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  • There are many beliefs and religions out there, but the ONLY one where God comes in and dwells within a person is disclosed in the Bible. Jesus promised the comforter, the holy spirit of God to all who turn to him. He will restore and set free from the law of sin and death! Man isnt meant to be enslaved and ruled by sinful passions. He was created to be righteous and upright in the likeness of the good God.
    But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1:12-13
    I rebuke every appirition, ghoul, hobgoblin, mage, undead thing, and abominable creature in Jesus name!
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    Reactions: julia7771
    Yep, they know he's Gods slave, have you read Acts 3 13 today lyfe?
    Christ sits at the right hand of God. He is the son of God. He was crucified and died for the sins of the world. This is what my Bible plainly teaches yet you continue to use isolated passsges of scripture rather than submit to the whole counsel of God.
    It is crazy to me Lyfe, there could be a verse in the Bible.. "I am not god Jesus said" and you would still ignore it. Is this not a fact?
    The new age tugs at mans curiosity of the mysteries of the cosmos and will fill his head with intriguing ideas and philosphies that are asserted as true knowledge , but all it does is lead him away from what his restless soul was designed to need which is the love of God. Children dont need vain knowledge to be healthy creatures. They need their parents love to make them whole. How much more do we need Gods love?
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    The Newage also tugs at the desire for foreign culture within the safety of capitalist-consumerism, it is a lot like why many Americans like Anime just because it seems exotic to them.
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    For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. Psalm 5:4
    The matrix utilizes porn and video games to spellbind the masses. They know these instruments of bondage have effects on the brain similair to heroin. Its part of the scientific dictatorship and satanic system to dominate subjects. It is techno sorcery to enslave our will and keep us bound. We are inundating our flesh not realizing we are growing more and more empty and spiritually dead by the year.
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    Reactions: vitamind and Lucy
    Its purely diabolical and destroying the minds and souls of millions.
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    Reactions: Nikōn
    Their hearts and minds are being systemically corrupted. Their conscience is being seared and numbed by every act, sadly. It happened to me as I was being desensitized to the evil. Only the spirit of God can reverse that. Porn has become purely demonic. You are opening yourself up to spirits of lust, bondage, masturbation, and etc...
    You know it is demonic when images of creatures now pop up commiting groteque acts with women on these sites. That was my que to run away from that world as fast as possible. Demons want into your life and you give them a legal right thru these pornographic genres.
    Why do the wicked prosper?
    only for the short term. the universe cannot tolerate an imbalance of evil. think, "their judgement cometh, and that right soon".
    Matthew 7: 13-14
    "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
    Jesus calls us to take up our crosses daily and follow Him.
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    Reactions: Lyfe
    I concede and submit to my loving government that truly cares for my wellbeing. Since it is close to flu season I am now heading to my local walgreens to get the 4 in 1 flu/covid/ booster omega immunity all in 1 megashot. I will attain perfect immunity this way and become superhuman as all the unvaxxed have their skin turn grey and die a horrible painful death as an ill decaying zombie.
    Media logic: Lets blame the unvaxxed for spreading the virus even though breakthrough cases are rising which would now suggest that even the fully vaxxed can get other people who are fully vaxxed sick too.
    Covid is communism.

    From the ´Sinister Sites´ archive...

    That is quite a sharp observation, I tend to agree there
    ...out of all that Christians pray for what do we pray for the most? Do we pray for souls to be saved? Do we pray to be free from sin? Or, is most prayer directed to wordly blessings like a well paying job or new and upgraded home? So many are still in love with this world and will pray for a pay raise before they pray for a soul to know Christ...
    But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Romans 8:11
    One of the reasons the world hated Christ was because he rejected the vain philosphies and speculations of men. He didnt conform to the worlds standards and his view was never tainted or formed by the world or human reasoning. He didnt bow to political correctness. He proclaimed one way and absolutes as truth that wont be influenced by an always changing world. He was not of this world.
    Matt 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
    The only true refuge in the coming days will be in God the father and in the ark of Christ when the rains of antichrist begin to fall. All these places of refuge we make for ourselves will cease exist as the new world order closes in... The things we seek to give us a sense of comfort will no longer provide comfort or a sense of security that tommorow will be ok.
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