p diddy,puff daddy


Nov 8, 2022
It doesn't work like that. We are already 2024, almost 2025. You know - a key year. Update your assumptions according to the current steps of the Plan.
Orange is already an anointed half-messiah (doubly saved by God). A one show catch of pedo-cabal will elevate him even more.
It all starts from the uncomfortable question: what do things look like from the point of view of the real ruling elite? Which people are most useful for them, for what they want, which people do they want for the future? Are those who gave up easily in 2020? (Between them and our friends, relatives, etc. And I want everyone to be happy and not to have sifting, but there are. I didn't do it, the elites were.) Which people are the most useful and productive, and, historically, built our modernity?
I want everyone to be equal and happy, but they - not, it doesn't work. There was a powerful sifting start 2020. Whose candidate, lieder and Hope is the king of the white hats (who "hunt down the pedo-cabals" and "judge them in secret tribunals")? Which people desire, dream and wait for a pedo-kabbalah hunt? Which people will worship even more the one who brought them this catch of justice (and it is also rumored that he is already doing it, "secretly, with the white hats in the shadows, of the tribunals")

Well, for these same people, for this same target group, is this. It is aimed at them.
(We are not before, we are almost 2025, and we are getting closer and closer to 2030. etc.)


Nov 8, 2022
This is developing, people. Each target group develops as a result of all these stories in which they live, all the thoughts and feelings that (inspired by the constant directed towards them) they feel are not just to divert attention while the Plan is going on. These things do something to people, and people form groups.

Don't be cynical and atheistic (although you may not believe in a particular god of a particular religion). Thoughts are real, feelings are real, consciousness is real and soul is real. These are the people; And they think, feel, experience what is happening around them, as well as stories, form ideas, hopes, a whole inner world and develop individually, after which they form collectives (and the common worlds of stories form cohesive collectives).

And also in the external world, things are developing. There was no plandemic and then there was. There used to be some dominant technologies, now there are others. There were some rules and now they want to change them (and are already changing them) with others. There were some conditions, and now there are others and the next ones are coming.

So these narratives are not in vain, just to "divert attention and divide people." They do nastier and more insidious things with this. Before, the stories turned out to be just a noise about nothing with no result, but now we are in the already advanced level of the plan (and during this time the stories and hopes that arouse in people have not been removed, but on the contrary, they have been strengthened; and the more difficult the external conditions become, the more people's hopes for the fulfillment of the stories grow) and some fulfillment of some of the stories can lead to delirium and a great unification of collectives, who dream of the stories.

It is not for nothing that operatives from the alternative media hold the fire and escalate the stories.
For example, you know, you've read, you've watched, you've come across super Q stories that Donald and the White Hats are supported by the "galactic federation" and the plan is progressing, they are fighting secretly to defeat the cabal, to defeat their evil system and to introduce a new system with wonderful technologies, quantum technologies, a "new quantum financial system", "miracle medical beds", etc. In this theory, Kabbalah suppresses these high technologies and keeps them to themselves (something like the movie Elysium, only secretly).

The same WEF story about the wonderful world after the fourth industrial revolution, only with a positive sign, the good fourth industrial revolution, with a human face, about the people, about the liberation of people, not about their enslavement (from the WEF, the UN, the Elites, the satanists, etc.).

And, look now: this story is being sold and bought at every conservative level. From the most Q-conservative audience, to the most anti-conspiracy theoretical conservative audience, where history is rationalized to the "development of technologies" that are not evil or good, but only who uses them and for what (which is the core of the story). There are no white hats fighting in the shadows, but rational traditionalists (of whom Donald is the face); Instead of evil cabal, there are liberal democrats and technocrats... But the essence of faith in Donald is the same.

The story of the battle between good and evil (in which good is the Trojan horse for bringing good people into the evil world). Putin - who in the Q-version secretly breaks the adrenochrome cabal, and in the rational anti-conspiracy version rightly opposes the Western banking proxy war of the Democrats - and Donald, the big deal (in the same way).

And, through the alt-media and the "rational anti-conspiracy, shiny and reasonable, reputable, anti-establishment" media and specialists, you play, release and release story after story about this struggle, keep the thread of the Great Narrative stretched (including the "fall of the pedo-cabal"). In this way, you prepare and build more and more minds of the conservative people (who form the collectives) to merge with the world in which you want to bring them.

Okay, just IMO. You (I mean each individually) think as you wish. :)


Nov 8, 2022
In this way, you prepare and build more and more minds of the conservative people (who form the collectives) to merge with the world in which you want to bring them.
However, here's the trick. The alt-media presents a future world of evil, in which we have a developed totalitarian high-tech dystopia. And this is the future world that Donald (and Putin, and other freedom fighters) is fighting against. Most people in the alt-sector, not to say almost all, they have agreed among themselves that this is the true image of evil and the real threat. I say that this is an artificial threat, deliberately created to cultivate, water and feed, and build the collective consciousness of people who oppose this threat and do not accept totalitarianism. If there is a big turnaround and someone somewhere or a union of someones interrupts this move towards totalitarianism and brings liberation, it will be powerful, you know? It's going to be kind of like the descent of a messiah (that's exactly the effect it will have on people, whether they're religious, believers, or atheist; it's just people who are oppressed and threatened, and they get an Exodus, you know, psychologically (i.e., souly) the effect is like a biblical Exodus, Salvation.)

And then the oppressed, conservative people will uncork, fly, sing and dance to the intoxicating melody of freedom. In the world of high technology since the fourth industrial revolution. Their children - 100 times more, and their grandchildren will not know another world. You know.

And here it is: concentrate on everything other than the technology itself. Talk about technology, do / and watch article after article, video after video, but not about the technology itself, but about its bad use by bad people. For 10 (or even 5) years younger than you, this is twice as acceptable, for 20/10 years younger - 4 times, for today's 10-year-olds in 10 years it will be just something from the natural world.
And then there are technologies that are developed by the bad people against them - counter-technologies for freedom, by the good, anti-establishment technologists. There is a CDBC and the answer is crypto. Everything digital. Digital is just the world of tomorrow (and even today), it itself is not bad, it is not wrong (it is not a sin).

In the model of the free world, productivity (and therefore what the elite want to use the fruits of this productivity for) seems to me to be not only much greater, but also on a completely different level. (And even more so if it comes after a famous reversal of biblical proportions in favor of the "good model of the world". A powerful supporting story, like an old testament tablet.)

This was today's digital sermon for the world after the Fourth Industrial Revolution, my children.

Continue for pedo puff daddy. (If I come across any news on the topic, I will immediately share).
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Nov 8, 2022
Look, from somewhere, from click to click, from a comment on some site, here is the hangout of the super giga mega Q. There, Donald and Putin with their legions of white hats smash the pedocabals to smithereens, smash them like cockroaches, fight them (and they are always one step away from the big victory, but it's not that simple, obstacles appear in front of the Plan and you have to make adjustments, act cleverly... wait a little and trust the plan)

If you open this site, if you just click, your hair will fall out in minutes and you will grow a white hat instead, your soul will fall into the bottomless Q-pit and you will dream of Pleiadians from the galactic federation. Don't do it!!


( :rolleyes: 1.4K COMMENTS ..until now. Two of them:
Lol did you guys see that Trump was hanging out with Zelenskyy at Trump Tower this morning? Trump was even saying nice things about him, like that they have a very good relationship!

That’s funny, I could have sworn that MB has written like 30 stories about how Zelenskyy is super evil and a p***phile and the White Hats are trying to capture and kill him but they could just never manage to get to him. Welp there he is, just chilling at Trump Tower♂

That’s right. As President Trump said in the second link, it is “very complicated.”

I believe Zelensky Is evil, my opinion, and not sure if that Is the original Zelensky. Would that be a stretch in our doubles, actors, and clone world?: no.

Just hearing they had a friendly talk doesn’t convince me of anything. Just hearing President Trump continually saying, “the war in Ukraine should never have happened”, doesn’t concern me much at all.

We know that Putin is removing the deep state’s Biolabs and adrenochrome factories/ child trafficking underground in that country so there isn’t too much that gets me off what I believe is happening, imo. Stay centered everyone. We are watching a very complicated strategic War. Things could get weirder; if they do, are we going to put away everything we have researched as truth bc of it? I know I’m not!
Put your trust in GOD our Creator.
..But you know it 100%, 80% of you know it, and 50% are probably regular users, between 20 and 30% are regular commentators there. I know it is, don't pretend. You Quanans! :D
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Nov 8, 2022
:rolleyes: You see that I strive to contribute as much as possible to the thread on the topic. Then don't tell that I'm a bad user, a nasty spammer, a fucking annoyance, gay and a reptile.


Nov 8, 2022





TUES. 1 OCT. 2024




WITH THE US FIAT DOLLAR COLLAPSE IMMINENT, THE QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM WAS ALREADY OPERATION with hidden QFS nodes integrated with Rafidain’s Blockchain to bypass Central Banks Worldwide. That put the final nail into the Cabal Deep State Elite’s financial coffin and buried them forever.

Though, there were Democrats and Global Elites who wouldn’t give up. On Mon. 23 Sept. 2024 during the casting of the 2024 election ballots, Democrats were caught breaking seals and taking memory cards off of voting machines. Meantime, Hillary Clinton (dead) was interviewed on TV by Rachel Maddow calling for Trump. Supporters to be thrown in prison for sharing what she classified as misinformation, while at the same time the Kamala Harris (dead) campaign admitted it conduted a massive online misinformation scheme with the help of Google. Google claimed a glitch in it’s system allowed the Harris campaign to run counterfeit headlines that appeared to originate from the AP and Reuters. To top it off Kamala was videotaped saying that she will end Free Speech, at around the same time a New York Democrat called for Trump supporters to be put in reeducation camps.

We’re sitting on the edge of a Global Blackout and Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Activation, where normal communication will cease for ten days. This is Operation Stormbreaker—the greatest sting operation ever. Military units have been mobilizing worldwide for a coordinated strike to destroy the Globalist Power Structure.

On Mon. 16 Sept. 2024, John F. Kennedy Jr. announced on his Telegram, “BLACKOUT: In one week everything will change. The channels everyone has been waiting for will go live with devastating information. We have it all.”

The Global Military Alliance holds all the cards. They’ve overtaken the Zionists and the elites controlling the world—those at the top are finished. The 13 Illuminati families, Vatican, Royal Families, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, Obama, Clintons—all under White Hat control. Even if clones or actors in masks parade around, Trump is in control. He’s not just leading America—he rules the world.

Just like Trump, President Kennedy knew about the CIA’s Child Sex Trafficking Rings and how the Deep State used them to blackmail politicians. This is why they assassinated Lincoln, tried to kill JFK, Trump, and others—because these Patriots were fighting to return taxpayer money to the people. That’s why the Q Movement is in full swing now.

Human trafficking and p***philia go to the highest levels—health, media, education, even governments. The CIA, with the Vatican, ran these operations and controlled the Cabal’s purse using US taxpayer-funded Black Budgets. But Trump put a stop to it all.

After his 2016 inauguration, Trump seized trillions from a 150-mile tunnel under the Vatican, along with evidence of satanic rituals and human trafficking. The Pope surrendered to Trump, and the truth was revealed.

By 2018, celebrities like 50 Cent were blowing the whistle on Hollywood’s Epstein, exposing the filth. The White Hats ensured these whistleblowers were protected. By 8 Sept. 2024, the Swiss National Bank was exposed as a laundering front for the Rothschilds, CIA, and Mossad, funneling billions for trafficking, bio-weapons research, and secret space ops.

Hillary Clinton? Long gone to GITMO. Her clone or actor might still be seen on TV, but she’s been dealt with. Even Pelosi, Kamala, and Biden—all were arrested, tried, and executed. Their replacements keep the illusion alive, but the truth is coming.

This bubble of deception will burst by 20 Nov. 2024 with the start of Nuremberg Trials 2.0. The world will see the depth of the crimes.

On Tues. 17 Sept. 2024, a new Covid strain “XEC” was announced, rapidly spreading across Europe. The Deep State is trying to stir panic again with Bird Flu in Colorado and Monkeypox in Singapore. Their attempts to create chaos are becoming obvious.

Do you feel like the fight has just begun? I do.

Julian Assange
(Call Sean Tabatabai to write an article.. Or, maybe the comments are variations on his well-researched and well-sourced articles. And Ben Fulford.)
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Jun 26, 2022
I wonder why singers like Keri Hilson ,Amerie etc didn't have a career anymore maybe they refused to go to those parties ..i remember that Hilson dissed Beyonce' In an interview .mmmh..


May 12, 2023
I wonder why singers like Keri Hilson ,Amerie etc didn't have a career anymore maybe they refused to go to those parties ..i remember that Hilson dissed Beyonce' In an interview .mmmh..
Almost certainly. Kobe Bryant went to his first Diddy party, then a month later he died in a helicopter crash. Was he making plans of going public on what goes on there? If they found out, it's not Diddy monitoring their movements or conversations. You have to have state powers to do that.


Jun 26, 2022
Almost certainly. Kobe Bryant went to his first Diddy party, then a month later he died in a helicopter crash. Was he making plans of going public on what goes on there? If they found out, it's not Diddy monitoring their movements or conversations. You have to have state powers to do that.
Bryant also die a few months before the pandemic start , maybe he want exposed something and they silenced him, i also forgot the singer Blu Cantrell, she also dated Jay Z (someone said he named his daughter Blu Ivy after her ) , she have a few hits and then disappear ..
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Aug 11, 2024
...all these disgusting explicit brutal pedo shit...it lowers your energy and it destroys your mood and soul...this is why I left this specific particular topic...
WHOA, As Vigilant Citizens it's our DUTY to keep exposing perverts and useless politicians and lefty rabble etc, it makes me feel good to put the boot into them..:)
Jesus said "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open" (Luke 8:17)
Apr 4, 2024

View attachment 111005
Dawkins is an interesting figure. For decades he went around saying that all we had to do was get rid of religion and the world would enter a new age of rationalism and enlightenment, and now the West is less religious than ever and all we've gotten is clown world. And it's come back to bite him in the rear as well. He even got some of his old awards revoked because he said transgender "women" aren't real women. I wonder if he has any regrets.
Jun 26, 2021
why did the industry suddenly let loose of this "secret" practices of this particular man?
and i haven't followed the case in details so maybe the answer was already given but if not who knows?: if diddy has power over all this army of people, who has power over diddy and who let him do this?


May 12, 2023
why did the industry suddenly let loose of this "secret" practices of this particular man?
and i haven't followed the case in details so maybe the answer was already given but if not who knows?: if diddy has power over all this army of people, who has power over diddy and who let him do this?
While it looks like he controls everybody from the outside, he's just the frontman. The powers that be (Worldwide Label CEOs)tap him on the shoulder and tell him whos next on the list and so he makes his move. A new position will open, and he'll be replaced, just like Epstein.

Or did you not notice Epsteins second in command was never charged?



Aug 11, 2024
Dawkins is an interesting figure. For decades he went around saying that all we had to do was get rid of religion and the world would enter a new age of rationalism and enlightenment, and now the West is less religious than ever and all we've gotten is clown world. And it's come back to bite him in the rear as well. He even got some of his old awards revoked because he said transgender "women" aren't real women. I wonder if he has any regrets.
Dawkins is one crazy mixed up clown..:)
For example he and his atheist chums once paid big money to a bus company to plaster their fleet of buses with these stickers, but it backfired because it suggested atheists were worried about something, maybe about hell..:)


And his quote below suggests he can't even begin to understand religion, so he attacks it out of spite..:)-


He even criticised God for "badly designing" the eye, but christian scientists easily debunked him..:)-
