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  1. Zakat

    The Blessings of God

    Wonder how many thanks one would have to give for every breath of oxygen one ever received...
  2. Zakat

    The Immeasurable Greatness of God

    Every man is every woman and every woman is a piece of planet Earth unto herself! Allahu Akbar for every inhalation that ever occurred! Every human being in that sense is a world unto him/herself since every body, whether human or inhuman, functions in a different way although every body might...
  3. Zakat

    Who do Muslims really worship?

    Qur'ān, Sūratus Swaffāt means 37th Chapter: Those Arranged in Ranks
  4. Zakat

    Favorite Quran Verses

    Sūratul Isra (17th Chapter of the Qur'ān) stands for Chapter: The Night Journey
  5. Zakat

    What Are You Watching?

    The Big Bang Theory (Season 3) ^Link Above^
  6. Zakat

    Science of Faith

    This actually says a lot about what you wish for those that do not adhere to your way of life. Only God Can Have Mercy upon anybody irrespective of their faith at that particular point in time known as the day/night of one's Judgement, which actually takes place as soon as one leaves this...
  7. Zakat

    Science of Faith

    Well, I do hope and pray that you do!
  8. Zakat

    Science of Faith

    We shall know as soon as we enter the world of the grave for sure.
  9. Zakat

    Science of Faith

    So you do not believe in life continuing after we leave this vehicle called the human body?
  10. Zakat

    The Blessings of God

    What a great blessing not to really have to ask anybody for any thing like ever!
  11. Zakat

    Science of Faith

    Blah blah blah, aren't you tired of repeating yourself?
  12. Zakat

    Science of Faith

    Who says I am? If anything, I truly cannot wait to die and witness the immensity of the Day of Judgement.
  13. Zakat

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    God Always Existed and a Being So Incomprehensibly Unimaginable Can Never In Any way be likened to our natures such as fathering and mothering and bodily features and whatnot, so beware of having the wrong idea about God, Mister...
  14. Zakat

    What Are You Watching?

  15. Zakat

    What are you listening to?

  16. Zakat

    Imagine a world with shariah law.

    Muslims do not ditch any of the Prophets sent by God to mankind to Guide them aright once more.
  17. Zakat

    Science of Faith

    I know the feeling. One advice, consider The Almighty your One and Only True Beloved. La Hawla wa Laa Quwwata illā Billāh No Power nor any Strength except by God
  18. Zakat

    Science of Faith

  19. Zakat

    Science of Faith

    I recall you mentioning once that you're afflicted with some sort of sadness?
  20. Zakat

    The Immeasurable Greatness of God

    To think about all those billions of human beings, let alone other animate beings, that are actually existing and are blessed with a good sense of smell which is linked to that organ called the nose through which one can actually judge and discern concerning the correctness of any item or matter...