Recent content by Monika

  1. M

    Our Life Beyond Mkultra By Elisa E

    Yes, I read both of her books a couple of months back and watched her interview on YouTube. I agree that her testimony seems even wackier than average...she talks about entities from other dimensions and even herself teleporting into other dimensions and seemingly disappearing from the physical...
  2. M

    Disney And Other Children's "programming"

    Whenever I listen to Sia - Big Girls Cry I always hear "I believe the order invaded me its agony" instead of the actual lyrics for the last part of the chorus.
  3. M

    How Do You Know If You're Programmed?

    I've had some EMDR therapy because I happened to be seeing a clinical psychologist on the NHS who was a wonderful chap and after about a year I opened up more and told him about my past - hence he then offered EMDR. I had about 9 months worth of EMDR but not that many sessions because I needed...
  4. M

    How Do You Know If You're Programmed?

    I'm sorry if my wording came across wrong as I meant nothing bad towards you personally. I've never sought therapy that digs into the unconscious either as I've always thought it would be a bad idea. But I do feel stuck in no mans land and can't help but feel like not knowing is hindering my...
  5. M

    How Do You Know If You're Programmed? I've personally found the above resource very helpful recently when seeking answers very similar to your own. I'm personally stuck between feeling I have been experienced the most awful...
  6. M

    Are There Ex-christians Here? Why Do You Leave The Faith?

    I was a born again christian in my teens but it was just the worst time for me, not only with what was going on in my life but with how I felt inside too. I felt incrediably torn and conflicted; right from the beginning I was trying to reconsile my scientific mind with creationist young earth...
  7. M

    Adhd, Do You Have It?

    Hmm, I do get what you are saying and when I said it runs in families I did think, yes, so does abuse, poverty etc. Both my partner and I have bipolar so I would love to think it isn't genetic as we have 2 young boys. Whilst it is well known that the environment can cause specific genes to...
  8. M

    Adhd, Do You Have It?

    Yes I do agree with you but I think trauma just switches on the genes that predisposes one to certain mental disorders. I wasn't born with bipolar but I sincerely believe that it was the sudden death of my boyfriend which triggered it. One can't deny that it doesn't have a genetic element as it...
  9. M

    Adhd, Do You Have It?

    I'm diagnosed bipolar but have only had one major manic episode and a few milder hypo manic phases. A part of me would love to experience mania again because it was the only time I felt truly alive and spiritual. I could literally feel a higher connection to the universe. I identify with a lot...