How to identify a false Christ, Teacher, Prophet


Mar 15, 2017
You are being foolish here in the EXTREME and I therefore strongly urge you to put a big sock in it ASAP and desist from typing the nonsense that Satan is filling your head with. You are willingly allowing Satan to use you and that carries with it serious consequences. So, for your own good, I suggest you read the following very carefully, as an introduction and then read the rest so that you can begin to learn from it.

1 Timothy
2:11 Let the woman learn in SILENCE with all subjection.
2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to USURP authority over the man, but TO BE IN SILENCE.
2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

The Way home or face The Fire
4:44 After the expulsion from Eden, the devil used women; as he has continued to do successfully,
throughout the history of the world; to create problems, or aggravate existing ones.

Eve fully believed Satan’s lie that she was ONLY human and swallowed the apple, but it
stuck in Adam’s throat, as he did not fully believe it. That’s why men have an Adam’s Apple, and
women do not.

12:65 Satan has “used” women; just as he did in the Garden of Eden, and has continued to do,
throughout history; to do evil and get the eunuchs, in western governments (Matt. 19:12 - 2nd. type
of eunuch), to change God’s Laws, and give equality to women, most of whom are not REALLY
women. There is nothing feminine about them. They are trying to be men, in women’s bodies,
without having EARNED their RIGHT to be men.

12:70 On the Last-Day, the women’s liberationists, the homosexuals/sodomites, and ANYONE who
teaches organized-religion, will be in the most danger, and first into “The Fire”.
12:71 The Moslems are far from perfect, and, because of their religious arrogance, have refused to
accept that The Torah, and New Testament, are to be used, and read as an introduction, and the first
2/3 of God’s Book, leading to the Koran, which is the Last Testament 1/3 of God’s Book, and are
consequently running in circles, heading for “The Fire”.
12:72 They quite rightly resent the West’s influence on their women, and the disorder and evil that it
brings with it.

12:91 All these things have been brought-about by women’s MIS-GUIDED influence, which they
have been allowed to exercise, because of women’s liberation, and “equality” (Enoch 96:12-14 &
Job 2:10 & Isaiah 3:12)(1st. Timothy 2:11-14).

13:26 Once you start to do God’s Will, Satan will use everyone that he can, to attack you, and try to
pull you back into his control. The easiest people, for Satan to use, are the ones closest to you, and
particularly women, because women are easier for him to manipulate and use (1st. Timothy 2:14).

13:90 If women’s liberation is right, why then; as well as it having been responsible for creating all
the innumerable social-problems, that have come with the breakdown of the family-unit and society;
are women suffering, from stress, with more and more young girls and women smoking; becoming
alcoholics, or tranquilizing and hard drug-addicts; having nervous-breakdowns, and committing
suicide? It is happening, because these women have been put into a position, where they are trying to
do, and be, something that they were not intended to do, and are not ready for, or equipped to cope
13:91 Today everything is sex. What ever happened to LOVE, and tender loving care? You can
keep sex. I will choose tender loving care, every time.
13:92 Any man, who has allowed women to brain-wash him, into thinking that women are his equal,
is not much of a man, in REAL terms, even if he is an expert at punching people in the mouth, and
FOOLING himself, into believing that that makes him a man, when he lets women walk all over
him, and order him about.
13:93 If you have allowed women to castrate you (metaphorically), into believing that they are your
equal, then you have become one of the second type of eunuchs, referred to in Matt. 19:12, “and
there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs (real ones) by women (or men).”
13:94 In Deuteronomy 23:1, God says that, “He who is wounded in the stones (testicles)(i.e.
castrated, metaphorically), or has his male organ cut off (metaphorically), can not enter into the
congregation of the Lord” - Heaven.

This applies literally, as well as metaphorically.

13:106 God’s Laws are designed to teach humility; unselfishness; tolerance and LOVE. Women’s
liberation teaches women arrogance; aggression; selfishness and emotional-hate - all of which
come from Satan, and lead to execution, on the Last-Day.

13:109 Can you not see, what changing The Laws, and giving equality, and custody of children, to
women, has done to the institute of marriage, and society?
13:110 You changed The Laws, and the streets are now not safe, for you to walk. You are not even
safe in your own homes, and are now suffering the results of your own arrogant and unlawful

Divine Justice!
This issue first. I could come back to the rest at a later stage, but I am getting fed up at someone whose only defence is to quote yet more of John Anthony Hill's claims. He is not all credible.

Ad hominem attack is the last refuge of the person failing to win the argument. You tried to use the "woman keep quiet" strategy in another thread.

The whole chapter from the REAL KJV bible shows it applies to the church, not individuals: 1 Timothy chapter 2

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

A woman should learn in silence IN THE CHURCH.
A woman should not teach IN THE CHURCH.
A woman should not have authority over the man IN THE CHURCH.

If a woman was to follow the commandment exactly as you claimed, a woman would keep silent at all times, never defend her position, never correct others (when needed), never be in a position of authority even in the workplace.

You are showing that a prerverted version of Islam has infiltrated your thoughts. You are not serving the God of the Bible.

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Different roles in the church YES. Submission to men at all times, including men trying to spread one of the most pitiful heresies to the most naive people on Earth definitely NO.

P.S. Part of me actually agrees with you - men should be the ones putting you in your place just in case your male ego is getting the better of you. However, it isn't an ideal world. The men are not doing it (for whatever reason), and because I feel maternal to potential "children" online (i.e. people who have no knowledge of scripture) I am doing it.
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Dec 13, 2017
P.S. Part of me actually agrees with you - men should be the ones putting you in your place just in case your male ego is getting the better of you. However, it isn't an ideal world. The men are not doing it (for whatever reason), and because I feel maternal to potential children online I am doing it.
He does not listen.

His salary might depend on him propagating chrislam... so if this is his livelihood good luck converting him.

Nothing make somone not understand as a hefty monthly paycheck.

I'm not saying this is the case but i'm also not saying this is not the case.

Being stubbornly wrong is more often than not a monetary issue.


Mar 15, 2017
One last point for now bible student/ Jahtruth:

You did not address the fact that you support John 3:16. Instead you resorted to distraction tactics yet again. If you support that verse, you are totally incompatible with Islam. You cannot serve two masters.

A quote from an ex-premier of Queensland, John Bjeke-Petersen: ‘You can’t sit on a fence, a barbed wire fence at that, and have one ear to the ground.’ Theologically John Anthony Hill is trying to do just that.

Whether it is ulterior motives like TokiEI suggests or severe religious delusion, on Judgement Day J.A.Hill (and followers) are going to face an angry God for seeking to destroy people's faith/ create converts to a false religion.

Bible student, for your sake please read a real bible from . We do not want you to share John Anthony Hill's fate. We want you to believe in the true Lord Jesus Christ.


John Anthony Hill has not been crucified for your sins and risen from the dead. Jesus Christ did. Only if you believe in the TRUE Lord Jesus Christ will you be saved Bible Student.


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Jun 29, 2017
The men are not doing it (for whatever reason), and because I feel maternal to potential "children" online (i.e. people who have no knowledge of scripture) I am doing it.
I have a theory that without attention people would gave up on spreading their agendas, but never had the opportunity to confirm it, because there is always enough attention. I get why, it's hard to walk by, when you see lies and nonsenses, it frustrates the hell out of me, so i simply do not read "propagandas/promoting material".
Jul 29, 2018
Reminds me of the Scripture warning by Christ about the Last Days, "Many shall come in my name saying, "I am Christ,". And deceive many! (Matt. 24:4-14) And many false prophets shall arise...……… Believe them not!
Everything that is happening in the world right now was prophesied by JAH that it was going to happen before and in 2000/2001 LIVE on the radio in America, that it WOULD HAPPEN, if people did not heed God's Warning to repent and mend their ways quickly and I could give you the link to an archived recording of it so you could listen to it and hear it all for yourself, but, since none of have shown any interest in this and all I keep getting from you all is ridicule and abuse, I wont bother with giving you the link.

Just know. That JAH warned EVERYONE REPEATEDLY and nobody listened, so what is happening now was prophesied by Him and because people refused to listen and take Him and God's Warning seriously, we are in the place where we are now and it is too late to stop it now.

So, you can believe Him because what He said God was saying is going to happen, has happened and it will continue to get worse from here on out. I've strived to help you all by coming here to try and warn as well and tell you all about it but it does not seem to have helped anyone. It seems sad, but is it really?

I know scripture that talks of exactly this and know before God that I've done my part here to try and help by warning you all and none of you have wanted to listen to it, so, it just is what it is I suppose.

The Real Prophets have all typically been treated this way since the early days, so it's not really anything strange but par for the course. It seems too bad, but then again, people always get what they deserve. So, it's not unfair, but just what everyone has decided they prefer to choose (free-will) and Divine Justice.
Jul 29, 2018
One last point for now bible student/ Jahtruth:

You did not address the fact that you support John 3:16. Instead you resorted to distraction tactics yet again. If you support that verse, you are totally incompatible with Islam. You cannot serve two masters.

A quote from an ex-premier of Queensland, John Bjeke-Petersen: ‘You can’t sit on a fence, a barbed wire fence at that, and have one ear to the ground.’ Theologically John Anthony Hill is trying to do just that.

Whether it is ulterior motives like TokiEI suggests or severe religious delusion, on Judgement Day J.A.Hill (and followers) are going to face an angry God for seeking to destroy people's faith/ create converts to a false religion.

Bible student, for your sake please read a real bible from . We do not want you to share John Anthony Hill's fate. We want you to believe in the true Lord Jesus Christ.

View attachment 22254

John Anthony Hill has not been crucified for your sins and risen from the dead. Jesus Christ did. Only if you believe in the TRUE Lord Jesus Christ will you be saved Bible Student.
You do not listen.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Everything that is happening in the world right now was prophesied by JAH that it was going to happen before and in 2000/2001 LIVE on the radio in America, that it WOULD HAPPEN, if people did not heed God's Warning to repent and mend their ways quickly and I could give you the link to an archived recording of it so you could listen to it and hear it all for yourself, but, since none of have shown any interest in this and all I keep getting from you all is ridicule and abuse, I wont bother with giving you the link.

Just know. That JAH warned EVERYONE REPEATEDLY and nobody listened, so what is happening now was prophesied by Him and because people refused to listen and take Him and God's Warning seriously, we are in the place where we are now and it is too late to stop it now.

So, you can believe Him because what He said God was saying is going to happen, has happened and it will continue to get worse from here on out. I've strived to help you all by coming here to try and warn as well and tell you all about it but it does not seem to have helped anyone. It seems sad, but is it really?

I know scripture that talks of exactly this and know before God that I've done my part here to try and help by warning you all and none of you have wanted to listen to it, so, it just is what it is I suppose.

The Real Prophets have all typically been treated this way since the early days, so it's not really anything strange but par for the course. It seems too bad, but then again, people always get what they deserve. So, it's not unfair, but just what everyone has decided they prefer to choose (free-will) and Divine Justice.
You refer to JAH as “Him”.

Do you believe he is the Christ?*

*Would that make you a latter day “John the Baptist”?
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Jul 29, 2018
He does not listen.

His salary might depend on him propagating chrislam... so if this is his livelihood good luck converting him.

Nothing make somone not understand as a hefty monthly paycheck.

I'm not saying this is the case but i'm also not saying this is not the case.

Being stubbornly wrong is more often than not a monetary issue.
I don't get any salary and have not had one for over 10 years.


Dec 13, 2017
The Real Prophets have all typically been treated this way since the early days, so it's not really anything strange but par for the course.
No real prophet append the quran to the Scriptures.

The direction of the world has been by design... events are preplanned and executed according to scripts. So of course they know a lot about the future...


Mar 13, 2017
Quite Frankly I have a relationship with Jesus and I hear His voice clearly, when I do what the Holy Spirit tells me to do I have peace. When I read what you say a man tells us to do I have zero peace. Every time God has given me scriptures to counter this false gospel you preach.

There is no way you can ever hope to convert people who has a LIVING and REAL relationship with Jeshua, because we KNOW HIM as you would know a friend.

Just as an example - science fiction one - If someone else would be in the body of my husband I would know, because I know my husband through and through.... In the same way I KNOW Jeshua, and John Anthony Hill is not him sorry. I will not give up my amazing relationship with Jeshua for a lifeless life of believing in rubbish mixing of star wars, the quran, lots of man made ideas and this demonic "justice" A MAN is spreading.

Jesus would NEVER do what John Anthony Hill is doing.

Wherever the Apostels went yes they were opposed, but because of the Holy Spirit of God the sick were healed, and many many many people became believers as well. Miracles followed Jesus and even more miracles followed His Disciples. This is not the case with jah, so just because you are opposed doesn't mean you are right. You are opposed because you believe in a false god. Turn back to Jesus in your inner room and talk to Him.

O and btw if you actually had a real relationship with Jesus you would not get angry or frustrated, you would feel only love for us....


Dec 13, 2017
O and btw if you actually had a real relationship with Jesus you would not get angry or frustrated, you would feel only love for us....
Not so as i can get angry and frustrated with false doctrines and hypocrisy.

There are so many ministers of Satan who have led churches astray... so a lot of christians constantly regurgitate doctrinal errors of these future hell beings... and there are a lot of online trolls as well posing as christians.

But this is foretold in the Script and so no surprise to me.
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Mar 13, 2017
Not so as i can get angry and frustrated with false doctrines and hypocrisy.
Ever since God has shown me His heart for the lost, I have felt nothing but a deep sympathy and sometimes deeper empathy for them. I get angry and frustrated too, but not towards PEOPLE, no, towards false TEACHING yes. I Feel sad for a person, but will get angry with the demon I see operating behind the heresy.

Jesus said go and make disciples of all nations - therefore letting Him use us to get people into a relationship with Him. Getting angry with people will only drive them away...


Dec 13, 2017
Ever since God has shown me His heart for the lost, I have felt nothing but a deep sympathy and sometimes deeper empathy for them. I get angry and frustrated too, but not towards PEOPLE, no, towards false TEACHING yes. I Feel sad for a person, but will get angry with the demon I see operating behind the heresy.

Jesus said go and make disciples of all nations - therefore letting Him use us to get people into a relationship with Him. Getting angry with people will only drive them away...
If my anger can drive christian heretics or hypocrites away... i have truly done a good job.
Jul 29, 2018
@Camidria :

10:12 The Lord told Mohammed exactly the same as Jesus had taught, which is NOT to worship
Jesus, or Mohammed, or any other Prophet or Angel, and to worship ONLY God (Sura 3:79)(Mark
10:18 & Matt. 5:48), and NOT to be priests (Sura 57:27 & Sura 4:152)(Matt. 5:19 & 23:8).

11:57 The Roman Catholics also bow down to graven-images of the “son of Mary”, which was only
a human-animal that I used, and was NOT me, and worship it as God. Jesus himself said that people
MUST NOT worship him, but JUST worship ONLY GOD (Matt. 19:16-17 & Mark 10:17-18).
How can you all be so dis-obedient, and stupid, when you are ALL under the death-sentence, and
your time is running-out (John 3:18 & 5:24)?
11:58 All the Prophets have spoken directly to God, and have done His Will, and have been against
religions, and have lived apart with God.
11:59 This does not mean living in a monastery, or commune, it just means getting away from
religions. Hiding from temptation, in a monastery, will do you no good, because you have to face
temptation, and overcome it (to win favour with God, by facing temptation and overcoming it -
James 1:2-4. You are, thereby, also setting a good example, to others, and can help the weaker ones
to overcome their temptations, by giving them moral [spiritual] support - Sura 57:27).
11:60 Hiding in a commune, or monastery, is the cowards’ way out, but they are only cheating
themselves, because the more temptation you overcome, the nearer you get to going home (James
11:61 Avoiding temptation is wasting what precious little time you have left, and is like running-on-
the-spot, on a conveyor-belt rolling towards The Fire, where you are going nowhere fast, except The
11:62 These communes only create fear, and do more harm than good, for the former reason, and the
following ones.
11:63 The bigger they become, the greater the number of people that are wasting their time, and,
because people without faith always fear what they do not understand, public-opinion is set against
them. If they become really big, the people outside get frightened, and eventually they will attack it.
Religious wars start in the same way (John 16:2).
11:64 These people should go home, to teach their families, and fight for God. Jesus said that he
came, not to bring peace, but a sword (the Word of Truth - Heb. 4:12), and that a man’s enemies
would be the members of his own household (Luke 12:51-53). This is because they will be used by
Satan, to try to pull you away from your belief (Micah 7:6). If they don’t, then you are not doing it
right, because Jesus has told you, it WILL happen, IF you ARE doing it right (Matthew 10:34-40).
11:65 Don’t run away and HIDE in communes. Get on home, and fight to convince the people that
love you, that they are wrong (love your enemies).

Jul 29, 2018
Instead of having arguments with you that serve no purpose, I will instead just show some of the teachings, so that then you can decide for yourselves what to think of it.

Peace be upon you and within you, bible student.

@Camidria :

Christ, the Spirit-Being that was placed in-side the body (IN-carnated not begotten as it has been misinterpreted) called Jesus, was not born 2000 years ago or even 2,000 millennia ago. He is, as he said, older than this planet and zillions of years old, being the first created by God (His oldest Son - Prince Michael - Dan. 10:21). It was only the human animal organic computer (body), that was used by the Son of God, that was born 2000 years ago. You are not supposed to worship or make graven images of a human organic computer, similar to the one that you are locked inside of, or even the spirit (Christ) that was within the body called Jesus, you are supposed to worship his Perfect Father the Supreme-Being, as Christ himself told you to do. God is not a human, He is a "Being of Light" (soul). Therefore His Son (Christ) is not a human either but was the soul (Being) that was inside the human body from the virgin-birth. God is Spirit (energy/Light) and you must worship Him in spirit (with your spirit - soul) in TRUTH and love Him, as He loves you. JAH.

- Christmas


Mar 13, 2017
Instead of having arguments with you that serve no purpose, I will instead just show some of the teachings, so that then you can decide for yourselves what to think of it.

Peace be upon you and within you, bible student.

@Camidria :

Christ, the Spirit-Being that was placed in-side the body (IN-carnated not begotten as it has been misinterpreted) called Jesus, was not born 2000 years ago or even 2,000 millennia ago. He is, as he said, older than this planet and zillions of years old, being the first created by God (His oldest Son - Prince Michael - Dan. 10:21). It was only the human animal organic computer (body), that was used by the Son of God, that was born 2000 years ago. You are not supposed to worship or make graven images of a human organic computer, similar to the one that you are locked inside of, or even the spirit (Christ) that was within the body called Jesus, you are supposed to worship his Perfect Father the Supreme-Being, as Christ himself told you to do. God is not a human, He is a "Being of Light" (soul). Therefore His Son (Christ) is not a human either but was the soul (Being) that was inside the human body from the virgin-birth. God is Spirit (energy/Light) and you must worship Him in spirit (with your spirit - soul) in TRUTH and love Him, as He loves you. JAH.

- Christmas
This just makes me anxious, I find no peace in this. I try reading what you write, but I am left with zero peace. The Holy Spirit warns me time and time again....

Just stop with jah's teachings, go rather into your inner room and pray and ask God for a sign, He sent us the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit to help people get into a relationship with Him. So mobilize that rather, and lets test the spirit you adhere to.
Jul 29, 2018
This just makes me anxious, I find no peace in this. I try reading what you write, but I am left with zero peace.
I'm sorry to hear that.

The Holy Spirit warns me time and time again....

Just stop with jah's teachings, go rather into your inner room and pray and ask God for a sign, He sent us the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit to help people get into a relationship with Him. So mobilize that rather, and lets test the spirit you adhere to.
We do not need to ask for a sign. Recall what Jesus said:

12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and unfaithfull generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah:
12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
12:41 The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment against this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and, behold, a greater than Jonah [is] here.

16:1 The politicians also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would show them a sign from heaven.
16:2 He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, [It will be] fair weather: for the sky is red.
16:3 And in the morning, [It will be] foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O [ye] hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not [discern] the "Signs of the Times"?
16:4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah.

No need for us to ask for signs, but it is good though to call unto Him (God):

Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
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Mar 13, 2017
12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and unfaithfull generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah:
12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
12:41 The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment against this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and, behold, a greater than Jonah [is] here.
Said to Pharisees who heard of Jesus's miracles and still did not believe. Jesus gave signs to those people who were truly seeking Him. So then stop now, if you are not willing to use the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to help people then you are also part of a aberration where you take the parts of the bible you like and throw away the rest.