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  1. FlappyBird101

    BTS discussion thread

    Guys please press this link and watch this video. I usually don't watch videos like this but something in me decided to and I am so happy I did. I strayed away from God a few months ago and I feel like this might be a final warning from God not only to me, but to all of you guys also. If any of...
  2. FlappyBird101

    BTS discussion thread

    The fans said that JM was crying and JK went to go and comfort him or something like that.
  3. FlappyBird101

    BTS discussion thread

    Everyone is saying that using emojis can slow down the views. Idk if you want to slow down the views but if you do then maybe we can spam emojis in the comments.
  4. FlappyBird101

    BTS discussion thread

    Does just one day have any kind of demonic influence in it or is it good to listen to? Are any of BTS's older songs ok to listen to?
  5. FlappyBird101

    BTS discussion thread

    I honestly have no words lol
  6. FlappyBird101

    Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

    Hey I've been reading this forum for a few weeks. I've been looking for something like this for sometime. I used to be an army but I feel like I always felt something a bit creepy from some of their performances (the MAMA performance and the MMA) but I always igonred it. I used to make so many...