Roe V. Wade To be overturned


Mar 19, 2018
Perhaps, its certainly a possibility. The zealots on both "sides" will be spoiling for a fight, but will they actually clash in street confrontations? One things for sure the "leaders" of each "side" care nothing of kids...
I actually wouldn't mind if the zealots on both sides went for it and practiced 'depopulation' amongst themselves. There should be zero tolerance for anarchy and violence on either side.


Mar 19, 2018
Biden is already calling on congress to act and saying this is not over. The hypocrisy is so blatant to everyone. Biden will poke the Russian bear and try to instigate a war with Russia that would kill millions of women and children, he is shutting down the gas and oil and energy infastructure in the nation causing inflation and high gas prices that will in turn starve the nation (women and children included), he mandated the injecticide shot that is killing and debilitating millions, the diary of Bidens daughter came out detailing how he did sick things to her in the shower, the guy left thousands of Americans in middle east and abandoned them when he pulled out, yet he wants us to believe he acctually cares about womens rights and liberty. Its all become one sick joke, honestly.
It is a sick joke, I agree. Knowing that it's all being done on purpose makes it worse. It's like watching evil clowns laughing in your face as they destroy your life. Lies, infanticide, corruption, propaganda, murder, beatings, chaos, looting, anarchy, government backed/planned punishment for conservatives while progressives are free to commit crimes... it's all too much. I have no words to describe how disgusted and deeply disturbing all of this is - it is a soul level feeling of overwhelming repulsion and loathing without words. I can only look to Jesus Christ in these times and know His plan will overcome everything.


May 11, 2020
Perhaps, its certainly a possibility. The zealots on both "sides" will be spoiling for a fight, but will they actually clash in street confrontations? One things for sure the "leaders" of each "side" care nothing of kids...
I def believe there will be clashing. It really does seem as if they are trying to create as much drama and theatre and shock as they possibly can. Its like its now one thing after another while they seek to get away with the fact that they have destroyed the world through the injecticide holocaust and poisionong the human genome. Taking the attention off of the fact that many will starve and have to skip meals and trips cause they can't afford food or gas because of Biden and those who have sold us out.


May 11, 2020
It is a sick joke, I agree. Knowing that it's all being done on purpose makes it worse. It's like watching evil clowns laughing in your face as they destroy your life. Lies, infanticide, corruption, propaganda, murder, beatings, chaos, looting, anarchy, government backed/planned punishment for conservatives while progressives are free to commit crimes... it's all too much. I have no words to describe how disgusted and deeply disturbing all of this is - it is a soul level feeling of overwhelming repulsion and loathing without words. I can only look to Jesus Christ in these times and know His plan will overcome everything.
Amen brother. I know that many are praying that God would bring justice and exposure to this evil system that has highjacked every facet of our lives. So much of what they thought they could get away with is being exposed because of the prayers of the saints. All the child trafficking and abuse in the deep state, all the corruption, government shipping the drugs in, all the rituals done in dark its all coming to light and God is allowing us space to wake up, repent, to see we have all been lied to by this hollywood babylon system that brings misery and destruction and to turn to him who gives life and peace by the holy spirit.
May 18, 2018
There's only riots if the media approves it and unleashes their demon npcs to do their bidding. That only happens if they need it for an election or they want to cover for something else. The fbi did release a statement to churches to protect them for a "night of rage" though.
May 18, 2018
Celibacy and chastity.
Telling people that if they have virtue in sexual activity then they won't need to kill their children is pretty redundant. This is all because of the luciferian do what thou wilt stream that people call freedom, luciferic freedom.

The fact that it was considered a part of the American constitution that you had to allow abortions is crazy. The founding fathers wanted a nation free from tyranny, not free to serve lucifer


Jan 29, 2018
Telling people that if they have virtue in sexual activity then they won't need to kill their children is pretty redundant. This is all because of the luciferian do what thou wilt stream that people call freedom, luciferic freedom.

The fact that it was considered a part of the American constitution that you had to allow abortions is crazy. The founding fathers wanted a nation free from tyranny, not free to serve lucifer
"The fact that it was considered a part of the American constitution that you had to allow abortions is crazy."
Except that aint what the amendment allowed for, they backdoored abortion as birth control into law, but never really made it "legal" and thats according to the pro-choice crowd themselves! However, your point is well taken.


Sep 8, 2018
Telling people that if they have virtue in sexual activity then they won't need to kill their children is pretty redundant. This is all because of the luciferian do what thou wilt stream that people call freedom, luciferic freedom.

The fact that it was considered a part of the American constitution that you had to allow abortions is crazy. The founding fathers wanted a nation free from tyranny, not free to serve lucifer
I get you.
My point is that wanton sex is not mandatory.
It’s okay for men to not have sex.
It’s okay for women to not to have sex.
We are not arguing.
Last edited:


Mar 19, 2018
Amen brother. I know that many are praying that God would bring justice and exposure to this evil system that has highjacked every facet of our lives. So much of what they thought they could get away with is being exposed because of the prayers of the saints. All the child trafficking and abuse in the deep state, all the corruption, government shipping the drugs in, all the rituals done in dark its all coming to light and God is allowing us space to wake up, repent, to see we have all been lied to by this hollywood babylon system that brings misery and destruction and to turn to him who gives life and peace by the holy spirit.
I don't want to mislead - I'm a sister, and I appreciate your views so much!


Jun 9, 2022
They will set aside money to pay for women to get an abortion. What about instead using that same money to support struggling families and hungry children? What about donating the same money to organizations that help homeless women or women who suffer from domestic abuse? Disney doesnt acctually care about people or women or people in bad situations. In fact disney probably has tombs underneath their theme park where they probably commit their own child sacrifices and engage in trafficking rings.
yeah and they kick couples out of their parks when they propose marriage to each other so they are Definitely pro non marriage yet they shout from their ivory towers that they care about children. Their brains are so scrambled they don’t even know that they stand for anymore.


May 15, 2017
looks like there might be riots/even killing in the streets
We have some group called janes revenge calling
for a night of rage in dc

myself I don't think Our World needs Peoples that think it's a
right to murder a Child because someone got sloppy drunk and
spread their legs or cause a guy didn't wanna throw a rubber on
cause it doesn't feel as good

I'm sick of the crap poor excuses that Peoples have in order
to justify the murdering of Children

I am tired of murdering Children as being as disney put it
in their email a deeply personal decision that no one but that
person can decide but when it comes to an experimental gene
therapy We don't have a choice



Jun 9, 2022
Has Killary made a comment yet? Oh you know she's gonna. She's got some serious balls if she does. First off, her daughter as many are aware, is from a different father, you know the one that was found suicided in that park in D.C.? Vince Foster. Also she is a lesbian and Epstein victims saw her on the pedo island with the girls. She needs to shut up.



May 15, 2017
few more articles on it sounds like men who
support them are welcome but only to be shields
for them to rage behind

We might be witnessing the spark that sets off the shtf
