Recent content by Bae Yeon Hee

  1. B

    BTS discussion thread

    Most of us founding members aren't active much anymore
  2. B

    BTS discussion thread

    Influence. Sole reason the elites created celebrities. The more influence they have the better. BP will promote agenda and propaganda. RM showed interest in Nietzsche, boom Army's now are too. Used Demian as inspiration for BS&T. Book flew off shelves smashing records. Demian is gnosticism...
  3. B

    BTS discussion thread

    Wrong, the Illuminati are luciferian. They follow the luciferian doctrine. Luciferian at the very depth of it is satanism.
  4. B

    BTS discussion thread

    Sacrifice info
  5. B

    BTS discussion thread Leaving this here. Check it out.
  6. B

    BTS discussion thread

    No not all will be offered the opportunity to do it, only those who the elite see as beneficial to their agenda and those desperate enough.
  7. B

    BTS discussion thread

    I used to be deep into occult practices, sacrifice is not speculation, it's required to reach those levels.
  8. B

    BTS discussion thread

    There will never be actual evidence but I guarantee it's in the numbers. It's always in the numbers and if not numbers, it's on satanic holiday/special days like soltices , blood moons, etc but I am willing to bet money even on those days, it's still in the numbers. Numbers mean everything to...
  9. B

    BTS discussion thread

    I changed for the better after I discovered BTS , in fact because of them I left luciferianism and became a Christian again.
  10. B

    BTS discussion thread

    True, only those from the 12 bloodlines can be illuminati, everyone else are puppets. Illuminati follows the luciferian doctrine which at first seems not so bad but once in deeper is. They actually believe anyone that worships Satan is bad though they worship the same thing, just as Lucifer the...
  11. B

    BTS discussion thread

    If you have the protection of God and Jesus blood you will be ok. Ritual performance magic and spell casting only works on those who are vulnerable. You know what's going on, are aware.
  12. B

    BTS discussion thread

    President Parks advisor was an occultist. Once Koreans discovered that, that's when they pushed for impeachment. She more than likely couldn't or didn't fulfill a requirement therefore lost protection of elites.
  13. B

    BTS discussion thread

    Do you get all your information from the internet. Half of the stuff that “they” (the “elite”) are planing to do isn’t even allowed to be talked about, let alone put on the internet. I think you should dive a little deeper before you try to “inform” other people... What the internet provides is...
  14. B

    BTS discussion thread

    When researching Sewol tragedy I went deep. I was on page 10+ in Google search. There were 3 staff members who stayed behind when others jumped ship to help students escape. They themselves went down with ferry. The surnames of the 3 women are Park, Kim & Jeon .. I know Park & Kim are extremely...
  15. B

    BTS discussion thread

    It doesn't cast spells or anything like that on audience, a lot more goes into performance spell casting and ritual magic.