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    OMG One Direction child star DEAD!!! WTF!??

    I have been looking into MK Ultra, im convinced he is a victim of it, with MK ultra they can flip a switch in someone to commit suicide. He is most likely controlled by a chip in his brain
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    The vulcano in La Palma

    Why is main stream media so quiet about this vulcano? The pressure of this volcano is intensifying every day and it has even created two more vents the last few days. There is alot of information on YouTube about it and by reading the comments i understand that if it causes a tsunami (and the...
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    Avril Lavigne / fell in love with the devil

    Yikes! I used to love her. I have read somewhere that she is dead and that this is a clone.
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    Bronies?! Am I crazy, or is this adult-male obsession with My Little Pony super creepy?!

    I had to comment on this because 6 years ago a colleague of mine (A 24 year old guy) was obsessed with little pony and even made a fanclub for it. I thought it was very weird at the time but 2 years later (when i had already left the company) i had a look at his profile and he had became a...