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  1. Todd

    Covid-19 Vaccine - will you take it?

    Simple poll. This is assuming that a Vaccine for Covid-19 will be announced and introduced in the next 12-18 months (if not sooner). The pharma industry has a zero percent batting average when it comes to developing a successful vaccine for any corona virus (i.e. the common cold, influenza)...
  2. Todd

    What the lockdown and staying at home tells us about ourselves

    I am constantly hearing in both the media and from people I know about the boredom and stir-craziness that people are experiencing during this pandemic. I am still employed, but between self quarantine during my wifes recovery from her kidney stone infection, working from home and being...
  3. Todd

    My idea of what salvation is for Douglas Summers

    This thread is specifically to give @Douglas Summers my idea of salvation. It's going to be a long post as it is so for know I will leave out the scripture quotes and references. However anyone is free to ask for scripture references to back up anything I say in this post. What Salvation...
  4. Todd

    Something editfying (warning long read)

    @DavidSon posted the following in a different thread..."Maybe JoChris or Todd could pull up a chapter or something we could study together and discuss without the tone of superiority and intolerance?" I took the suggestion seriously and decided I would trust God to bring up a subject we could...
  5. Todd

    The Frutiless Thread

    EDIT:This thread was originally started to discuss the specifics of why Paul can be regarded as preaching a different gospel than Jesus and why many don't consider him a genuine Apostle of Jesus of Nazareth. I had a series of questions I wanted to pose to @JoChris but I never even got past...
  6. Todd

    Biblical Meaning of Grace

    I have often heard it said in Christian churches that grace means "unmerited favor". Is this true?
  7. Todd

    Jesus teaching on Church structure

    For @Damien50 and @Karlysymon . Before getting into the details of what Jesus actually taught I think it’s important to understand what leadership looked like in the OT and what God intended from the beginning. We aren’t given much detail about leadership before Moses. Jacob/Israel had 12...
  8. Todd

    Where is commanded that I must believe Jesus is God?

    In this thread I am not looking to argue whether Jesus is God or not. I am simply asking where it is commanded that one must believe Jesus is God to be saved. In the Christianity idolatry thread, this question is being ingnored so I thought I would ask it here hoping to get it answered.
  9. Todd

    Quotes from early Church Fathers in support of Apokatastasis

    Universal Reconciliation has been labeled a heretical doctrine by a good portion of Christians on this forum. This thread is intended to be a compilation of quotes from early church fathers to prove that Apokatastasis was an accepted and rarely refuted doctrine of the early Church. Even...
  10. Todd

    Our unsaved Loved Ones

    This question is for those who believe in Eternal Torment. Is God going to erase the memory of all of our unsaved loved ones, or is he going to just take away our feelings for them?
  11. Todd

    Have Christians made an idol out of the scriptures?

    You have neither heard the Father's voice nor seen his form. But you do not have His word abiding in you, because whom He sent, Him you do not believe. You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to...