Do You think the moon landing happened?

Mar 17, 2017
It's hard to see it as a real occurrence considering the fact that NASA and possibly Obama have both stated we cannot get past the Van Allen belts though we should have already done that 50 years ago. Coupled with them "losing" a lot of the documents that pertain to the landing and the questionable things that go on with NASA and the ISS (harnesses, bubbles etc...)and its at the very least questionable if it ever happened.

As for Russia it's simple. The world is a stage.


Oct 2, 2017


Jun 4, 2017
There is much evidence pointing to the fact that they did go to the moon. There is a study which has shown that the astronauts who went there had a much greater rate of heart disease mortality than the other astronauts, due to the high level of radiation that they have been subjected to.
Some of these men are still alive and octogenarians, at that. Those that are dead were also well into their 80s, with little exception. That is well beyond the typical life expectancy of American men. So the effects don't seem to have affected them that much.


Oct 2, 2017
Some of these men are still alive and octogenarians, at that. Those that are dead were also well into their 80s, with little exception. That is well beyond the typical life expectancy of American men. So the effects don't seem to have affected them that much.
I'll just quote the article on that:

"It’s important to note that according to the Review of NASA’s Longitudinal Study of Astronaut Health by the Institute of Medicine, astronauts have a significantly higher quality of life. Their incomes are relatively high, they are physically fit, and they have lifetime access to premium medical care. These factors should give them a substantially lower chance of cardiovascular-related illness compared to the similarly-aged general population. For the lunar astronauts, it didn’t, and it’s because of the unique environmental conditions they experienced."


Jun 4, 2017
I'll just quote the article on that:

"It’s important to note that according to the Review of NASA’s Longitudinal Study of Astronaut Health by the Institute of Medicine, astronauts have a significantly higher quality of life. Their incomes are relatively high, they are physically fit, and they have lifetime access to premium medical care. These factors should give them a substantially lower chance of cardiovascular-related illness compared to the similarly-aged general population. For the lunar astronauts, it didn’t, and it’s because of the unique environmental conditions they experienced."
That doesn't negate what I said.
Mar 30, 2017
I don’t think so. Bart Sibrel’s documentary called “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon” states the anomalies of the Apollo’s footage better than I ever could. The Van Allen belt issue is described in the beginning of the documentary. Considering it’s probably the most contentious issue in going to the moon, I’m making the broad assumption they've done what they can within the last ½ a century to try and come up with a feasible and reasonable theory. However, in the video that elsbet’s has posted, any sort of technology to go through the belt most likely didn’t exist in the late 60’s.

Bill Kaysing, who worked with Rocketdyne, a company involved in the Apollo program, has adamantly replied when asked if there is anything that would convince him that man has been to the moon “No, not one single thing!” The interview still might be on YT, not sure. As well, I remember reading the movie “Capricorn One” is said to be loosely based on Bill's notes and the Apollo missions. There’s also Gus Grissom who was so fed up with the feeble attempts of Apollo 1, that he hung a lemon inside the simulator to show his frustration. He died shortly after.

I think Aulisdoes a reasonable job at deconstructing of the photographs that were supposedly taken on the moon. It’s been a while since I’ve looked through all of them but some of Jack White’s comments had me in tears from laughing so hard such as “What do you need to go to the moon? Just some gold wrapping paper, masking tape, etc.” From what I understand, NASA has removed many of them.

Combined with Truthstream Media quoting a NASA astronaut, Don Pettit that they've destroyed the technology to go to the moon, which is why they haven’t gone back, I personally don’t see any compelling evidence that man has been to the moon. Although, I think it would be fascinating to find evidence to the contrary.
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Jan 9, 2018
I say yes b/c not only is there proof, but wouldn't you think the Russians would've figured it out by now? But anyways your thoughts....
I say no.

Because my paternal grandmother was alive during that time and told me it was a sham, and not to forget it.

It is just like how I tell my own kids who were too young/not born yet to always remember that people will dictate history but to remember that 9/11 was an inside job, no planes hit the twin towers & Building 7 imploded without anything touching it.


Jun 4, 2017
I say no.

Because my paternal grandmother was alive during that time and told me it was a sham, and not to forget it.

It is just like how I tell my own kids who were too young/not born yet to always remember that people will dictate history but to remember that 9/11 was an inside job, no planes hit the twin towers & Building 7 imploded without anything touching it.
I watched the 2nd plane hit on tv at work. That isn't to say they couldn't fake it then-- it's just strange. Surreal, really. :/
Apr 12, 2017
Yes, we went to the moon, BUT...

Nothing about the moon landing makes sense because of the fake footage, not to mention the reverse-engineered tech that was used which hardly anyone involved was aware of (highly compartmentalized for secrecy, "need-to-know" basis only)



Jun 4, 2017
Yes, we went to the moon, BUT...

Nothing about the moon landing makes sense because of the fake footage, not to mention the reverse-engineered tech that was used which hardly anyone involved was aware of (highly compartmentalized for secrecy, "need-to-know" basis only)

+1 for Stephen Greer.

Not because I *agree* with him (I don't), but he is seriously smart, and he is SO sincere it almost breaks my heart-- I don't think he hates anyone. Unlike the Bill Nyes of the world who are superpowered by their contempt for humanity.
Jan 9, 2018
I watched the 2nd plane hit on tv at work. That isn't to say they couldn't fake it then-- it's just strange. Surreal, really. :/
Yes, I actually believed the story at the time. I think we were in such shock that we didn’t realize how absurd the narrative & footage was.
Also, I wasn’t awake then so I didn’t question the legitimacy of the media.

Now, in hindsight I cannot believe we were so duped & betrayed.