p diddy,puff daddy


May 15, 2017
anyone who can sell a Child/ren into this evil for their own gains
,pleasure or kept their mouth shut and looked the other way
all deserve what they get,if they get anything
i just don't think they will,its a big enough distraction for those
who're still heavily asleep along with all the "wars,disasters,etc..)

lawyer for the Peoples suing has already mentioned some "elites"
are settling out of court,they won't be named,so basically saying
they're allowing some of the pedofiles to continue hiding and doing what
they do

they got cash,who cares about any future victims right,that shouldn't be
Peoples should be outraged by this and should demand the names anyways
We shouldn't be allowing these evils to buy their way out,to continue perpetuating
the same evils(We should be eradicating evil where We find it )

it was mentioned,the ones they've done atrocities to and than murdered
they will never come forward and most likely won't ever be Known

I Seen it mentioned in the comments about his "star island"(Im surprised
this isnt mentioned more)
Ya think its coincidental he owns an island cause I don't
all the top of the top "elites"seem to own one eh
how many are just like je's do Y'all think there is ?
I think every single one of them are exactly the same

there is only one solution for the sickness


May 12, 2023
anyone who can sell a Child/ren into this evil for their own gains
,pleasure or kept their mouth shut and looked the other way
all deserve what they get,if they get anything
i just don't think they will,its a big enough distraction for those
who're still heavily asleep along with all the "wars,disasters,etc..)

lawyer for the Peoples suing has already mentioned some "elites"
are settling out of court,they won't be named,so basically saying
they're allowing some of the pedofiles to continue hiding and doing what
they do

they got cash,who cares about any future victims right,that shouldn't be
Peoples should be outraged by this and should demand the names anyways
We shouldn't be allowing these evils to buy their way out,to continue perpetuating
the same evils(We should be eradicating evil where We find it )

it was mentioned,the ones they've done atrocities to and than murdered
they will never come forward and most likely won't ever be Known

I Seen it mentioned in the comments about his "star island"(Im surprised
this isnt mentioned more)
Ya think its coincidental he owns an island cause I don't
all the top of the top "elites"seem to own one eh
how many are just like je's do Y'all think there is ?
I think every single one of them are exactly the same

there is only one solution for the sickness
If you don't take the money you just end up like Isaac Kappy



May 15, 2017
unfortunately that's True
We need to demand that these so called "elites"not be allowed
to buy silence for atrocities they've done against Children/Peoples,
that they be held accountable for any of their actions or lack there of
,for any Child/ren harmed
at the very least they shouldnt be allowed to buy their way out of


May 15, 2017
I'm posting this here cause it's to do with didhe as well as the
whole system of what a "freakoff"really is code for and that's
satanic ritual
Peoples need to say that instead of the codeword tptb came up

Allyson L Carter is a survivor that I Believe a 100% and did from
the first time I Seen/Heard her
she tells of horrific atrocities that actually go one at these slautir
the things the Children have to endure is Soul breaking but Peoples
need to Hear it cause it's a sickening Truth in Our World
We need to change that,it time for all of Us to start demanding names

with je everyone Heard he abused and blackmailed with Children and
no one cared about anything but the names of the list instead of asking
questions that matter,where are the Children,who's supplying,who's buying

thats all that matters to me,the Children
Allyson is one of the lucky ones in the sense that she got out and
is alive,not that Your ever free of it but Ya get to try and thats more
than a lot of the Children
she herself says some were murdered in those places at them slautir
theres Children in those places right now as I type

We need to start demanding things,stop allowing these evils any way
out of accountability such as buying silence

why is it in a domestic case the victim can say no i dont want charges
laid and the police say oh sorry thats not Your choice but with tptb pedofiles
so long as they pay some cash,they can keep their secrets and stay outta
prison/court etc..

that isnt alright,it's completely unacceptable and We should be demanding
that regardless of what the survivors want even if they take cash that it's
not their decision

everything at every level of Our society has corruption and We have no clue if
that "settlement"wasn't a two choice no choice situation(no doubt it is)

Please watch and Share Allyson's Truth
the more who See/Hear it the quicker We can come together and ask the
important questions
it's time We took Our World back
RisenFromAshes is a great channel,they have the whole ALC playlist