Random Thoughts


Jun 28, 2020
Ever wonder how 20 million people have managed to climb to the top of every single ladder and gained influence over the entire world, over 8 billion others?

I do, the US's Jewish population is only 2%. Yet they dominate everything here.



Nov 8, 2022
Ever wonder how 20 million people have managed to climb to the top of every single ladder and gained influence over the entire world, over 8 billion others?

I do, the US's Jewish population is only 2%. Yet they dominate everything here.

View attachment 109363
Now you will see, in response, when I finish musk, what will dominate the palestinian thread.
Mar 30, 2017
Seen this on social media, thought it was interesting.

View attachment 109470
It is. I had a senior neighbour who had this, and we never knew what to expect with him on a daily basis because didn’t always take his medication. He would walk around with rolls of money due to the inheritance of his parents’ business. He would take taxis to Montreal to visit his family and every dog owner in the neighbourhood knew to stay clear of the guy because of his disdain for them.

He eventually got evicted because he was literally destroying the unit. Late at night, because he lived in the same row of apartment units I did, we could hear a constant banging at 1- 2amish in the morning. Turns out, he was chipping away at the kitchen cabinets. When he was served his notice, he wouldn’t leave his apartment so property management actually called someone from CAMH to assist him off the property. He still wasn’t having any of it, ran out of the apartment with his pj’s on and into traffic so they all stopped because they didn’t want him to get hit.

My neighbour told me she found out he eventually ended up living in a shelter still walking around with wads of cash in his pockets, looking very thin and disheveled. That was a few years ago so he must’ve passed away by now.
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Nov 8, 2022
It is. I had a senior neighbour who had this, and we never knew what to expect with him on a daily basis because didn’t always take his medication. He would walk around with rolls of money due to the inheritance of his parents’ business. He would take taxis to Montreal to visit his family and every dog owner in the neighbourhood knew to stay clear of the guy because of his disdain for them.

He eventually got evicted because he was literally destroying the unit. Late at night, because he lived in the same row of apartment units I did, we could hear a constant banging at 1- 2amish in the morning. Turns out, he was chipping away at the kitchen cabinets. When he was served his notice, he wouldn’t leave his apartment so property management actually called someone from CAMH to assist him off the property. He still wasn’t having any of it, ran out of the apartment with his pj’s on and into traffic so they all stopped because they didn’t want him to get hit.

My neighbour told me she found out he eventually ended up living in a shelter still walking around with wads of cash in his pockets, looking very thin and disheveled. That was a few years ago so he must’ve passed away by now.
This is an interesting story, but let's not forget what this thread is about. So: was your neighbor Ashkenazi???
Mar 30, 2017

The reason such a small group has gained and maintained global control is because they are backed by a power not of this world.

What's this say about those who defend them?
Hugo Talks had this title on one of his videos the other day, which was "They don't expose the darkness, they lead you to become it". It explains the current nature of these boards. As I've mentioned earlier, there are far too many who are still immersed in the matrix i.e. controlled opposition, and it makes for dull conversations.

Simple really, as there are only two directions an individual can move, either away from God or towards Him.


Dec 31, 2022
whats going on rn? is anyone finding people so bizzarre lately? they do the same actions often repeat certain words / "jokes" unfunny puns if u try to call someone out they have an adverse negative reaction to something they likely did wrong or theyll offload the blame to someone or something else without having a single strand of awareness of their own actions. then it seems that the media is repeating the same articles with slightly different information in them that they released some time ago or certain topics get littered about every social media site to no end about the same people or celebs from before or the same stories crop up. so when i try to find something new to read it doesnt feel like its new information. celebs keep dying early on in their lives so it seems pointless to get attached to them. youtubers and anyone else seems to generate a lot of fake bullshit for "entertainment purposes only" once again i dont even find what they did particularly entertaining and i mean the big named youtubers "influencers" that claim to be doing good stuff but really they were faking it for views.

is this really a mandela effect or is it part of the simulation? somethings feel so samey as well like everyone going cuckoo over an expensive brand or item that sells out so fast u cant find it anywhere online, when it isnt exactly that spectacular its only popular becaus everyone has it and no one has anything too different these days. all the modern buildings look the same cars have no character phones all function the same but have high price costs and everythings subscription like u cant just have one subscription for every general entertainment there is u cant go to a store and buy physical media because there is none other than second hand stores.

instead of actually makkng a difference all people seem to do is need to film a viral moment if u go to concerts or watch them online all anyones doing is filming and chanting the same words over and over instead of jamming out to the music or enjoying or connecting to the artist its all about capturing that one viral moment. if u try to include a different though its like u interrupt their general cpu and they deny anything to do with such a topic so it makes them seem boring or unable to accept anything other than what they want to believe in. we cant even "own" our own places these days due to high prices thus barely seeing people my age out and about as theyre either all shut ins (like myself) or theyre so rich they dont need to socialise with normal people. or people are too busy and bothered abojt what they upload online that u dont see anyone without a phone for a whole day, case point went to my great aunts house and my uncle complained about not having wifi to google something. i feel like unless anyones significantly popular then they dont really care genuinely for u so u have to be doing something significant just to receive such attention as in u cant get it normally.

i'll probably be told off for rambling (again) but theres no vent forum that isnt already shit to use and reddit bans people so once again feels like we cant point the obvious out cause people dont want to look at it any further. no one even questions why our dreams are so bizzarre either or what it even means half the time?