupid & implausible...) It is very misleading of them to link it with "Us" & "Get Out", which were really amazing films. I just rewatched Get Out again a week or so ago & damn, it's a good one! (and apparently about Kanye West, or so he says?...or, in more general terms, how even today, black men are being silenced & we can't hear their screams for help...at least that's the underlying message I got, besides the more obvious themes of course!). Definitely a great film!
I had a similar impression.
The movie started off well, but could not tie its pieces together in a satisfactory way at the end. Plus it has so many o similarities to Kindred, that the makers really needed that creative ending to distinguish itself.

But to be fair, the person who first recommended it to me reminded me: It's a horror movie.
In other words: don't expect much more than to be properly shocked at certain points.


Jul 28, 2018
actually, I ended up reading more articles & it sounded SUPER heavy-handed & basically like torture-horror, for no real reason. So I kinda lost my desire to watch it... (and the ending seems so stupid & implausible...) It is very misleading of them to link it with "Us" & "Get Out", which were really amazing films. I just rewatched Get Out again a week or so ago & damn, it's a good one! (and apparently about Kanye West, or so he says?...or, in more general terms, how even today, black men are being silenced & we can't hear their screams for help...at least that's the underlying message I got, besides the more obvious themes of course!). Definitely a great film!
One other thing.
Now THAT reminded me of that recent movie, The Hunt:
Because you were annoying us! So we did this to get back at you.

Weak Motivation? yes.
But very human.