“What is a woman?” - Woke rhetoric and the death of meaning


May 15, 2017
This is sickening to me
one of the worst twisting of all that
is good to this new perversion thinking
how confused are the youth of today

I am starting to wonder if the transgenda
Was designed so that sick old men can
turn into girls to access to what normally
they would never have access to
women's,girls places meant for them
this has already been shown to be the case
how many are just that pretending to fit in
better with their prey as we cannot question
anything as TC said

I for one do not believe any child was confused
about this
I believe TPTB have been doing this
same perversion of TG forever
they started having celebrities of all sorts
start making it public so the peoples would
accept it
I believe they did this just so they can be out
in the open and to hide in plain sight

I am not gonna label all TG with that brush
as we already know a lot are confused children
that society and a lot of the parents
push into this way of thinking

Twitter guy too omg
he really said that and no one cared
he is not there for the 1st amendment
nor does he care about it and
they decide who gets to be heard

I am hoping that when the evil
being done to the children finally
comes out of the dark that it will
cause the outrage the likes of which
has never been seen before as it should amongst
every single human on this planet
I am afraid though that by then
they may have normalized it enough
no one will care about it either
except for those of us who are awake
and a small number of those sleeping

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
This is sickening to me
one of the worst twisting of all that
is good to this new perversion thinking
how confused are the youth of today

I am starting to wonder if the transgenda
Was designed so that sick old men can
turn into girls to access to what normally
they would never have access to
women's,girls places meant for them
this has already been shown to be the case
how many are just that pretending to fit in
better with their prey as we cannot question
anything as TC said

I for one do not believe any child was confused
about this
I believe TPTB have been doing this
same perversion of TG forever
they started having celebrities of all sorts
start making it public so the peoples would
accept it
I believe they did this just so they can be out
in the open and to hide in plain sight

I am not gonna label all TG with that brush
as we already know a lot are confused children
that society and a lot of the parents
push into this way of thinking

Twitter guy too omg
he really said that and no one cared
he is not there for the 1st amendment
nor does he care about it and
they decide who gets to be heard

I am hoping that when the evil
being done to the children finally
comes out of the dark that it will
cause the outrage the likes of which
has never been seen before as it should amongst
every single human on this planet
I am afraid though that by then
they may have normalized it enough
no one will care about it either
except for those of us who are awake
and a small number of those sleeping
The Trans agenda back in 1998, promoted by a man with no love for God.




Nov 7, 2021
The Trans agenda back in 1998, promoted by a man with no love for God.

View attachment 72783

View attachment 72784
This is sickening to me
one of the worst twisting of all that
is good to this new perversion thinking
how confused are the youth of today

I am starting to wonder if the transgenda
Was designed so that sick old men can
turn into girls to access to what normally
they would never have access to
women's,girls places meant for them
this has already been shown to be the case
how many are just that pretending to fit in
better with their prey as we cannot question
anything as TC said

I for one do not believe any child was confused
about this
I believe TPTB have been doing this
same perversion of TG forever
they started having celebrities of all sorts
start making it public so the peoples would
accept it
I believe they did this just so they can be out
in the open and to hide in plain sight

I am not gonna label all TG with that brush
as we already know a lot are confused children
that society and a lot of the parents
push into this way of thinking

Twitter guy too omg
he really said that and no one cared
he is not there for the 1st amendment
nor does he care about it and
they decide who gets to be heard

I am hoping that when the evil
being done to the children finally
comes out of the dark that it will
cause the outrage the likes of which
has never been seen before as it should amongst
every single human on this planet
I am afraid though that by then
they may have normalized it enough
no one will care about it either
except for those of us who are awake
and a small number of those sleeping
I worry about this too but with everything... the child abuse, the pharmaceutical poisioning, the mind control... I see people just unfased by things like this because they are trendy or the path of least resistance or people are so traumatized its all they know at this point... Friends who have gone through generational trauma, they are numb to almost everything...


May 15, 2017
I worry about this too but with everything... the child abuse, the pharmaceutical poisioning, the mind control... I see people just unfased by things like this because they are trendy or the path of least resistance or people are so traumatized its all they know at this point... Friends who have gone through generational trauma, they are numb to almost everything...
That's exactly it
they desensitize everyone to their perversion
til we are at a place we are today
everyone jumping onboard with any
movement/cause and then ya have the others
that wanna fit in so they will not voice their true
feeling they will virtue signal with them instead

A lot who are generationally abused
go numb to deal with the abuse
after awhile of being in that situation
A lot after awhile do not see what is wrong
with the abuses any more
so then they start abusing others themselves
a vicious cycle that's heart breaking as these
atrocities should never have happened in the first place

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Mar 15, 2019
Try the new psychopath ideology in old songs.

Whitney Houston - IIII'm every menstruating people? IIII'm every bodies with vaginas?

Good old songs can help separate the natural and humanly from psychopathy.

Please don't try Oh, Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison.
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Aug 11, 2021
Planned Parenthood: Do transgender guys get a period?
Not everybody who gets a period identifies as a girl or woman. Transgender men and genderqueer people who have uteruses, vaginas, fallopian tubes, and ovaries also get their periods.​
Having a period can be a stressful experience for some trans folks because it's a reminder that their bodies don’t match their true gender identity — this discomfort and anxiety is sometimes called gender dysphoria. Other trans people might not be too bothered by their periods. Either reaction is normal and okay.​
Sometimes trans people who haven’t reached puberty yet take hormones (called puberty blockers) to prevent all of the gendered body changes that happen during puberty, including periods. And people who already get periods can use certain types of birth control (like the implant or hormonal IUD) that help lighten or stop their periods. Hormone replacement therapy, like taking testosterone, may also stop your period.​
If you start taking testosterone, your period will go away. But this is reversible — if you stop taking testosterone, your period will come back. There can be some changes in your menstrual cycle before it stops for good. Periods get lighter and shorter over time, or come when you don’t expect it. You may have spotting or cramping every once in a while until you stop getting your period, and sometimes even after it seems to have stopped — this is normal. Testosterone injections make your periods go away faster than testosterone cream.​
If you experience gender dysphoria when you get your period, know that you're not alone. It may be helpful to check out our resources and find a trans-friendly doctor in your area that you can talk to.​


Jun 28, 2020
Do you actually live in the UK and watch fox news? That's like me living in the US watching the BBC.

All of the MSM is trash, regardless of their support for the current thing that week. Remember Tucker laughs at anyone who doesn't believe in the official narrative to 9/11. But you probably do too.

Insert main stream media clip here that says "hijacker passport found 2 blocks away if you can believe that".

I'd source it myself, but I'm not about to dig through censortube for it. But i know we all seen it, as well as the BBC reporting building 7 falling about 15 minutes before it actually did, and the mountain of other inconsistencies surrounding this date.


Jun 28, 2020
science says gender isn't based on genitals
I think you mean $cience, the kind that is bought. Much like $cience during the con-vids.

God has cursed the man who acts like a woman and the woman who acts like a man. Sex is clearly and obviously defined by the genitals. It has been since Adam and Eve walked this earth.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Do you actually live in the UK and watch fox news? That's like me living in the US watching the BBC.

All of the MSM is trash, regardless of their support for the current thing that week. Remember Tucker laughs at anyone who doesn't believe in the official narrative to 9/11. But you probably do too.

Insert main stream media clip here that says "hijacker passport found 2 blocks away if you can believe that".

I'd source it myself, but I'm not about to dig through censortube for it. But i know we all seen it, as well as the BBC reporting building 7 falling about 15 minutes before it actually did, and the mountain of other inconsistencies surrounding this date.
MSM vs Alternative media vs truth…


Lil axe

May 11, 2020
Do you actually live in the UK and watch fox news? That's like me living in the US watching the BBC.

All of the MSM is trash, regardless of their support for the current thing that week. Remember Tucker laughs at anyone who doesn't believe in the official narrative to 9/11. But you probably do too.

Insert main stream media clip here that says "hijacker passport found 2 blocks away if you can believe that".

I'd source it myself, but I'm not about to dig through censortube for it. But i know we all seen it, as well as the BBC reporting building 7 falling about 15 minutes before it actually did, and the mountain of other inconsistencies surrounding this date.

yup, i mentioned that at work when they were discussing 911, said i thought was crazy they found paper passports, but couldnt retrieve the black box because it had melted, my boss says to me, what are you trying to say, i said, guess they should build black boxes out of passport paper, he didnt respond