Search results for query: nuclear

  1. Awoken2

    Putin officially threatens Nuclear War

    ...(shuffles papers)
  2. Awoken2

    Is Religion A Form Of Mind Control?

    Posted March 2019 on this thread....about a year before convid. So we now just have the asteroid, alien invasion and nuclear war to look forward to I guess.
  3. Awoken2

    The "Asteroid" Anticipation Thread

    You forgot the starship enterprise. Kirk and the boys could just blow that thing to bits with it's laser cannon. Fancy forgetting the Kirk option. Ya numpty.
  4. Awoken2

    The "Asteroid" Anticipation Thread

    So NASA convene a week long "drill" (red flag in itself after so many drills going live) which after a few days give up on trying to defend earth in any way from it and instead work out exactly where it would hit and how much damage it would inflict over exactly which areas. How reassuring.
  5. Awoken2

    The "Asteroid" Anticipation Thread

    ...basic tactic learned in the art of tbe hustle, show little interest, point out the negatives, generally devalue, then go in low. So other than lots of nuclear bunkers what else has Greenland got to offer...
  6. Awoken2

    The "Asteroid" Anticipation Thread

    Now you know why Trumpa Lumpa tried to buy the place. If that ain't a red flag I don't know what is.
  7. Awoken2

    US election biden/trump poll

    Yeah yeah, you believers all get whisked off into the sky before it all kicks off. As belief systems go, this one is just laughable. Good luck with that one eh?
  8. Awoken2


    I just couldn't imagine this, even for a second, .my brain just couldn't go there, some safety mechanism kicks in. I don't think he should be allowed a pen at this point never mind no big red button.
  9. Awoken2

    Predictive programming in the music industry.

    12 months after the original song was written we had the guidstones pop up telling us how billions of people have to die.
  10. Awoken2

    The Economist June-July Edition (or the Doomsday edition)

    Just to demonstrate how interwoven NASA and the Freemasons are I'll post this. There are far too many connections for it not to matter. *Disclaimer* I am not a flat earther before anybody assumes.
  11. Awoken2

    Predictive programming in the music industry.

    2013 release (listen carefully at 1 min 9 secs) Released 2013 same artist 2015 release on September 11th Released in 2013...running for 4.44 2011 from Nuclear Blasts label, see 5G link ......Do you think SOMEBODY knew this shit was coming or what?
  12. Awoken2

    Coronavirus collapse and martial law is brought in would that then be the best time to start questioning things? If, in the event of a nuclear war between global superpowers bringing devastation to large parts of the world would that be a good time to start questioning things? If, in the...
  13. Awoken2

    The Insidious 'Toxic Masculinity' Myth is Damaging Humanity

    They may kick it all off with a nice war but when you factor in DEW's, manipulated weather, viruses and all other warnings we are getting such as asteroids. If you just have a look at billionaires bunkers on YT all the big players are making plans underground.
  14. Awoken2

    Tell Us About Evil Songs

    Yes I believe she may release it as a single. On the b-side the song's called You're all gonna're all gonna die...HA HA HA HA HAAAA! ....Just in case anybody didn't get the message on the a-side.:rolleyes:
  15. Awoken2

    Predictive programming in the music industry. is basically being stated is that at any time an asteroid may arrive that is undetectable and has the power to do the damage of multiple nuclear weapons. It would be the perfect weapon for men who believed...
  16. Awoken2

    November 3rd False Flag in Seattle? every film ever made. I feel this is trying to devalue other people's work covering this topic. As far as Russia making an unprovoked nuclear attack on USA soil is concerned I think it puts it in the same category as 4chan.....a load of shite. ....I dunno, that's the feeling I'm...
  17. Awoken2

    Predictive programming in the music industry.
  18. Awoken2

    Predictive programming in the music industry.

  19. Awoken2

    Predictive programming in the music industry.

  20. Awoken2

    Is Religion A Form Of Mind Control?

    ...perfect ruse to allow Luciferean psycopaths to bring forth their Georgia Guidestones utopia. If you think about it all it would take is a nuclear war (which is cooking quite nicely) some devastating weather (courtesy of HAARP) a few asteroid strikes (courtesy of directed energy weaponry...