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  1. IlluminatiReportDenmark

    The Tiny Dot

    Pyramid schemes. You could show this to everyone you know - or not! The choice is ultimately yours.
  2. IlluminatiReportDenmark

    Church fully Illuminati controlled

    This is from Danish 'Christian' magazine's Facebook page. They've put the number 1968 there which is when there was 'sexual liberation' in Denmark. There is the peace symbol (upside down broken cross) and a few others there, as well. I went to church this Sunday to have a look at the situation...
  3. IlluminatiReportDenmark

    A short essay on numbers, vigilance, cause & effect and efficiency

    At this time of writing, the Vigilant Citizen website has 82,874 Facebook fans. This is roughly the equivalent of a moderately large city such as the city of Tracy, California, US. If every person who gave VC a 'Like' on Facebook brought in 9 new members 'Liking' the website, the...
  4. IlluminatiReportDenmark

    Symbolic Community Pics of the Month 11/17

    Would it be interesting/relevant hosting a monthly expose of community-captured symbolic pics similar to what VC is doing? I take many photographs and have a large number of 'Illuminati' pictures stored dating as much as a year back, with a sizeable number from November alone. Since I became...
  5. IlluminatiReportDenmark

    World Sight Day

    It's 'World Sight Day'! Which, of course, presents an excellent opportunity for some eye-pranks. (wonder if she consents to having this picture posted) (This woman above is a famous Danish actress and is how I...