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  1. williejonesjr

    Harry, Meghan, and Oprah...Oh My!

    Who cares. The racism bit is tired. The word lost all it's meaning.
  2. williejonesjr

    Harry, Meghan, and Oprah...Oh My!

    Used to have independent thinkers but yeah, MSM and the agendas they push have infiltrated
  3. williejonesjr

    Harry, Meghan, and Oprah...Oh My!

    Before they even married, they had a blood test to see their relation. They're all related and yes, Megan is too related to the Queen and Harry. Second, Megan is 25% black, making Archie, who is pale white with type 1A hair 12% black. Third, they couldn't even name who said what. Meaning...
  4. williejonesjr

    My critics to the "Believe in Science!" and Coronavac

    Trust the science = trust the marketing
  5. williejonesjr

    President [*shudder*] Harris?

    I'm asking again. Did they rightfully win with 81M votes, the most popular president ever, ovwe the incumbent?
  6. williejonesjr

    President [*shudder*] Harris?

    Didn't answer my question.. Do you think he won fair and square?
  7. williejonesjr

    President [*shudder*] Harris?

    > I actually feel bad for Joe Biden. This is 100% elder abuse. I dont necessarily feel bad for him bc, in life, he was a truly evil person. I dont wish any elderly person to be put into the position of humiliation and abuse like this though.
  8. williejonesjr

    President [*shudder*] Harris?

    It's slightly above my time but how balanced is that group? Journalistic integrity indeed. Now, they take a buzz word and run with it. And you're welcome. What a shame that he finally made it to the office, allegedly.
  9. williejonesjr

    President [*shudder*] Harris?

    Who has to talked to, though, exactly? She talks to all the world leaders and gets briefed when he does. Daily. You honestly think that he won the nomination and election fair and square? Guys a joke. Always has been.
  10. williejonesjr

    President [*shudder*] Harris?

    If you think Xiden is doing any work besides signing his faulty signature on blank EOs.. Pushing him out was the plan since they picked him as the nominee. A lackey who has a handler who will follow the plan.
  11. williejonesjr

    President [*shudder*] Harris?

    “If a culture doesn’t allow you to laugh at the leaders or at things that your eyes and ears tell you are actually happening, that’s not good.”
  12. williejonesjr

    President [*shudder*] Harris?

    Rumor has it, the Clintons are talking about the removal process starting. Related article..
  13. williejonesjr

    Transgender Pediatric physician hhs elect

    I think the way bigger issue is that Richard Levine took his mama out of a nursing home while shoveling sick ppl in. Levine and Wolfe need to be investigated just like Cuomo. PA is #12 in deaths bc of this man!!!
  14. williejonesjr

    Fun Time Kid Kare, daycare or something worse?

    What started out as a "hey, I never see anyone at this daycare" turned into Pizzagate 2.0. A daycare in SLC, UT looks creepy and possibly is creepy. Definitely more to the story.
  15. williejonesjr

    NEW VIDEO : CORONAVIRUS PREDICTED 100% since 2002 (Crowned serpent, Diamond princess, mason Li Wenliang, templar, 33)

    I think its type in "covid" Hebrew to English. Copy the Hebrew and translate back to English. Its kobe.
  16. williejonesjr

    MeN gEt PeRiOdS tOo... No man I've ever met in my life ever had a uterus or got a period. Make it stop.
  17. williejonesjr

    Taylor Swift - facial recognition in concert

    That's thing, though. It's NOT to really stop "stalkers", it's to gather information from willing participants. Under the guise of poor Taylor, those fans are willing to be put into a system. It's for all of our "safety", you know?
  18. williejonesjr

    Taylor Swift - facial recognition in concert

    So the problem with this, is the company sold all that information they gathered. To who? Well, who do you think?
  19. williejonesjr

    "Concentration camps-like" migrant youth shelters in the US have taken over 10,000 children.

    Yes and my great grandfather got sent back to Italy because he was a preteen and had no sponsor