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  1. veronicaswift71

    Grammys/Madonna/Sam Smith

    I don't think it's a coincidence, either. Especially if you look at the lyrics.
  2. veronicaswift71

    Grammys/Madonna/Sam Smith

    Vanity fair announced the Luciferian brotherhood's newest competition for elevation (promotion) within their system, this time for men who are existing High Priests. The competition would award the winner Grand High Priest status...
  3. veronicaswift71

    Understanding the Elon Musk character

    Main article about Elon 2nd 3rd (view is by donation $ only)
  4. veronicaswift71

    Who do Muslims really worship?

    Kerth Barker is an escapee of the Illuminati, and he got his information from whistleblowers inside the group. His information corroborates and expands on other ex-insider testimony. He's dead, they killed him in January 2021, but some of his books are still for sale on One thing...
  5. veronicaswift71

    Bloodlines Of The Cabal

    Coleman's info is good but it's old, and incomplete. The most recent whistleblower has revealed that the name of that group is also the Druidic Council or the Satanic Council. There are 300 seats, which is why some called it the committee of 300. The CFR is one informal breakout group of the...
  6. veronicaswift71

    Who do Muslims really worship?

    Allah is one name for Satan/Lucifer. Nobody seems to know this these days. These 3 paragraphs come from Kerth Barker's book Deconstructing the Illuminati: "Lucifer is a Greek word that means the light-bearer. So the word Lucifer itself only goes back to the time of...
  7. veronicaswift71

    Bloodlines Of The Cabal

    You might be interested in this: It explores some of the origin theories of the bloodlines from different people's perspectives.
  8. veronicaswift71

    Somethings not right with the vegetables in the UK

    I get ill from some chemicals they spray on veggies here in the US. It's gotten much worse in the past 3 years. I now soak all veggies in baking soda water for 20 min after I buy them and before they go in the fridge. It takes enough of the stuff off so that I don't get sick from them any...
  9. veronicaswift71

    Ukraine & Bioweapons

    Further updates, today the US admitted (after strongly denying yesterday) that Biolabs exist in Ukraine. Further digging revealed that the Pentagon has been funding multiple BSL-4 labs in Khazakstan, and some in Uzbekistan, and they are shuttling samples and blood back and forth in diplomatic...
  10. veronicaswift71

    Ukraine & Bioweapons

    I believe the labs were dismantled first, then destroyed, by Russia or the Alliance. In Gene/Patriot Underground video he states it was the alliance working with Russia. Bombing a stocked bioweapons lab would be inadvisable.
  11. veronicaswift71

    Ukraine & Bioweapons

    There's so much info out in the last few days on Ukraine and Bioweapons, thought I would share a few current resources. why Covid was a bioweapon and why some of the info on demolishing labs is crap/propaganda...
  12. veronicaswift71

    Stand With Ukraine? No Thanks. Business As Usual.

    Russia has its problems, but Ukraine is where the world's child trafficking hub is along with China/asia and the Netherlands. Ukraine steals Russian kids and trafficks them all over. Putin wants his kids back. You're feeling bad for Ukraine is what the mainstream propaganda media wants you to...
  13. veronicaswift71

    Stand With Ukraine? No Thanks. Business As Usual.

    That is for sure, evil everywhere. Some more than others, though. Bloodlines are heavy, heavy in Ukraine and they have a ton of assets there.
  14. veronicaswift71

    Stand With Ukraine? No Thanks. Business As Usual.

    Some of you might be interested in this: Russia & Ukraine from the perspective of routing out ancient witchcraft, p***philia and child trafficking.
  15. veronicaswift71

    How many illuminati members are there?

    The end time is more commonly known as Armageddon, or the end of the world, and it's a series of events that are directed by Lucifer/Satan/the devil for him to try to take over, kick out God and be the God of Earth (Lucifer was kicked out of heaven along with 1/3 of the angels for trying to take...
  16. veronicaswift71

    How many illuminati members are there?

    Reprogramming happens all the time when they get 'out of line'. Kanye is doing some of the top end-time rituals right now, you saw the one with Bieber and Marilyn manson where they were all dressed in white? That was one. And the one with his wife where it was a mock wedding where he sets...
  17. veronicaswift71

    How many illuminati members are there?

    Quadrants are regions or areas. There are 4 quadrants for the US, and an additional 4 quadrants for the rest of the world. For example, California would be in the Western US Quadrant, Virginia in the East, Louisiana in the South, Michigan and Wisconsin in the North. Internationally, Great...